War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 987: Another Killing Formation

Chapter 987: Another Killing Formation

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Izumo Sect," Xuan Bei reminded.

In the northern desert, the three second-rate forces, Izumo Sect, Anicca Sect, and North Nether Sect, were undoubtedly at the highest position.

As a member of the many third-rate forces in the northern desert, although there was not a lot of interaction with the second-rate forces, the third-rate forces' people would still, to some extent, hear about some of the things going on in the second-rate forces.

"Lei Zhong? Izumo Sect?" The moment Xuan Bei reminded him, Zhang Yan finally pieced the puzzle together.

Within seconds, shock clouded his face, and his eyes narrowed as he muttered, "Don't tell me this Lei Zhong is that strongest powerhouse among the current younger generation in Izumo Sect?"

Immediately afterward, Zhang Yan looked at Duan Ling Tian, all he could feel was a chill that ran down his spine. "T-This Duan Ling Tian's strength has risen to what level now? He can even kill THE Lei Zhong from Izumo Sect?!"

He had long heard that Lei Zhong was the strongest person among the current young generation in Izumo Sect. According to rumors, Lei Zhong's cultivation base had already made a breakthrough to the Fourth Level Void Transformation, and he had even comprehended the Fourth Level Advance Fire Concept. He could also be considered as one of the very best young powerhouses in the entire northern desert.

It was far from what he himself could compare to!

However, right now, such a strong young powerhouse had just been killed by Duan Ling Tian!

For a moment, Zhang Yan could not help but be consumed with shock by Duan Ling Tian's strength. Apart from feeling shocked, he also broke out in cold sweat for him as well. "Duan Ling Tian really has balls! How dare he kill that Lei Zhong?! It's said that not only was Lei Zhong the most powerful person among the current young generation in Izumo Sect, he was also the direct disciple of the Martial Monarch powerhouse in Izumo Sect!"

Killing a Martial Monarch powerhouse's disciple in front of so many people, Zhang Yan could basically see what was going to happen to Duan Ling Tian in the future.

"Duan Ling Tian actually killed Lei Zhong, the strongest person among the current young generation in Izumo Sect?"

"Duan Ling Tian has already announced that he's leaving our Five Element Sect?"

Nangong Chen, Nangong Yi, Tan Huan, and Tian Zhen who had rushed to the Martial Emperor's secret treasure in succession were taken by surprise when they heard of the news from the other Five Element Sect's disciples.

Although Nangong Chen remained cold and aloof as usual, the dread that rose from the bottom of his heart could be seen in his eyes.

Duan Ling Tian, who was in the limelight, ignored the gazes from the other people and immediately returned to stand beside Feng Tian Wu. His face was solemn as he said through Voice Transmission, "Tian Wu, the power in your body doesn't seem to be very stable… Previously, when you tried to mobilize and display the Fire Profundity, I could clearly sense that it's not under your control at all."

"Apart from that, if you cast your Fire Profundity, it might also set off the energy of the Fire Spirit Body in your body prematurely and prompt it to erupt before the time is right. At that time, your life might be in jeopardy!" When he reached this part of the sentence, a hint of worry was apparent in Duan Ling Tian's eyes.

Feng Tian Wu was enveloped by a sense of warmth when she saw the concern in Duan Ling Tian. Her delicate face was flushed as she answered softly and obediently, "Big Brother Duan, don't you worry. I won't use my Fire Profundity unless it's necessary."

"Alright." When Duan Ling Tian heard her reply, he instantly felt relieved.

As long as Feng Tian Wu did not forcefully mobilize and cast her Fire Profundity, the Fire Spirit Body's energy in her body would not erupt.

In the meantime, Duan Ling Tian looked around and noticed that there were many familiar faces on the scene now, such as Zhang Yan, Nangong Chen, Nangong Yi, Tan Huan, Tian Zhen, and the other disciples of Five Element Sect, Empyrean Temple, Blade Sect, and also the Emotion Severing Sect.

"It's a pity that Chen Wei could not reach here alive." The moment Duan Ling Tian thought of Chen Wei, he could not help but let out a deep sigh.

"Looks like the show I put on earlier is somewhat effective, huh?!" When Duan Ling Tian cast a glance at the group of young powerhouses in his surroundings, he noticed the majority of the people had an intense hint of fear when they looked at him.

Even Xu Qing and Zuo Yue, the strongest people among the current young generation from North Nether Sect and Anicca Sect respectively, also had hints of dread in their eyes when they looked at him.

"Xuan Bei, you said earlier that you're interested in the Profundity Fragment in my hands, didn't you? Do you still want to try taking it away from me?" As though he was reminded by something, Duan Ling Tian looked toward Xuan Bei with a half-smile playing on his face.

The instance the words left his mouth, everyone present at the scene immediately shifted their attention to Xuan Bei.

The monk from the Empyrean Temple instantly became the center of attention.

"Haha… Bald donkey! I thought you wanted to snatch the Profundity Fragment from Duan Ling Tian earlier? Due to some interruption, you didn't get what you wish for. Now that nobody is interfering anymore, why don't you go ahead and snatch it from him now?" Recalling the scene earlier, Huang Daniu looked at Xuan Bei and burst out laughing with a ridiculing look on his face.

"What? Senior Brother wants to snatch the Profundity Fragment from Duan Ling Tian earlier?" The few Empyrean Temple's disciples, who were still alive to see the light of day, stood gazing at each other. All of them could see the shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

At this time, they only had one thought in their minds:

'Is Senior Brother Xuan Tian even sane?'

