What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 807 - Everything Here Is About To Change


"I… am Origin."

The piece of moving flesh blinked at me in confusion, "What?"

Of course, I didn't expect him to know what my words meant so I was not surprised to see him give me that look. I'd be more surprised if he actually knows what Origin was.

I moved past him to stand by Cai Hong's side, though everyone was still frozen in time.

"So… You slapped my daughter in front of me, didn't you?"

His eyes darted to Cai Hong and then back to me, unsure of whether he should be telling the truth or not.

His pride won out so he puffed up his chest defiantly, "I did! So what?! You're just a little peasant with some special skills! We live in a proper society now! You can't just go around killing people!"

I smiled at him, "Really? Didn't I already kill you once? How about one more time?"

Before he could say anything, I slashed my arm in an arc, separating his head from his body.

I left him to die for a few moments before reverting him back to normal.

"So, I killed you again. Got a problem with that?"

He stared at me silently before suddenly breaking out into laughter, "Ahahaha! I admit you have some skills at least! But you still need to return me back to life don't you?! You can't afford to leave me dead!"

Is this guy for real? How are people like him still alive without someone killing him?

I sighed, "The only reason I'm not killing you is because that would have been too easy a fate for you. Did you forget? I said there's only one thing I want now and that is to make it such that you never slapped my dear Cai Hong in the first place."

"Hahaha! What can you do? I already did it! You can't undo it!"

Can't undo it? Well that's where you're wrong.

I said nothing and tapped my foot.

A circle of light flashed out from where my foot had tapped on the ground, changing the scenery around us.

We were no longer standing inside the palace but outside in a forest on top of a hill.

The idiot looked around him, "Where… Where did you take me?!"

"Hmm? We're still at the same location if that's what you're asking."

"Do you think I'm an idiot?! We're obviously somewhere else now!"

I smiled, "Oh but I'm not lying. I really did not move us to a different location. Perhaps you shouldn't be asking 'where' but 'when' instead."

"What… What do you mean?"

Instead of answering him, I gestured behind him.

He turned around right as a group of people came trudging up, all of them wearing plants tied together with vines as clothes with similarly improvised backpacks on their backs.

The idiot immediately ran towards them, "Hey! You there! All of you! I'll pay all of you good money to deal with that guy! I'm the King of Sun! You'll be handsomely rewarded, I guarantee it!"

The group of people showed no signs of hearing him and just continued walking.

I rolled my eyes, "Don't bother, I made it such that no one here can hear, see or touch us."

Either he didn't believe me or he didn't hear me since he continued running towards them, all the while shouting for help.

It was only when the lead person walked past him like he didn't see him did the idiot stop his incessant screaming. But even then, he tried to stop them physically only to have them pass through him like he was a ghost.

"Satisfied?" I asked.

He turned back to scowl at me, "What did you bring me here for?!"

I pointed to the man leading the group.

While everyone else wore simple leaves strung together on vines and were carrying luggage on their backs, he was the only one that was wearing animal skin and carrying a walking stick fashioned from a tree branch.

"Your ancestor," I explained, right as the man held up his hand that made the people behind him stop. "He would settle here and lay down the foundations of your capital city. His house would be built on top of this hill which would later make way for the palace that you currently live in."

He barked out some orders in a rough tongue not too dissimilar to our current, modern one and the people following him began to unpack, some of them beginning the process of cutting down trees.

I gestured to the people who were working, "These people were slaves your ancestor bought. Funny enough, your people had roots in the country of Dong. Or rather, where the country of Dong would be, which is now Beiyang. He was cast out from the village because he had become 'too rich' and influential which threatened the village. Thus he travelled here with his belongings to start a new village. Travellers would later come and settle here as well and he would find a ife from amongst the new settlers. The only reason he made it this far was because of these slaves who had been raised from young and thus, never thought about life aside from one of servitude."

Even now, while the slaves were working, the man leisurely sat around without a care in the world, looking especially pleased with himself.

I continued, "Over the generations, his family would learn how to trade and made it the most important aspect within the country. Money came into circulation and it became the thing that cemented your ancestors' power, thus your country's obsession with gold."

He scoffed at me, "Did you bring me here just to give me a history lesson using these memories?"

I chuckled, "I never said these were memories, did I? I said we came back in time."

"What? What do you mean? What are you going to do?"

I turned back and gave him my most innocent smile, "I told you just now didn't I? I'm going to make it such that you never slapped her in the first place."

Without waiting for a response, I walked off towards the forest where a lone woman was using a crude stone axe to chop at a tree.

Undoing the invisibility and intangibility on myself, I appeared in front of the woman as if out of thin air.

She gasped and fell on her haunches, surprised, but yet still curious.

"Hello," I greeted her in her tongue.

"Who you?" She asked, clutching the stone axe closer to her.

I smiled and reached out to touch her on her forehead before she could react, "I am your freedom. Heed my words. Resist against your captor and rise up as the new leader to make a country of your own."

Her eyes glazed over as my commandment took hold over her, reshaping her to carry out my words.

I made myself invisible and intangible again right as her eyes became clear once more, the woman blinking as though waking up from a dream. She looked around her curiously before looking down at the stone axe in her hand.

"Take a good look around you," I told the idiot who heard the entire exchange behind me.. "Because your future is about to change."

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