VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1318: The Champion’s Crushing Defeat

Chapter 1318: The Champion’s Crushing Defeat

Translator: alyschu

"Fighting Spirits you idiot!!"

I swore furiously while spinning around to face the exploding forest. I knew the moment I heard the 3000+ Dragonlight Cavalry’ bloodcurdling screams that my comrades were basically dead.

Gui Guzi’s eyes widened like saucers as he spun his Dark Crystal Dragon around as well. "Hall of Immortality is lying in wait in the forest! Fuck! We can’t just leave them to die!"

He raised an arm and yelled, "3rd and 4th squad, follow me! We’re going to save Fighting Spirits and the others!"

However, he was immediately shot down by Chaos Moon. "Are you fucking serious? You KNOW that there are traps everywhere inside the forest! Instead of getting away from it, you want us to step inside and do our enemies’ job for them? Can you grow some freaking IQ for once, Wang Xu!?"

Li Chengfeng nodded while killing a couple of Qiu Beast Cavalrymen from range. "Yes, let’s not be impulsive, shall we? It’s not that we don’t want to save them, but we’re probably going to end up in the same deep sh*t if we try."

Heaven’s Rain looked at me and asked, "What do you think we should do, vice leader big bro?"

I was the highest commander of this party, so of course my word was law. If I ordered the party to rescue High Fighting Spirits, they would execute it even if they knew they were walking into an ambush.


In the end, I couldn’t abandon my players to die. I pointed toward Hall of Immortality’s army and said, “Gui Guzi, Heaven’s Rain, Diamond Dust, activate your Knight God and Knight Generals, assemble 10000 men and follow me! I will lead the way, and you all will follow behind me! I have Dark Pupils, so I can see where the enemy’s Traps are placed. Under no circumstances are you allowed to stray off course without my order!"


After the rescue party was rallied, I ran toward the edge of the forest from an odd angle while scanning my surroundings repeatedly. For now, I saw a dozen or so Traps concealed within the trees. I raised my arm and fired an energy blade at one of them, and a Lightning Trap triggered and exploded just like that. That was very good. 50 MP to destroy a Trap spell that takes 10 minutes to set up? I would make that trade every time!

Dragon Slaying Slash’s cooldown was only 1 second, so I was able to fire it non-stop and destroy all the traps directly in my way. It didn’t matter if they were Lightning Traps, Wind Traps, Blazing Traps or anything else, the Dragon Slaying Slash triggered them all and caused them to explode futilely against the wind. The hidden assassins could only watch impotently from their hiding spots because their chances of stopping a cavalry charge with their own flesh and blood were exactly zero. Also, I kept turning my Dark Pupils on and off to maximize the probability I would see through their stealth. One might say that I was countering everything they were trying to do right now.

"Here they come!"

There was a rustling of leaves, and a Hall of Immortality assassin dashed out and thrust his dagger toward Heaven’s Rain’s chest. The female knight wasn’t even 20 years old yet, so her tolerance toward sexual assault was non-existent. She immediately bent backward and parried the attack with her spear. Then, she dropped Ultimate Strength Break and sent him flying to the back like a shredded leaf—


Fighters already countered assassins naturally, and Heaven’s Rain’s Attack and Defense were buffed by 100% by her own Knight General. Even the lousiest piece of equipment she owned was Immortal-grade. Naturally, she couldn’t be threatened by any normal assassin.

The rest of the Dragonlight Cavalry galloped through the area and cut down any assassin who dared to show their necks to us. There was barely any resistance at all.

Boom boom boom…

After I destroyed dozens more Traps with Dragon Slaying Slash and confirmed that there were none left with Dark Pupils, I pointed my sword forward and declared, "Alright, there are no more Traps within our vicinity. Now is the time to uproot Hall of Immortality’s base completely! These bastards want to be Candle Dragon’s dogs this much? Then they can die for it! Once Candle Dragon’s allies are destroyed, there won’t be anyone left to stop us from destroying them!"

Meanwhile, Hall of Immortality finally couldn’t withstand the humiliation we dealt to them and stepped out!

Chiang chiang chiang…

The sound of blades exiting their sheaths filled the air as Bloodthirsty Battle Monarch, the guild leader of Hall of Immortality, appeared with a flaming sword and shouted, "All cavalrymen, ride with me to run down Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls! Archers will Far Shot their Shock Arrows, and mages will Far Shot their God Devil Breaks! There is no such thing as an invincible cavalry, and we will prove it with our hands today! Follow me and destroy them all!"

Thundering hooves renewed in the forest, and at least 100000 Hall of Immortality cavalrymen charged toward us. There was a huge numbers disparity between our troops and theirs, but I was absolutely confident that my 10000-strong Dragonlight Cavalry troop would crush them all. Even if they weren’t buffed by Knight God and Knight Generals, the quality of Hall of Immortality’s cavalry troops had actually gone down compared to what they had once used to be. We could 1v10 and still come out victorious, easily!

The melee took place on a huge forest clearing. Some time during the battle, Heaven’s Rain and Diamond Dust activated their Heavenly River Transformations at the same time and unleashed their S Rank Ancient Divine Skills, Tiger Wing Slash and Dog God Slash upon the enemy. The destructive energies criss-crossed each other, dealt a massive amount of damage to the enemy army, and greatly improved our players’ morale. That being said, Hall of Immortality weren’t completely hopeless. Shock Arrows were stunning our Dragonlight Cavalry and turning them into easy pickings, and God Devil Breaks were annihilating at least 150k HP per hit. Without healing, our players couldn’t withstand this level of DPS.

