What Do You Mean My Cute Disciples Are Yanderes?

Chapter 1052 Helping Clean Up Before Leaving

Chapter 1052 Helping Clean Up Before Leaving

(Kiyomi POV)

The waste of space turned around to sneer at Master, "Oh, if it isn't the master himself. Why? Are you worried that your girls would be taken away from you?"

"I'm worried that my apprentices feel harassed by your presence alone. Our store is not open yet so do vacate the premises or I'll have to report you for trespassing."

"Ahahaha! You're just afraid since you'll never be half the man I am, aren't you? If you give me an hour with any of your girls in bed, they would have completely forgotten about you and would be begging for me instead!"

"And you are so sad and pathetic that this is your only notable feature in your life. You still need to force them into bed before you can even do anything."

The trash squared himself against Master and I was prepared to send him into the Abyss if he dared to do anything to Master.

"Saying a lot of words there master Lin. Do you even understand what will happen to you if I don't hold myself back?"

"I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in you. I'm flattered really, but not you."

A few of us snickered at the joke.


"Hmph, you can act tough now but you won't be laughing once your store is barred from the competition this year! We'll see who is the one laughing then!"

He turned around and stormed off in a huff, pushing past Master on the way out.

I should just kill him, no one would even know that it was me. I should, shouldn't I?

"Onii-sama!" Elaria squealed, running up to hug Master.

"Sorry for having all of you go through that," Master apologised while patting His little sister's head.

Elder sister giggled, "Ara, ara? No one faults the genius for being the subject of a trash's jealousy~ It is no fault of yours, Master~"

Master sighed, "Well, what did he do this time?"

"He had his government dog try to frame us for putting illegal substances in our food to both disqualify us from the competition and to also get his hands on our recipes at the same time. Truly a piece of trash," Brendan explained.

The rest of my sisters nodded in agreement and so did I.

I wonder what Master was planning to do with him? Maybe he would also just wipe him from existence for his impudence?

Master huffed, "How troublesome… I'm guessing he's going to come back later with another complaint about holding him in contempt?"

"That's right, Onii-sama! What are we going to do?"

I decided to throw my two cents in, "Perhaps Master should just erase him from existence? Such human trash does not deserve to live after all."

Everyone looked at me like I just suggested something that didn't make any sense.

"Well… Honestly I would like that to happen as well, Master," Lian Li commented, appearing from the doorway and dressed in a suit similar in design to Master's. "Wouldn't it be perfect if we could just make annoyances disappear?"

Master chuckled, "It would indeed. I don't suppose any of you have a number to contact a hitman of some kind? Ahahaha!"

Eris giggled, "Maybe we can try asking Tsuki, she always seems to have something whenever we need it!"

"Oh please don't, I know for sure that she would go and find one if we suggested it. Anyway, I'll go pull in some favours and delay their' inspection' until after the competition, then we'll change our menu items and let them have the fake recipes."

Ah… This is a Universe where no one has powers I see… Which means I'm the most powerful being in this Universe doesn't it?

… Even… Even stronger than Master?

Ehe… Ehehe… Ehehehehe~

Doesn't that mean… I can do anything I want to Master? It does, doesn't it?

I took slow deliberate steps towards Master, getting the attention of everyone around me.

I stopped in front of Master, reaching out both my hands to cup Him on the cheeks and pulled Him in in preparation for a kiss.

Everyone was too surprised by my actions to do anything.

But just as our lips were about to touch, I stopped.

Eh? This smell… This smell does not belong to Master.

No, it was more correct to say that this was not the Master I knew, it was simply a version of Master in another Universe.

I pulled back, "My apologies, Master, there was some dirt on your cheeks."

"Oh… Thank you, Kiyomi."

I could return Master to His real self now but… That bastard pissed me off quite a bit so I would very much like to at least smear his face on the ground before returning back to my Universe.

Once I have done that, I'll show Master those memories before returning back to my Universe.

I looked at Him, "Master… Would it matter if I were to do something about these pieces of trash that seem to have been causing problems for all of us?"

Master tilted His head at me, "Eh? Ummm… What do you have in mind?"

"It's simple. When they come back again, I'll just make them all disappear."

Master blinked at me.

Was I being too vague?

Oh no…

After I had come to the conclusion that this was not my version of Master, I had unconsciously started treating Him as someone else as well… I should not be showing this side of me to Master, otherwise He would know what we've been up to when he regains His memories…

I cleared my throat, "I may have gotten some information that could make them leave us alone for a very long time. In fact, it might even make them leave this place entirely."

"Eh? Really? What kind of information?"

"Forgive me, Master… But I cannot say. Just allow me a few minutes alone with them when they come here later."

Elaria frowned at me, "Sister Kiyomi… You're not actually thinking of offering…"

"Those pieces of trash do not deserve to even gaze upon my countenance, much less touch a single hair on my body. You need not worry, I am not offering my body for their cooperation."

Master seemed to think about my request for a moment before nodding His head, "You can make use of the meeting room at the back, it should be private enough for your needs."

I bowed, "Thank you Master. I will not let you down."

Right as I said that, the door was shoved open and several large sized brutes came barging in with the same self-proclaimed government idiot leading the group.

"Hahaha! It's too late to regret now you peasants! I got permission to dig up this entire place to search for evidence of your wrongdoings by any means necessary! You should have taken the chance I gave you earlier! Now you can say goodbye to your little store!!"

Ugh… Even hearing him talk is making my head hurt.

I had initially wanted to bring him into the room and kill him to get rid of him but now… Now I think I want to make him taste absolute despair first before finishing him off…

Maybe I'll break his limbs off first? Or do the classic of cutting his fingers off first?

Ah… Decisions, decisions…

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