VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1325: Fighting Spirit’s Hardcore Tastes

Chapter 1325: Fighting Spirit’s Hardcore Tastes

Translator: alyschu

Smoke rose from every corner of Gold City.


Thousand Ice Slash killed both Purgatory Mad Dragon and Warsky Alliance’s players. Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls’ forces were 170k elites strong, and our enemies were dwindling rapidly. I was now certain that we would win even if Warsky Alliance and Purgatory Mad Dragon decided to team up against us, which would never happen because Wang Dongliang was completely blinded by the fact that the City Lord Token of Gold City was currently in Warsky’s hands. He would never come to his senses and attack us before it was too late.

A ring of ice surrounded my feet, and the Chill of the Nine Provinces glowed with power again. This time, all enemy players within 100 yards of me were turned into ice sculptures. The Dragonlight Cavalry crushed both ice and frozen flesh into bits and sent them away in a flash of white light.

Further back, Gui Guzi and Li Chengfeng were attacking from the sky and commanding our players against the 100k-strong Mad Dragon party who was trying to reinforce their main force. Normally this would be cause for considerable worry, but this was Mad Dragon we were talking about. They were as weak as Li Chengfeng and Gui Guzi were strong. It was only a matter of time before the dragon knights killed them all with their vastly superior Defense, Attack and HP.


Time continued trickling forward, and Purgatory Mad Dragon’s men grew lesser and lesser. Finally, an ashen-faced Wang Dongliang noticed the terrible possibility and ordered, "Increase the intensity of the assault! We’re running out of time! We must break through Warsky Alliance’s defense line in ten minutes tops!"

Profound Puff replied while casting a healing spell, "Speaking of which, we’re running out of men too!"

Wang Dongliang: "…"

It was at this moment a cackling Warsky launched a counterattack with a group of elite Cyanscale Cavalry, "Who the fuck do you think you are, Pillar of the Nation? You think you can reign as the king just by dumping a couple hundred million RMB into this game? Dream on! Heavenblessed is a world where might rules all, and a tycoon with no power is just food for the power-hungry! Accept your defeat and die!"


The Immortality Blade struck Wang Dongliang’s chest and sent him stumbling to the back. Giving the guild leader no time to react at all, Warsky shattered Wang Dongliang’s parry and cut him across his shoulder with a devastating Cyan Tiger Shatter—


It was a critical hit. Wang Dongliang wasn’t lucky today.


Warsky’s eyes was murderous and bloodshot. After being forced back by Purgatory Mad Dragon and having to defend the city for eight hours straight, Warsky was finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. He unleashed Molten Fury Slash that deleted Wang Dongliang’s final sliver of HP.

"Just you wait!"

Wang Dongliang snarled savagely before his body turned limp. In the end, the scheming guild leader of Purgatory Mad Dragon couldn’t prevent Warsky from running him over. Just like Warsky said earlier, a tycoon with no power was just food for the mighty in this game.


A crystalline metal armor dropped to the ground, and Warsky couldn’t stop from smirking when he picked it up and read its stats. "Hmph! Level 195 Ancient Immortal-grade equipment? Thank you so much, Pillar of the Nation! It was a complete waste on your person anyway!"


"That despicable sonuvabitch dropped the guild leader’s Reverse Dragon Armor! Kill him and take back that armor now!"

A furious-looking Little Piglet launched a counterattack with a group of Purgatory Mad Dragon players. The man was very skilled and buffed by Strength of Divine Arms. He exchanged four blows with Warsky, and every time he was able to win the exchange and knock the man back. He was able to delete almost 50% of Warsky’s HP. Luckily, the Immortal Blade had insane HP recovery speed and it wouldn’t be easy for Little Piglet to one-shot him.

"Cyanscale Cavalry, take out Little Piglet! Archers and mages, work with them!" Warsky ordered casually.

The next moment, a thick storm of arrows and God Devil Break exploded among Purgatory Mad Dragon’s players. The death of Wang Dongliang already demoralized the troops, and Warsky Alliance’s powerful counterattack only made things worse. Those who somehow survived the barrage didn’t hesitate to withdraw.

Chiang chiang chiang…

Little Piglet was dodging and weaving through the barrage when suddenly, the man froze in his tracks. It was Shock Arrow finally triggering its effect and stunning him in place.


A shadow appeared behind Little Piglet in a red flash. It was Warsky Alliance’s strongest assassin, Farewell Song, and his appearance meant that Little Piglet was dead. Through my Dark Pupils, I saw Farewell Song laying down a couple of Traps that triggered instantaneously. He had cut off the Cold Wind Swordsman’s retreat before he began his assault.


Farewell Song stunned Little Piglet again, dagger leaving a deep imprint across Little Piglet’s chest armor. At the same time, a thick cluster of God Devil Breaks fell on Little Piglet and dropped his HP to almost zero. Finally, Farewell Song sank his dagger into Little Piglet’s chest and tore it apart with Blade Vortex. As the extraordinary general of Purgatory Mad Dragon fell from his mount, he said in a surprisingly calm voice, "I will take revenge, Farewell Song."

