VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1510: One Hundred Thousand Iron Cutter Cavalrymen

Chapter 1510: One Hundred Thousand Iron Cutter Cavalrymen

"He deleted his account… He actually deleted his account??"

Warsky gulped audibly before exclaiming in confused rage, "Is he insane?! The Heaven Suppressing Necklace, the Giant Spirit Sword and the Hidden Dragon Armor; all those godlike pieces of equipment gone just like that… Doesn’t he care about the money at all? Fuck!"

A grim-faced Candlelight Shadow watched the pile of dust Little Piglet had been reduced to for a moment before snorting. "I didn’t expect him to shoulder all the blame, but it was the act of a true man. If nothing else, his decision to delete his account is a respectable one!"

However, Blue Sky Scar turned his gaze on the remnants of Dark Mercenaries and growled, "Little Piglet may have deleted his account, but his accomplices are still around. Kill them all! Delete the scum of the China server from the face of this outer map!"



Before anyone could take action though, I descended on the ground in between Warsky Alliance and Dark Mercenaries and faced Candle Dragon. Then, I activated Heavenly River Transformation, channeled the Xuanyuan Slash and declared, "Enough! Hasn’t enough blood been spilled on this land already? Regardless of what had happened, these Dark Mercenaries players are still Chinese. You will have to step over my body if you wish to harm them!"

Blue Sky Scar swallowed before he criticized me, "You’re such a busybody, Lu Chen!"

Li Chengfeng and Gui Guzi chose this moment to jump down from their dragons’ backs and stand on my left and right side. They then pointed their weapons at Candle Dragon before retorting, "Is that a challenge to Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls? We don’t mind fighting a bit longer, you know. Worse comes to worst, we give our Blazing Hot Lips, Purple Lily, Peach Garden and the rest of our allies a call and fight you for a week! Trust me when I say we can afford to waste that time and effort!"

Candlelight Shadow said grimly, "Forget it. There is no longer any point in continuing this fight."

Blue Sky Scar urged, "Boss! We can’t let our brothers and sisters’ deaths be for nothing!"

"Enough!" A bit of frustration leaked into Candlelight Shadow’s voice.


It was at this moment a party of elite cavalrymen galloped over from the distant plains. They numbered around 5,000 players or so, and they all wore the emblem of Soul Battle Robes on their shoulders. The beautiful knightress leading them was none other than Song of Cloud and Water herself. After she dismounted, she looked at Song of Ice and Fire, God Bone, Ringwraith, and the rest of the former Soul Battle Robes players and said, "Nicely done! Now, it is time you return!"

Song of Cloud and Water nodded. "Yeah. Give us a moment!"

The next moment, all Soul Battle Robes players who had joined Dark Mercenaries withdrew themselves from the guild and returned to Soul Battle Robes. Not only that, a lot of Iron Cutter Cavalrymen joined Soul Battle Robes as well. That was surprising. In less than five minutes, all of Little Piglet’s former subordinates had become members of Soul Battle Robes.

Astonishment flashed across Candlelight Shadow’s eyes as he coughed to catch Song of Cloud and Water’s attention. "What is going on, sister? Why are you recruiting the elite Iron Cutter Cavalry of Dark Mercenaries?"

Song of Cloud and Water blinked once and answered honestly, "It’s very simple. Little Piglet wanted us to work for him, and in return for our service he promised to give us his 100k+ Iron Cutter Cavalrymen. It’s a very good deal, isn’t it? Heehee!"

Candlelight Shadow: "..."

Warsky uttered with realization and frustration, "Fuck! I was wondering why a man like Song of Ice and Fire would allow himself to be ordered around by Little Piglet. Shit! I should’ve realized sooner that Little Piglet would make a deal like this. He was a man who gave up everything to carry out his revenge, why wouldn’t he trade away the valuable Iron Cutter Cavalry if it would help him to achieve his goal?"

Li Chengfeng chuckled. "Interesting. The mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind!"

I smiled. "Well, Little Piglet once said that he would do anything to destroy Purgatory Mad Dragon and Lu Chao. He succeeded, so all is well…"

Candlelight Shadow didn’t say anything for a moment. Then, he abruptly unsheathed his sword and ordered, "Time to return to Candle Dragon City and plan out our next grinding session, Candle Dragon!"

Warsky nodded as well. "We shall withdraw as well. Dammit, I wonder what we’re going to do with this extra free time…"


I felt a bit sad as I watched the countless number of dead bodies on the ground. I hadn’t expected this war to end with Little Piglet and Shangguan Wan’er’s account deletion. It was honestly a shame. This is a guess, but Little Piglet’s equipment including the Heaven Suppressing Necklace was probably worth at least 300 million RMB in total. It was why Warsky was as shocked as he was. Still, it was the only way for Little Piglet to break free of his chains. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to justify himself to Shabby Castle of Northern Alliance.

"What are we going to do next?" He Yi asked smilingly.

I thought for a moment before replying, "We find a high-level map—preferably one with a boss or two—and grind, I suppose. I’ll also ask Yamete to travel to each main city and purchase as many Divine Crystals as he could at a cheap price. I will make you, Chengfeng, Little Gui, Beiming, Little Xin and more gods even if it costs a couple hundred million to do so. You’ve already noticed, but the difference between a divine player and a normal player is considerable."


Li Chengfeng nodded. "As for Little Gui and I, we’re going to PK each other later and drop a Level. Then, we’ll level back up to 255 and see if we can get lucky and trigger an ascension. We’re poor, so we can only ascend the plebian way…"

Me: "..."