Players with 20% lifesteal effects like me obviously fared much better, but players with lifesteal effects were among the minority in the first place, let alone 20% of it. It wasn’t long before the Dragonlight Cavalry started to lose steam. While roaming the edges of the battlefield and firing Ultimate Strength Break, Heaven’s Rain called out to me, "Vice leader big bro, we need to do something about their ranged damage dealers! They’re getting a bit too comfortable!"


I nodded and blocked a whole group of Hall of Immortality riders with my apparition and Phantom Wolf King. Then, I ran up a giant tree and began jumping from branch to branch like a spirit monkey. Fusion Armor made a lot of moves that weren’t possible before, possible. As I landed at the center of the enemy’s mages and archers, an archer with keen eyes and a sharp mind immediately cried out, "Sh*t! Lu Chen is here!"


I raised my sword high into the air and summoned a giant golden sword. Then, I split the heaven, the earth and everything in between in half in one devastating swing. It took the most elite breed of metal-armor players to barely survive an SSS Rank Ancient Divine Skill, much less the likes of cloth and leather-armor players. They never stood a chance.

I wasn’t done yet though. After unleashing the Xuanyuan Slash, I pointed the Death side of my blade toward the sky and activated the special skill. Three vortices of death spun wildly, and countless death energies crashed down from the sky to remove 50% HP from all enemy players within 1000 yards of me. I had already categorized Candle Dragon, Hall of Immortality, Throne Seeker and all other enemy guilds as my enemies beforehand, so I didn’t need to worry about hitting an innocent or allied player.

Thud thud thud…

While dashing sideways and smearing my boots in mud, I unleashed 19 Ancient Seals in a row and silenced an entire stretch of players. Since Xuanyuan Slash had already removed 50% of their HP beforehand, I knew that there was no chance any ranged player was going to survive my Ancient Seal bombardment.

I never stopped to catch my breath. I kept charging forward and unleashing my Myriad Swords Obliteration, Summon the Storm, Thousand Ice Slash and everything else on the enemy. For a time, not even the full might of Hall of Immortality wasn’t enough to pin me down. It was nighttime in the game right now, so the poor visibility also worked to my advantage.

Suddenly, the night sky was temporarily illuminated by Xing Tian’s giant image. It was the visual effect of the Ancient Divine Skill, Xing Tian’s Defiance. A group of enemy players dropped to the attack, and High Fighting Spirits and several hundred low-health Dragonlight Cavalrymen charged out from behind. The moment he saw me, he shouted, "Lu Chen and the gang have come to save us! Join up with the vice leader so we can slap the grandsons of Hall of Immortality together!"

In the sky, Gui Guzi hovered in the air and stabbed the ground again and again with his Ghostblade Halberd. Some distance away, Heaven’s Rain, Diamond Dust and Chaos Moon were just ending the life of Hall of Immortality’s guild leader, Bloodthirsty Battle Monarch. The poor sonuvabitch even got last-hit by Chaos Moon’s Greedy Wolf Howl, meaning that she stole at least tens of thousands of gold from his pockets. There was nothing Chaos Moon and the skill loved more than slaughtering fat purses like his.


I wasn’t worried that our main force might crumble during my absence because I had left Li Chengfeng behind to supervise things. Candle Dragon was running out of players, and Warsky Alliance was struggling with all their might. Their time was almost up.

When the night turned into day, and the morning sun shone on all of us once more, the mountains were littered with Hall of Immortality bodies. The ten thousand elite Dragonlight Cavalry I brought to rescue High Fighting Spirits and the 10000 Dragonlight Cavalry had dwindled to just 3700, but we had killed over 400k Hall of Immortality and Throne Seeker players in total. We had crushed most of the allies Candle Dragon had placed their hopes on, meaning that there truly was no way for them to make a comeback anymore.

As I returned to the main battlefield on light footsteps, I saw Li Chengfeng flying up and down on his Blue Crystal Dragon to attack Candlelight Shadow and God’s Dance. Not only were the two gods of Candle Dragon trapped in a corner by Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls and Warsky Alliance, Purple Lily and Peach Garden had joined the fray as well. What could you do? Purple Lily and Peach Garden were the main guilds of Wind City, and they had suffered under Candle Dragon’s yoke for far too long already. They didn’t even care that Warsky was the one holding the City Lord Token right now. They could get back to business after Candle Dragon was snuffed out.


"Boss, we can’t hold this any longer…"

An injury-riddled and tattered Ye Yuse said with a frown, "There’s no way a full-frontal assault will succeed as long as Ancient Sword is still prowling at the back. How about we withdraw for now and wait for a chance to steal the City Lord Token away? It will truly be over if we all die at this place."

Candlelight Shadow considered her advice seriously before pulling her onto his mount. Then, he and his remaining troops of tens of thousands withdrew toward the mountain ridges.

Our newly-minted dragon knights, Li Chengfeng and Gui Guzi refused to give up and bombarded Candlelight Shadow with their skills, eventually knocking the man to the ground because he was covering Ye Yuse’s retreat.


Candlelight Shadow unfortunately landed on top of some brambles as he hit the ground. He let out an involuntary cry of pain as his HP dropped from 7% to 3% immediately. Even his fire dragon had vanished in a pained scream. His mount tenacity—as high as it was because he was a dragon knight now—had reached its end after battling the Dragonlight Cavalry for so long.


As Candlelight Shadow struggled to his feet, something completely unexpected happened. A blade pierced out of his chest and deleted the last sliver of his HP.


A familiar face entered everyone’s view when Candlelight Shadow dropped to his knees and died.

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