VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1425: Seven-string Yaoqin

Chapter 1425: Seven-string Yaoqin

Clack clack clack…

Several dice rolled across the ground until they came to a complete stop. This time, everyone was holding their breaths in anticipation. Not only did the Sky Crystal Helmet boost all 4 basic attributes, its Outstanding Property nullified 18% of all damage received and converted half of that into HP. Both damage mitigation and HP absorb were already excellent traits in their own right, and to have them both was even better. It wasn’t the first time I had seen an equipment with both traits, but the damage mitigation was at most 10%, and the HP conversion 2% or 3% only. They were nothing compared to the Sky Crystal Helmet.

Suffice it to say, the Sky Crystal Helmet was the kind of godlike piece of equipment that made even long-time CGL Hall of Famers like Lin Yixin, Li Chengfeng, Gui Guzi and Eve forget all their modesty. Who cares about face when you can have a godlike helmet instead? Modesty? How do you even write that word?

The scores were revealed, and the winner was—

Lin Yixin: 79

He Yi: 84

Gui Guzi: 1

Li Chengfeng: 100

Obviously, Li Chengfeng was the proud winner of one Sky Crystal Helmet. Although Lin Yixin and He Yi rolled pretty high themselves, they wouldn’t be getting anything this time. As for Gui Guzi… Do I even say anything about the shameful bastard who rolled the lowest score possible for an item this good? Yeah, let’s not.


I tossed the Sky Crystal Helmet into Li Chengfeng’s hands with a chuckle. "May you have today's glory forever!"

Li Chengfeng put on his new helmet—or at least he tried to. "The fuck? Why does it feel like it’s too small?"

I shot him a glance. "That’s because your head is too big!"

"So? Big heads are often associated with upright characters and righteous personalities!"

"Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re just talking out of your ass…"

While Li Chengfeng continued to struggle with the Sky Crystal Helmet, I carried the traditional yaoqin in my hand and immediately felt a cool, refreshing sensation seeping into my palm. That was all I needed to feel to know that this was no ordinary weapon. In fact, while I was carrying the yaoqin, both my Chill of the Nine Provinces and Gui Guzi’s Ghostblade Halberd let out a faint metallic hum.

I frowned. "What’s going on?"

Gui Guzi’s eyes widened in realization. "Could it be?"

Lin Yixin glanced back and forth between the two of us before saying, "It’s resonating with weapons of the Twelve Divine Armaments. That can only mean that this Seven-string Yaoqin… is also one of them, right?"

I brought up its stats screen as a hologram, and everyone’s jaws hit the floor at once. It really was one of the Twelve Divine Armaments! This was easily our biggest reward for this trip!!!

Seven-string Yaoqin (Twelve Divine Armaments, Outstanding★★★★★★★★★) [1]

Magic Attack: 12,700~16,500

Intelligence: +2,950

Stamina: +2,700

Strength: +2,650

Agility: +2,400

Tactics: +255

Passive: Increases user’s Magic Attack by 240%

Passive: Increases user's max HP by 500,000

Passive: Every time a heal is cast, heal 40,000 more HP

Slots: 18

Outstanding Property: Immortal Fate. The effectiveness of the user’s buffs is increased by 200%

Ancient: Seven-String Blade. Unleash a sharp blade created from seven strings to slice up all enemies within a 100-yard area, dealing massive damage and immobilizing them for 5 seconds.

Property: Proficiency. Level Requirement is lowered by 10[2]

Property: Evolvable

Introduction: Seven-string Yaoqin. One of the Twelve Divine Armaments. During the ancient times, the devils invaded the heavens and fought a great war against the gods for over a century, disrupting the natural order fell into chaos and causing Heaven Domain to be embroiled into turmoil. The daughter of the God King was left behind in the Heaven Domain to protect it, and every day she would pray for her peers’ safety beside the Yao Pond. However, the Heaven Domain was ultimately defeated, and countless ancient devils started massacring everyone in the heavens. She committed suicide by jumping into the Well of Gods and Devils after having lost all hope. Countless years later, her divine will gave birth to an extraordinary divine arm known as the Seven-string Yaoqin. It is said that the owner of the Seven-string Yaoqin can play music so touching that even the gods and devils themselves can’t help but weep over it. (Author’s Note: God damn, I’m such an amazing bullshitter…)

Level Requirement: 240

Reputation Requirement: 2200000

Class Requirement: Bard, Tactician, Mage



Gui Guzi sucked in a deep breath before continuing, "Not only did we drop one of the Twelve Divine Armaments, this one is absolutely amazing…"

Li Chengfeng clenched his fists and declared, "According to my knowledge, Pure Love’s buffs can increase her target’s Attack, Defense and HP by 80% now. Immortal Fate increases the effectiveness of her buffs by 200%, so that’s 240% to all affected stats… how OP is that?" [3]

I grinned from ear to ear. "I'm so happy that Beauty Guanyue is my personal bard…"

Lin Yixin asked, "How are you planning to distribute this? Are you going to just give it to Guanyue?"

