War Sovereign Soaring The Heavens

Chapter 1026: Uninvited Guests

Chapter 1026: Uninvited Guests

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Feng Tian Wu and Xiong Quan nodded in agreement to Duan Ling Tian's words.

They knew what Duan Ling Tian meant.

After they leave this place, nobody knew when they would be able to come back and look at the word 'Sword' on the wall to comprehend the Sword Dao.

Presently, they had all the time they needed to look at it so they had to force themselves to memorize the cryptic information they received from the word and slowly comprehend it after they left.

Once they comprehended the cryptic information, it would be equivalent to them comprehending the Sword Dao knowledge. It would result in a major elevation in their abilities.

"Memorize as much as we can… We'll try our best!" Duan Ling Tian said solemnly before he shifted his eyes to the wall nearby.

To be exact, his eyes were completely focused on the word 'Sword' on the wall.

Since they could not bring the word with them, the only thing they could do was to absorb as much information as they could from the word.

The cryptic information would be beneficial to them in the future!

When Feng Tian Wu saw Duan Ling Tian looking at the word on the wall like a man possessed, she did not delay and quickly looked at the word as well.

While Feng Tian Wu immersed herself in the word on the wall to absorb as much information as she could, Xiong Quan also made his move.

"I won't be a burden to Young Master!" Xiong Quan inhaled deeply before he looked at the word on the wall.

After he witnessed Duan Ling Tian's ability, he knew that he would only be relegated to insignificant tasks even if he stayed by his Young Master's side.

It was very unlikely he would be able to protect his Young Master like he used to do.

Now he only hoped he could raise his ability to protect himself so he would not be a burden to his Young Master.

Time passed by silently.


A month later, a light explosion reverberated in the canyon. Xiong Quan's dimmed eyes were more lively now. His body shook before he fell to the ground.

Xiong Quan was sweating profusely when he fell to the ground. He panted as he planted both his hands on the ground for support.

"I held on as long as I can, but I can't take it anymore… The information coming out of the word is just too much! My current Spiritual Energy only allows me to absorb this much information," Xiong Quan mumbled to himself after he caught his breath.

At the same time, he looked at the purple-clad young man and the red-clad lady who were standing side-by-side. He smirked. "Young Master and Miss Tian Wu are like Romeo and Juliet…"

The purple-clad young man was handsome and charming while the red-clad lady was a beauty who could make any man fall head over heels for her.

They were indeed a match made in heaven.

Xiong Quan did not leave even though he was the first to awaken.

Instead, he sat on the ground with his legs crossed and looked guardedly around him, especially the single-line sky entrance to the canyon. He wanted to prevent wild beasts from coming in.

Time flew by quickly, and another month had passed.

The red-clad lady finally woke up.

"Hmm?" Feng Tian Wu opened her eyes that looked livelier. She reacted quickly and managed to balance her wobbly body.

There was a faint layer of sweat on her beautiful face.

"Big Brother Duan's still comprehending the word?" Feng Tian Wu looked at Duan Ling Tian who was next to her. Her eyes gleamed when she noticed Duan Ling Tian was still not awake. "That's right… Big Brother Duan's Spiritual Energy is so much more powerful than mine."

The ability to take in the information from the word on the wall depended on one's Spiritual Energy.

Due to Xiong Quan's inability to cultivate, his Spiritual Energy had remained at the Seventh Level Void Prying Stage throughout the years.

Therefore, he was the first one who was repelled by the word on the wall.

Even if he looked at the word again, he could not immerse himself in the word since he had reached the limit of what his Spiritual Energy could take.

Unless he managed to digest and comprehend the cryptic information from the word, it was almost impossible for him to further benefit from the word.


Due to her Fire Spirit Body, Feng Tian Wu could not consume Spirit Fruit to cultivate since she had broken through to the Void Interpretation Stage.

As soon as she consumed a Spirit Fruit, her Fire Spirit Body would be driven by the force and might explode earlier than expected!

At that time, her beautiful soul would vanish from this world!

Due to that, her Spiritual Energy remained at the Fourth Level Void Interpretation like her cultivation base.

However, her Fourth Level Void Interpretation's Spiritual Energy was much more powerful than Xiong Quan.

Therefore, she managed to absorb the Sword Dao knowledge contained in the word a month more than Xiong Quan.

Meanwhile, Duan Ling Tian whose cultivation base was at the Sixth Level Void Transformation had the Seventh Level Void Transformation's Spiritual Energy.


It was within expectation that he would receive more Sword Dao knowledge from the word due to his Seventh Level Void Transformation's Spiritual Energy.