On a related note, Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls and Soul Battle Robes had entered into an official alliance with each other. At first, Song of Ice and Fire didn’t have the best impression of me, but my choice to defend Little Piglet’s Dark Mercenaries from beginning until the end had moved him and the other Soul Battle Robes players enough to change their minds. Now, we didn’t need to fear retaliation from either Candle Dragon or Warsky Alliance anymore. For Soul Battle Robes, being able to ally themselves with the strongest guild in the world could only be a good thing. For us, being able to make a new powerful ally also increased our strength. After all, we weren’t so conceited as to think that we could fend off the united army of Candle Dragon and Warsky Alliance with just us and a couple allies.

After that, I grinded bosses at Firestone Cavern of Dragonbone Mountain Range with He Yi, Li Chengfeng, Gui Guzi, Du Thirteen, Lian Xin, Beiming Xue and more until it was nighttime. I landed the last hit on all the bosses, and my 139 Luck was kind enough to net me seven 100-Quality Divine Crystals in total. Everyone was envious as a matter of course.

During this time, Yamete and Xu Yang went to the main cities and successfully purchased over 40 Perfect Divine Crystals. Its price had jumped to 200k gold per piece, but it remained in great demand because of the power it promised. All the major guilds in the China server were collecting Divine Crystals to ascend their players, and even more people were losing levels on purpose in hopes of triggering a leveling ascension. It was why the IDs on the level ranking were hopping up and down like bunnies as of late.



After Lin Yixin sheathed the Wind Severing Sword, she said, "Alright, I think we should stop here. We’ll leave the 14 Divine Crystals we collected today with Sister Eve, and tomorrow we’ll grind more Divine Crystals. We won’t stop until she successfully ascends to become a god!"

I nodded. "Yeah. It’s time to log out. It’s pretty late already."


The two girls went to the inn and logged out of the game. I went to Xinran’s room at the Violet Empire and hovered outside the window. Xinran was sitting on her bed when she shot me a smile and asked, "Come in, big brother."

After I entered the room, I said, "You should summon the system fairy and log out, Xinran. Your real body may suffer otherwise."


I logged out only after Xinran had vanished.


I took off my gaming helmet and checked out the time. It was 8 pm and most definitely dinnertime.

We went out. Everyone including He Yi and Lin Yixin assembled at Xinran’s room.

I was pushing Xinran’s wheelchair when she suddenly pulled my hand and said, "I want to walk by myself, big brother…"

"Can you do it?" I asked.

She smiled. "I think so. My legs have regained some strength."


He Yi and I carefully supported Xinran with an arm each, placed her feet on the carpet and stood up. She looked like a baby who was just starting to learn how to work; legs shaking with exertion due to how weak she was right now.

Xinran managed to take two steps, but on her third she collapsed against my chest and let out a cute whine. I said, "Looks like you still have a ways to go. It’s fine though. If you practice everyday, you should be able to walk on your own very soon…"

Xinran nodded before complaining, "Mn. If only I could fly like in the other world…"

I chuckled. "That’s impossible. We’re not Ironman, you know?"[1]

He Yi: "..."


Speaking of which, Xu Ning and a couple Eternal Moon employees had been waiting for us outside Xinran’s room. He asked, "You guys have been playing for quite a while."

I nodded. "Yeah. Everyone’s busy getting their ninth class promotions and ascensions, and I have my own business to take care of as well. Sorry to keep you waiting."

Xu Ning smiled. "It’s no trouble. Dinner has already been prepared, so let’s head over and fill our tummies right now. By the way, Xinran can eat something other than porridge now, so I’ve added some bread and other easily digestible stuff into her diet."

"Got it."

Xinran begged, "I want to eat meat, big brother. Both you and Sister Lin Yixin looked so happy when you were eating meat…"

Xu Ning let out a laugh before lowering himself to Xinran’s eye level. "Don’t worry, big miss. Your digestive system will get used to the food in at most another week. You’ll be able to eat all the meat you want then. Your big brother is a rich man, so he can treat you to meat everyday if you like…"

Xinran looked at me excitedly. "Can I, big brother?"

I chuckled. "Of course…"


It was 9 pm after we’ve eaten dinner. It was too early for bed, but Xinran’s expression betrayed a hint of fatigue.

Lin Yixin looked at me with those beautiful, confessional eyes and said, "So, Sister Eve will be keeping you company tonight…"

I said, "Yeah. This will be the last night I sleep together with Xinran as well."

Xinran’s eyes widened. "But why, big brother? Don’t you like Xinran anymore?"


I crouched on my knees before grasping Xinran’s hand. "It’s because we are siblings, Xinran. You are a grown-up now. One day, you’ll find another boy whom you love from the bottom of your heart and marry him. Big brother will always protect Xinran, but it is one thing to protect you and another to treat you like I own you. Do you get what I’m saying?"

Xinran blinked. "I don’t really understand, but… big brother will leave Xinran if I ask you to stay with me, won’t you?"

I didn’t know how to answer. "It’s… not really like that. Anyway, you’ll understand eventually…"

Xinran: "..."

I rose back to my feet and said to Lin Yixin, "Can you buy a couple of female romance webnovels on 17k and show them to Xinran later? You may have noticed, but I have no idea how to teach her these things…" [2]

Lin Yixin giggled. "Fine…"

1. T/N: says the super zombie ☜

2. T/N: Lost Leaf advertising for 17k LOL ☜

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