"Well, no. That wouldn’t be fair to the other bards." I shook my head. "However, the Seven-string Yaoqin is one of the Twelve Divine Armaments, so it costs a ton of guild contribution points to exchange—450k to be exact. No bard in our guild actually has that many guild contribution points, so we have to choose the player with the closest amount to receive it instead. It so happens that Guanyue is that person with a total guild contribution of 440k points. She is my personal bard after all, so she gets a share of my contribution points for every mob I kill. The second-best bard only has 210k guild contribution points, so…"

Lin Yixin shrugged. "Sounds fair. Man, your personal bard is one lucky woman…"

I let out a laugh before beckoning Guanyue over. "Come, Pure Love!"

Beauty Pure Love knew exactly what was going to happen, and she could hardly contain her excitement as a result. "Really? Are you sure?"

"Of course. Why would we lie to you about this?" I chuckled. "We will have to deduct all of your guild contribution points though."

"It’s fine!"

"Very well!"

After I passed the Seven-string Yaoqin to Pure Love, I deducted all of her guild contribution points before whispering to Li Chengfeng, "Countless people will be gunning for her new Divine Armament, so I want you to choose 100 of our best mages, archers and Dragonlight Cavalrymen and have them protect Pure Love at all times. Also, see if you can get her a piece of equipment with at least 12 seconds of invincibility. She… still won’t be perfectly safe, but it’s better than nothing…"

Li Chengfeng nodded. "It will be done!"

After that, I looked at Pure Love and asked her, "Equip your yaoqin and refresh my buffs, will you? Let’s see how good it really is!"



Swhoosh swhoosh swhoosh…

Multicolored light surrounded me as Pure Love refreshed all the buffs on my person. My body shook a little from the new injection of power, and when I checked my stat screen I was very pleased with what I saw—

Level: 247

HP: 6,464,824

Attack: 39,750~45,570

Defense: 104,865

Magic Resist: 96,920

Reputation: 422,5400

Tactics: 2,320

Luck: 124


My max HP was looking very impressive. My base HP was only a little over 1.1 million, but it was boosted by 80% by my card, 150% by Purple Dragon, and 240% by Pure Love. This meant that my max HP was boosted by 579% [4] or nearly 6 times in total, which put me over 6.4 million max HP. Since my effective Defense was approaching a million as well, I should be able to tank a couple of hits from even the Purgatory Ruler, Lin Na himself if we had to fight him in this March of Chaos event, right?

I raised my head and puffed up my chest. I felt like I could go anywhere with my current stats.

Then, Lin Yixin grabbed my arm and pulled me back down the earth. "Hello? You can bask in your brilliance after you’ve shown us the last two pieces of equipment…"


I stood still and pulled out the animalistic ring with golden light surrounding it. Its stats were pretty good—

Beast Spirit Ring (Lower Divine Armament, Outstanding★★★★★★): Increases user's Attack by 70%. When attacking, 1% chance to trigger the Beast Spirit effect and double the user’s critical hit rate. Level Requirement: 240.

Everyone rolled the dice, and once again, Li was the one who got the item.

