Warning : Providence the Beauty is Driven to Villainy

Chapter 360 - Chapter 360: The Little Mermaid imprisoned in the castle (5)_1

Chapter 360: The Little Mermaid imprisoned in the castle (5)_1

Translator: 549690339

Seeing that they were about to come over, the mermaid quickly ran to the second floor of the ship. Then, she passed through the long corridor and went to the door of the innermost room. She pushed the door open and hid inside.


The entire movement was done in one go.

As soon as she hid inside, the mermaid fell to the ground. Her slender white legs hit the cold ground and immediately turned blue.

Fu Shang was in so much pain that he curled up into a ball.

She had walked in a hurry just now, so the pain was naturally doubled. Her white and tender toes felt as if they had been pierced by a sharp knife.

Fu Shang cursed system 677 in his heart again.

She only knew that Gou Tong had made her activate some kind of mission mode, and then she entered this f * eking world.

Fu Shang:      fragrant mouth

At this moment.

A clear female voice came from behind The Little Mermaid. It was like the sound of a harp, with a slight magnetism and more of a gorgeous and elegant sound.

“Who are you?”

The mermaid curled up on the ground slowly turned her head. Her beautiful long hair fell to the ground, and her beautiful and clear blue eyes were a little frightened, like a frightened little animal.

System 677, who was hiding in the origin space, replied, [ … ]

A drama queen!

He acted as if he was real.

Fu Shang raised her eyes and looked at the person who had arrived. She was stunned for a moment, then her eyes were filled with amazement.

It was a woman in a gorgeous Palace dress. She was tall and had a head of beautiful long curly hair that was as golden as the sun. The most beautiful part was her dark green eyes, which were as beautiful as gems.

Blonde hair, blue eyes.

A suffocating beauty.

She was like an ancient aristocrat in medieval Europe, her every move was elegant, a beautiful woman who walked out of an oil painting.

Seeing this beautiful girl staring at her without blinking, Florence looked at her indifferently, and then gently opened her tender red lips.

He repeated what he had just said.

“Who are you?”

Fu min wanted to answer but she was a mute now.

(4 >)

The Little Mermaid tried her best to stand up and held the wall with her little hands. Even when she stood up, she was still a head shorter than the woman in front of her. This made Fu Shang feel a little defeated.

The mermaid looked at Florence and pointed at her lips. She then shook her head, her beautiful blue eyes glistening with tears.

Florence squinted her beautiful eyes, and a gorgeous voice came out of her red lips, “you can’t speak?”

The other party nodded his head honestly.

She was just a little obedient.

She looked like a silly little fool.

The woman’s cold and Noble eyes quickly flashed with a smile.

At this moment.

There was a knock on the door.

It was the soldiers who had come to search.

The Little Mermaid was shocked. She rolled her blue eyes, and a thought flashed through her mind.

The young girl stumbled and pounced in Florence’s direction. She reached out and hugged the woman’s slender waist. Her slender body hid behind her, looking afraid.

Florence was speechless.

This was the first time in her life that the noble and elegant eldest Princess had met such an impudent person.

A soldier’s respectful voice rang out from outside.

Your Highness, we are here under Prince Carlos’s orders. Have you seen a blue-haired girl?”

Florence looked at The Little Mermaid’s Blue curly hair and understood. She then spoke indifferently, her words as precious as gold.

“No, I didn’t,”

The soldiers quickly retreated.

Only then did The Little Mermaid let go of Florence’s hand with a trembling body..

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