Farewell Song frowned a little at the parting words, but he crouched and vanished into the darkness once more. Farewell Song’s true power wasn’t in his ability to fight at the frontline, but his ability to show up at the right place at the right time to assassinate the enemy’s ace. This was the essence of the Assassin class.


"Boss, Ancient Sword is about to charge us…" A Warsky Alliance corps commander pointed in our direction.

The corners of Warsky’s mouth twitched before he replied, "Let Lu Chen come. There is only 1 hour until the war is over. All we need to do is to hold for an hour, and we will remain the equal of Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls, Candle Dragon and Snowy Cathaya."

"The guild leader is wise. We’ll prepare the shield formations and hold them back as long as we can!"


Warsky Alliance’s Cyanscale Cavalry lay down their shield formation in front of the smithy. The cavalry was incredibly pleasing to look at, and they weren’t too far behind the Dragonlight Cavalry. It was a shame that they belonged to an enemy guild.


I planted a foot on a Purgatory Mad Dragon player’s corpse and stopped about 150 yards away from Warsky Alliance’s formation. A stern-eyed Warsky was waiting for us to make our move. Lying between us were the bodies of Wang Dongliang, Profound Puff, Little Piglet, Shangguan Wan’er and more Purgatory Mad Dragon players.

Somewhere behind me, High Fighting Spirits was chasing after the beautiful archer Coldmoon Rose. When he finally caught her collar and stopped her dead in her tracks, he cackled. "Tsk tsk, you’re Roaming Dragon’s woman, aren’t you? What should I do to you, I wonder?"

Coldmoon Rose instinctively employed the charm that she used so often. "Feel free to do whatever you want, hero. I am yours now."

High Fighting Spirits grinned. "Too bad for you, I like women who weigh over 120!"

Just like that, Coldmoon Rose vanished in a cyclone of beastial energy. High Fighting Spirits didn’t enjoy killing women, but he knew better than to leave an enemy alive.


"Raise your bows and prepare to use Far Shot!" Warsky shouted while raising his Immortal Blade high. "The Far Shot mode lets you shoot up to 100 yards away, so shoot them the moment they enter within that range! Defend our territory with all you’ve got! Give the wolves of Ancient Sword no quarter!"

One hand gripping the Chill of the Nine Provinces and the other carrying a half-transparent Cyan Dragon Shield, I looked up while walking toward Warsky Alliance’s formation and said, "Well, what are you waiting for? Gimme a Shock Arrow bath already. I’m so dirty right now~"

A rather beautiful archer among Warsky Alliance’s archer party burst into a giggle. "OMG, Lu Chen is such a funny guy! He’s definitely my type~"

Warsky’s complexion turned a shade of purple. "Let’s be serious, shall we? All units, I will work together with Farewell Song to suppress Lu Chen, and I want you all to kill him with everything you’ve got. Li Chengfeng and Gui Guzi are nothing without Lu Chen!"

I laughed. "Warsky, you should know better than to underestimate Gui Guzi and Li Chengfeng!"


A volley of arrows immediately flew toward me.

I activated Ghost Spirit Step Art and dashed horizontally without hesitation, dodging most of the arrows. At the same time, I threw my sword at the enemy while yelling, "Coiling Dragon Revolution!"


The divine weapon vibrated ominously in midair as it spun through a group of archers and mages. Its attack was just as high as Warsky’s Immortal Blade, so dozens of them were killed instantly.

Behind me, Beiming Xue raised her own bow and ordered, "Dragonlight Archers, Far Shot, now!"

Gui Guzi raised his Ghostblade Halberd and ordered, "This is the final battle, everyone! Run down their shield formations!"

There wasn’t much that needed to be said in a real fight. Our 10000+ Dragonlight Cavalrymen charged forward and slammed into the Cyanscale Cavalry with the force of multiple trucks. The reason I said this was because unlike last time, they had full buffs and healing from bards, tacticians and priests. This battle wouldn’t go like the time we fought against Candle Dragon or Dark Mercenaries.

A smiling Lian Xin said to our mages, "Silver City is ours, and we’re all going to get Heart of the Holy Mages very soon. Let this be the last time we fight as ‘mortals’ before we ascend and become mage gods, shall we? God Devil Break their ass to hell!"

Both Moonlight Stone and Yu Tong responded smilingly, "Let’s go!"

The mages protected by yellowish orange Magic Shields entered the fray and dropped their God Devil Breaks onto the Cyanscale Cavalry. The result was devastating. Lian Xin’s Origin Force Fields especially forced holes to appear in the enemy’s shield formation and made their defense line far flimsier than it should’ve been. The very start of the engagement was beyond Warsky’s expectations already.

"Oh fuck…"

Warsky’s eyelid twitched. "I have a bad feeling about this…"

1. Did this guy never consider playing hide-and-seek as a viable option? I mean, it’s a whole city. You don’t need to stand in the fucking open and let everyone who can kill you know where you are and how to corner you.

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