The fifth piece of equipment was a sea-blue colored scepter with dazzling light running across its surface. Its appearance alone told us that it was a class or ten above Immortal-grade—not that a Purgatory Sovereign would ever drop something that poor at this stage of the game. I waved my hand across it and brought up its stat screen. It immediately revealed itself as the best item a priest could lay their hands on right now—

Spirit Gathering Scepter (Middle Divine Armament, Outstanding★★★★★★★)

Magic Attack: 12,000~15,500

Intelligence: +2,750

Stamina: +2,500

Strength: +2,450

Agility: +2,300

Tactics: +211

Passive: Increases user's healing effectiveness by 175%

Passive: Increases user's max HP by 200,000

Passive: Increases user’s Magic Attack by 100%

Slots: 17

Outstanding Property: Spirit Gathering. User’s healing critical rate is increased by 17%. Moreover, when critical healing is triggered, healing effectiveness is increased to 300%

Property: Proficiency. Level Requirement is lowered by 10

Level Requirement: 235

Reputation Requirement: 1900000

Class Requirement: Bard, Tactician, Mage, Priest


While clutching the Spirit Gathering Scepter, I said, "This is a Middle Divine Armament for priests, and you can see for yourself how amazing its healing effectiveness is. So… the Top 10 priests with effective HPS against Coldblade, please step forward…"

However, He Yi said, "Don’t you know? Mingyue and Moon Dew are the only ones who had effective HPS. Everyone else did not pass the bar[5]."

I curled my lips. "I see. Well, please roll for the equipment then, sis, Beauty Moon Dew…"

However, Murong Mingyue sent me a private message saying, "Aiyo, we’ve been together since forever, haven’t we? I always fed you before anyone else, didn’t I? Just give me the itemdirectly, dear. I’m sure you can pull it off without triggering anyone’s suspicion…"

I pursed my lips. "Come now, sis. You’re not even pretending to be fair now…"

Murong Mingyue giggled a couple of meters away from me. "And what’s so unfair about it? Or is this your way to ask for some incentives? How about… I head over to your room and sleep with you tonight?"

While saying this, she casually pulled back her hair and "unintentionally" caused her breasts to bounce a little. The resulting motion caused every male player within the vicinity to gulp at once. Truly, the world was lucky that sis wasn’t a real demoness or born in an older time. She could literally ruin a country if she wanted to.

Thankfully, I managed to resist her charms and said, "Yeah, how about no. Now stop stalling and roll the dice already. Also, have some confidence in yourself. I don’t know what you’re afraid of when two of Moon Dew’s are still smaller than one of yours…"

For once, I was the one who one-shot Murong Mingyue.


The roll began and ended in no time, and the victor was—

Moon Dew: 17

Murong Mingyue: 91

What did I say? Murong Mingyue won the dice roll handily!

I passed the Spirit Gathering Scepter to Murong Mingyue and said, "Well, this is the best outcome. The better sis’ healing prowess is, the longer we can live in this world…"

Murong Mingyue was too busy caressing her new baby to hear what I said though. Friendship my ass, I bet she didn’t even recognize me right now.


Besides the five pieces of equipment, Coldblade also dropped some high-rank gems, magic stones and two skill books. The first skill book was Iron Wall IX that could increase Defense by a maximum of 250%. It was a pretty good choice—obviously still not as good as Purple Dragon—if you were in a situation where you needed Defense above all else. The second skill book was called "Luo Water", and it was an ice-type magic skill. The Iron Wall X went to one of our tacticians, and Luo Water went to Beauty Yu Tong. We also rolled for the magic stones and gems. It was the fairest way of doing things.

It was past midnight when we finally wrapped up our business and called it a night. Karinshan was commanding her army and marching toward Sainthelm Ruins already, but over 90% of the players had logged out of the game to take a rest. The battle of Crossroads Valley Fortress had taken 15 hours to finish, and everyone was as tired as a dog at this point. We were still going to Sainthelm Ruins as a matter of course, but that was a challenge for another day.


I held Xinran’s hand and toured the ruins of the fortress for a bit. "Xinran, big brother is going away to catch some rest now…"

Xinran looked at me with her huge, beautiful eyes. "Where are you going, big brother? You always leave every once in a while…"

I replied smilingly, "It’s another world…"

"Can Xinran go there?"

"I don’t know, Xinran. Be a good girl, okay?"


1. T/N: (Lyre piano)... Yeaaaaaaaaaaaah we’re not following the author’s translation for this one ☜

2. E/N: God I hate this Effect so much. It’s always almost exactly what a player needs it to be. Watch it conveniently be perfect for Pure Love ☜

3. T/N: it’s too bad Purple Dragon has a cap, or this item 100% would’ve gone to him instead ☜

4. T/N: plus a base of 100% HP ☜

5. E/N: …….. what? Priests didn’t have anything to heal? Damage I can understand, most people did literally 0 damage, or didn’t even try to tank. But you want to tell me there were only two priests that were throwing heals during this ENTIRE FREAKING FIGHT? ☜

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