"Xiong Quan, how long… did I immerse myself in the word?" Feng Tian Wu asked curiously as she looked at Xiong Quan.

"Miss Tian Wu, I'm not entirely sure… But you only woke up a month after I did," Xiong Quan told her what he knew.

He was not entirely sure since he had no idea how long he was immersed in the word.

Feng Tian Wu nodded and shifted her focus to Duan Ling Tian. The fondness in her eyes was similar to flowing water that seemed capable of melting anything.

"I guess Big Brother Duan will be able to endure for another month or two," Feng Tian Wu speculated and came to that conclusion after comparing her Spiritual Energy to Xiong Quan.


Currently, Duan Ling Tian was like a baby suckling on his mother's breast as he greedily absorbed the cryptic information that was coming out of the word on the wall.

He had no idea how long had passed, but he did not put much thought into it.

He only had one thought - He would take in as much Sword Dao knowledge as he could that was within his Spiritual Energy's capability and carved them deep in his mind.

He would comprehend it when he had the time in the future!

As Feng Tian Wu and Xiong Quan patiently waited for Duan Ling Tian to awaken, four uninvited guests arrived at the Darkhan Dynasty,

'Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!'

Four silhouettes flew from the sky and landed in Darkhan Dynasty's capital. They flew so swiftly that it seemed as though they had appeared out of thin air.

Soon after, the four silhouettes appeared above the most luxurious building complex in the capital of Darkhan Dynasty.

It was the Imperial Palace in the capital of Darkhan Dynasty.

The Imperial Palace was where the Imperial Family, the ruler of the Darkhan Dynasty, resided.


Among the four silhouettes, one could faintly tell the leader was the strong old man. It was impossible to see through the old man's emotion, but there was a hint of coldness in his eyes.

An old man and two middle-aged men trailed after him respectfully as though they were his shadow.

"Show yourself, Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor!" One of the middle-aged men suddenly spoke with his Origin Energy. It spread out like an explosion in the air and swept through the entire Imperial Palace.


When the voice sounded, the entire Imperial Palace experienced a feeling similar to an explosion. It was as though thousands of waves were sweeping through the palace.

"Who's that?!"

"Who's so daring? How dare you provoke our Darkhan Dynasty's majesty!"

"You're seeking death!"

Many guards, eunuchs, and maids in the Imperial Palace were discussing among themselves. All of them were in agreement that the owner of the voice from above was seeking death.

In Darkhan Dynasty, the imperial family was the absolute ruler, nobody dared to provoke them!

That person was not only provoking the Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Family, he actually demanded the Emperor, the supreme ruler of the Imperial Family, to show himself.

"Unforgivable! You're intruding on the Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Family!" A deafening voice came from within the Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Palace.

Soon after, a middle-aged man in black armor led a squad of men in the same black armor and ascended to the sky. They arrived in the sky not long later and stared ferociously at the four uninvited guests.

"It's Commander Hong!"

"Hmph! The person managed to get our commander, the leader of the most powerful Black Armored Army in the Darkhan Dynasty's Imperial Family, to come out. It seems like that person is going to die soon."

"As the Black Armored Army's commander, Commander Hong's a Ninth Level Void Interpretation powerhouse!"

Discussions were going on within the Imperial Palace.


Almost everyone was staring unblinkingly up at the sky. The sun was shining brightly so they could only faintly see two groups of people standing across each other.

There were four of people in one group while the other group had over ten people. Apart from that one person standing in front, the others stood in a formation that surrounded the four individuals.

"I'll say it again… Get the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor to see me!" The expression of the middle-aged man who asked for the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor did not look too good since he did not see the Darkhan Dynasty's Emperor. He looked somberly at the strong middle-aged man in black armor.

He was an elder, a Ninth Void Transformation powerhouse, from the northern desert's second-rate force, Izumo Sect.

In his opinion, the master of Darkhan Dynasty should welcome him since he deigned to set foot in this rural place. However, the master was nowhere to be seen even after he took the initiative to ask for the master.

How could he not be angry?!

The expression of the strong middle-aged man changed dramatically when he heard what the middle-aged Izumo Sect elder said. He shouted and gave his order, "You humiliated our king again and again. You should die for your sin… Listen, Black Armored Army! Kill them!"

"Kill!!" When the order fell from his mouth, more than ten guards in black armor with a cold expression on their faces moved and charged at the Izumo Sect's elder one after another.

'Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!'

Sounds of explosion reverberated almost immediately. It spread through the sky and swept toward the ground.

Those who were watching in the palace heard the explosions.

"How… How's this possible?!"

"It can't be! It can't be!!"

"I must be dreaming! I must be dreaming!!"

The expressions of those who were watching changed drastically as fear filled their eyes.

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