What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 814 - You're Still Here?


The first thing we saw when we stepped into the temple was a giant statue at the entrance. The statue was so big that it reached all the way to the ceiling and looked like it was looking down and judging everyone that was entering the temple.

All of us looked up at it and…

"Cheh… They got Aniue's cheekbones too high…" Tsuki sneered.

"Not only that, Master's nose isn't that sharp either," Lian Li added.

Manami tilted her head slightly with her finger on her chin, "Ara, ara? Master's fingers are longer and thinner than that too."

"And they got the size of Master's eyes wrong too," Diao Chan shook her head with a sigh.

"Un! Un! Also, Onii-sama's lips are wider than that!" Elaria huffed.

Kiyomi looked at the nuns in front of us with a mocking sigh, "Some religion they're running when they can't even get their God's looks right, hmm? I wonder who the inferior copycats are?"

I do want to point out that their religion technically started earlier than my disciples'... Oh wait, my disciples' are a fanclub, not a religion so it's two different things.

Phoebe and all the nuns following us turned to inspect me and realised that my disciples were right in the places they pointed out.

I was actually more surprised that they even managed to make something like this without me being there as a reference for them. Not to mention the fact that all their artwork of me must have been made before I was even born into this World.

Also… Doesn't this mean my disciples have been paying really close attention to my appearance than I thought they were? That's a little embarrassing…

Phoebe immediately turned to the other nuns to bark an order, "Heed my decree, take down every single artwork  that depicts our Founding God in the country and have them all reworked! Make sure that they get it right this time!"

The nuns bowed their heads and left without another word.

I'm quite surprised no one complained though, considering the amount of money they would need to actualize what she just ordered. Then again… They do have a lot of it so it's possible I guess?

Oh well, it's their country so I don't really care what they're doing with it.

Phoebe turned and bowed to me, "Please accept our deepest apologies God Lin. To think we had failed to capture your divine appearance properly all this time is truly a mistake on our part."

I shook my head, "It's fine. It's already quite impressive that you managed to make all of this without a reference in the first place.

"We are honoured by your praise, God Lin. Please, High Maiden Tatiana has been looking forward to meeting you for a long time."

She continued leading us deeper into the temple, passing through long, empty hallways devoid of anyone.

I felt the need to point that out, "Is this place usually this empty?"

"Aside from festivities where pilgrims would come to visit and pray, this place is supposed to be your home, God Lin. Not everyone can just step foot in such a sacred place whenever."

Umm… I don't remember calling this place my home but ok… I guess I should be glad I don't need to deal with a whole bunch of worshippers gawking at us while we walk through here.

We were guided to the very back of the temple where a set of grand marble doors with two braziers alit with flames on either side. The door itself was decorated with intricate carvings of what I can only assume to be representations of people praying to a god in the sky.

Phoebe stopped there and turned to us, "High Maiden Tatiana is waiting inside, God Lin. However, I can only allow our Founding God to pass these doors. We have a separate room where your… Companions… Can wait."

"Hell no!" Eris rejected the idea immediately. "How do we know if you won't do something weird to Master while we aren't looking?"

The woman in the nun outfit sighed, "I can assure you that we have too much respect for God Lin to do anything untoward our Founding God. So please rest assured that we will not make our God uncomfortable in any way."

"If that's the cae, then we should be able to stay near Master even when meeting this so-called maiden of yours," Lian Li pointed out.

"This is a sacred meeting between our High Maiden Tatiana and our Founding God, it is not something any uninvolved party should butt into. Please understand."

I raised my hand before my disciples could continue arguing, "It's fine. Just go take a break, I'll go see meet her and talk to her about our situation and I'll be out in a bit."

"Is Master sure about this?" Brendan asked, hiding the potion bottle he had been holding discreetly behind him.

I nodded, "I'll be fine. If they try to do something weird to you guys, just shout for me, ok? I'll come running to protect you all."

"Ehehe~ Since Master put it that way… I suppose we have no choice~" Lian Li giggled, trying to hide her blush behind her hands.

Cai Hong reached up her hands, "Papa, huggies?"

Awww, of course you can have huggies Cai Hong! Don't worry, I already changed the timeline so there's no idiots around to hurt you this time! If there is, I'll just change it again for you!

Phoebe gestured for them to follow her and brought them away, leaving me alone in front of the doors.

I reached up to push open the door, expecting the doors to be relatively heavy.

Unexpectedly, both of them slowly swung inwards by themselves with a loud groan the moment my hands touched the marble surface.

Interesting… They managed to register this door to recognise and open up for me… But how?

It's not like I have some of my Quark signatures lying around that they could just tap into or something.

Oh well, since the doors were open, I stepped past the threshold and entered the room.

Except that calling it a room was most probably the wrong term since the other side was a literal featureless, white space all around. The only thing inside it were the doors behind me, a pool of water in a far off corner and what looked like a hut with a small garden beside it in the centre.

Eh? Isn't that the hut that was used by the former tribe leader? What the hell is that doing here after all these years?

With nowhere else to go, I made my way towards the hut just as a woman stepped out of it.

She had long brown hair that was tied in a simple ponytail and had the figure of someone who was no stranger to field work. But under that muscle, the woman still managed to retain a sense of femininity in her movements. Or maybe it's just because she's also gifted in the chest and butt departments that gives off that sense.

I stopped in my tracks and that person gasped when she saw me.

"My Divine! My God! My Freedom! You are here!" She cried out, tears literally streaming down her cheeks.

She was the woman I had incited to overthrow that king's ancestor back then… The very same one who clubbed the tribe leader's face in with a stone axe.

Woman… It's been at least a few thousand years! Last I checked you were definitely not a Practitioner! How in the world are you still alive?!!

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