Who Is the Real Daughter: Miss Lin Takes No Nonsense After Her Rebirth

Chapter 770 - Chapter 770 Maintaining Order

Chapter 770 Maintaining Order

Chapter 770  Maintaining Order

“Students, this is the military training venue for freshmen, not a place for you to chase after celebrities. Please cooperate and evacuate immediately!” Hou Ning’s voice was cold and intimidating.

When the surrounding students saw this situation, they did not dare to provoke them, so they slowly dispersed.

Those people closed the other exit of the field and guarded the entrance of the field. As long as someone wanted to enter, they would look at their student IDs before letting them in.

Lin Yin looked indifferently at Lu Ming, who was standing with Hou Ning at the door. Then, she said with a faint smile, “Let’s go in.”

Wei Ji nodded.

Even though Lin Yin was wearing a mask and the same military camouflage uniform as the others, Lu Ming could recognize her at a glance.


After Lu Ming’s gentle gaze turned from Lin Yin to Wei Ji, Lu Ming’s gaze carried a hint of jealousy that even Lu Ming did not notice.

“Instructor Hou!” Lin Yin went forward and handed Hou Ning her student ID. Then, she said apologetically, “Sorry to trouble you with my brother and me today.”

After all, it was because of Mu Ran that Hou Ning had to bring people to maintain order on the field, so Lin Yin still politely expressed her gratitude to Hou Ning.

Even if Lin Yin didn’t choose him, he didn’t want her to choose Wei Ji.

The Wei Family was too complicated. He was afraid that one day, the harm Wei Ji had suffered would be transferred to Lin Yin.

At the thought that Lin Yin would one day be like Wei Ji and be schemed against by the Wei Family until she lost an arm or a leg or her life would be threatened, Lu Ming’s expression was abnormally gloomy.

Lin Yin walked towards her class and did not hear the discussions around her.

“She’s Lin Yin, Mu Ran’s sister, the eldest daughter of the Mu Corporation!”

“I really didn’t expect Lin Yin to have such a background! Do you still remember? Previously, someone said that Lin Yin was kept by several big bosses. Now, it seems like it’s all rumors! Does Lin Yin still need any big bosses to keep her? It’s more like she’s keeping someone else!”

“Don’t say that. Didn’t someone say that the way those big bosses gave Lin Yin gifts didn’t look like Lin Yin was being kept, but it was more like Lin Yin’s family was supporting her? Damn, this person is a prophet. They directly figured out the truth.”

“Now that you mention it, that seems to be the case! There were five people who gave gifts at the entrance that day. Lin Yin’s parents and three brothers, doesn’t that make five people? Therefore, Lin Yin isn’t being kept at all. Those so-called big bosses are clearly Lin Yin’s family.”

“That’s why I said that rumors are scary. How did a nice little girl become a kept mistress? These people who spread rumors are really disgusting.”

“I’m really envious. She has such a good family background, three outstanding brothers, and parents who love her. I don’t even dare to think about what a happy family she has!”

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