When Duan Ling Tian shifted his attention over to him, Xuan Bei immediately knew that thing was going to take a bad turn. After Duan Ling Tian repeated the words that Xuan Bei himself announced before this, the corner of his mouth could not help but twitch instantly.

What a joke!

Previously, he said such words because he thought his strength could overpower Duan Ling Tian. However, the moment he saw the strength that Duan Ling Tian displayed, he immediately dismissed his thoughts of dueling with Duan Ling Tian.

He did not want to invite trouble for himself!

"Duan Ling Tian, let us draw an end to the promise that we made with each other. I acknowledge that I'm no match for you!" Xuan Bei took a deep breath, he no longer cared about his pride or image. He had no regards for any shame now.

Duan Ling Tian stared intensely Xuan Bei even though he did not plan to push this matter any further.

Although he was not particularly fond of this little monk from the Empyrean Temple, he did not harbor any bad feelings toward him at all.

As for the words the other party said, he did not take it to heart at all.

If it was the other way around, and Xuan Bei was the one in his position with the Profundity Fragment in his hands, he would have said the same things as well if he was Xuan Bei.

After all, as long as one was a martial artist, one would definitely be interested in the Profundity Fragment.

"Duan Ling Tian, after you leave the Martial Emperor's secret treasure, run as far as you can go. Since you've announced that you're leaving the Five Element Sect in front of so many people, Izumo Sect would most likely not do anything to the Five Element Sect due to their pride, but you're a different story!" A concerned voice entered Duan Ling Tian's ears through Voice Transmission. "In order to avenge the two brothers, Lei Zhong and Lei Jun, Izumo Sect will definitely kill you at all cost! However, it's fortunate that the entrance that you entered is different from ours. Otherwise, you won't even get a chance to flee."

The owner of the Voice Transmission was none other than the Anicca Sect's disciple, Peng Bao.

Duan Ling Tian shifted his attention to Peng Bao who was staring at him with a look of concern. Warmth spread out from his heart immediately, and he responded with a smile, "Don't worry, I know what to do."

Just as he said, he knew what to do.

Since he dared to kill Lei Zhong, this meant that he had already prepared a way out for himself.

Leaving the Five Element Sect was merely the first step.

Naturally, the most important reason for him leaving the Five Element Sect was because he did not want to bring trouble to them due to his own matter.

He could leave this place by himself but not the Five Element Sect.

If Five Element Sect was annihilated by Izumo Sect because of him, he would not be able to feel at ease over it.

"Is this palace the one that was left behind by the Martial Emperor? The place where he passed away?" Without warning, somebody asked out loud.

Everyone's attention, including Duan Ling Tian, immediately shifted away from Xuan Bei and landed on the enormous palace one by one. Each of them was beaming brightly as they looked at it.

The reason they came all the way here was none other than this palace that was left behind by the Martial Emperor.

Casting aside the other treasures that were hidden in this palace, just the three Profundity Fragments in the remnant of the Martial Emperor's body alone was more than enough to make people go crazy over them.

One of them was a freaking Emperor Stage Profundity Fragment for goodness' sake!

"The sides of this palace are surrounded by dense Killing Formations! How are we going to go in?" Duan Ling Tian extended his Spiritual Energy out. As soon as it enveloped the palace, he immediately noticed the endless Killing Formations that were laid upon it.

These Killing Formations had a power that was not any weaker than the Killing Formation at Entrance No. 2.

"Profundity Fragment!"

Although Duan Ling Tian was cautious about it, a Blade Sect's disciple suddenly cried out in a deep voice and rushed out toward the palace in an attempt to be the first person to enter the palace.

As the saying went, 'The early bird gets the worm.'

Perhaps, in his opinion, the first person to enter the palace would have a greater chance of finding the Martial Emperor's body and obtaining the Profundity Fragment in his body.


The Blade Sect's disciple was extremely fast. Within seconds, he arrived before the palace and charged straight toward the palace entrance.

"Haha…" The Blade Sect's disciple laughed excitedly when he stood outside the palace. Like a bolt of lightning, he rushed forward to the entrance.

Upon seeing the Blade Sect's disciple making his move, the other young powerhouses from each sect was itching to make their moves as well.

However, what happened next immediately took them by horror and rooted them to the same spot.

As the Blade Sect's disciple flew out, before he even came close to the palace entrance, he was stopped by some invisible force that prevented him from going near it.


In the next second, under the watchful eyes of the others, the Blade Sect's disciple exploded mysteriously and transformed into a shower of blood and flesh that rained in front of the palace entrance. It was completely dazzling to the eyes.

Gasp! Gasp! Gasp! Gasp! Gasp!

Upon seeing this, all that could be heard at the scene was a series of loud gasps.

"It's an Inscription Formation!" Soon, people began to realize what was going on, and the looks they cast toward the enormous entrance changed instantly.

At this moment, the way they looked at the palace was no longer the look they used when they saw some treasure. Instead, it was like they were looking at a ferocious, vicious and horrifying monster as fear rose up from the bottom of their hearts.

"There's Killing Formations around the palace. How are we going to go in?" Many young powerhouses frowned and looked deeply troubled.

Although the treasure was just right before their eyes, the main problem was they did not know whether they could make it in alive.

Somebody analyzed and voiced out his opinion, "Since the Martial Emperor left the palace here and asked us to enter to take the three Profundity Fragments from his body, there's no reason for him to shut us off outside completely."

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