VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1315: The Consequences of A Declaration of War

Chapter 1315: The Consequences of A Declaration of War

Translator: alyschu

"Attack Gold City?!"

A flame abruptly erupted in Li Chengfeng’s eyes and stayed there. "I was going to fall asleep after staying online for 17 hours, but Lu Chen just filled me with boundless excitement! Hahaha…"

I rolled my eyes at him and said, "That’s just your bloodthirst speaking. It has nothing to do with me."

I turned around and asked Chaos Moon, "Sister Moon, how many Dragonlight Cavalrymen and Archers do we have left?"

Instead of answering me, Chaos Moon swayed her butt back and forth while crying out coyly, "Aiyo, that’s such a sweet nickname! Can you say it again, please?"

My complexion turned purple. "Stop creeping me out, girl! I just want to know how much forces we have left!"

Chaos Moon grinned triumphantly before getting serious. "As of today, Dark Moon City has duplicated a total of 89087 Dragonscale Beasts. About 70k of them are in the main guild, and 19k in Bloody Mercenaries. We’ve also trained 40k Dragonlight Archers who are all in the main guild. The main guild is currently Rank 10 and can accommodate a maximum of 200k players."

I continued asking, "What’s our casualties?"

"We’ve lost around 10000 Dragonlight Cavalrymen, but the large majority of them are Bloody Mercenaries. We’ve barely lost any Dragonlight Archers. How many men do you wish to take with you to Gold City?"

I thought for a moment before replying, "I want 50k Dragonlight Cavalrymen and 20k Dragonlight Archers. Tell everyone that our objective isn’t to decide the owner of Gold City, but to kick Candle Dragon in the ass. Anyone can have Gold City except them. Of course, participation this time is voluntary since our motives are completely selfish. Those who don’t wish to join are free to stay behind."

Chaos Moon waved my worries away though. "You’re overthinking this. Candle Dragon literally declared war on us and threw the proverbial slap on our faces. Trust me when I say that you’ll have to cut down on the players who want to join you at Gold City instead of the other way around. Of course, we don’t count those who need to go to the toilet…"

"Very well then. Rally the troops and be prepared to depart in 10 minutes! Chengfeng, Little Gui, Fighting Spirits, Heaven’s Rain, Diamond Dust and you will be joining me. You too Chaos Moon. Moonlight Stone, Yu Tong, Lian Xin, sis and Lu Buyi will stay behind to guard the city. Eve will be the commander of the defense. Oh right, is Moonlight Stone’s older brother, Tiger Leopard Knight here yet?"

Ten meters away, Moonlight Stone walked up to me with a complicated look on her face. She whispered, "Thank you, Lu Chen. I shouldn’t have left Ancient Sword, I…"

"I’m gonna stop you right there!"

I raised a palm to emphasize my point before continuing with a gentle smile on my face, "I know what you want to say, but it’s only going to hurt both you and everyone else, so don’t. All you need to know is that we all love you, and we always will. So, is your big brother here yet?"

A regretful Tiger Leopard Knight slowly stepped out into the open and apologized to me, "I’m here. I just arrived at Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls’ base yesterday. Sorry and thank you for protecting my sister, Lu Chen. I… I never thought Candlelight Shadow would be this ruthless. I’m a failure of an older brother…"

I walked up to him and put a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It’s all going to be fine now. Here you’ll enjoy more or less the same gaming experience as before, except that now you’re among true brothers and sisters who will beat the crap out of anyone who dares to bully you, and protect your younger sister. This is Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls."

"Yeah, I know. I’ll be joining you all on the assault on Gold City!"

"Actually, I want you to stay behind and protect Silver City with Moonlight Stone just in case someone tries to pull a fast one on us. Plus, you don’t have a Dragonscale Beast yet, do you?"


Tiger Leopard Knight’s eyes were full of gratitude. It wasn’t obvious to the guy, but it was obvious to me that Candlelight Shadow had discarded Tiger Leopard Knight the second he heard the Wind Listening Pavilion and Wind Listener had laid their eyes on Moonlight Stone. It was because Tiger Leopard Knight, no matter how loyal, was just one man, while Wind Listener brought 3000 elites with him. On the other hand, Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls had rushed to the rescue of a former member who had left them a fairly long time ago, and accepted a discarded pawn like him. His current feelings were exactly how I felt toward He Yi back then, and just like me, he would be serving the guild until it was no more.



Some time later, Silver City’s heavy silver gate opened, and a large group of Dragonlight Cavalry and Dragonlight Archers flooded out before standing in formation. The Dragonlight Archers were currently commanded by our second best archer, the Famous General with the Bow General skill, Hymn of the Apocalypse. He had also added me as a friend so I might command him and his troops at any moment.

"Are we ready to depart?" Li Chengfeng asked me with a smile.

I nodded affirmatively. "Let’s go!"

Li Chengfeng cut the air with his sword and summoned a hexagram formation. Soon, a Gem Dragon with indigo scales emerged into existence. As mentioned earlier, the dragon had just met the level requirement to be ridden. It was probably why it was only four meters long and not a full adult yet. Still, the Blue Crystal Dragon was an elite dragon among the Gem Dragons, and it greatly improved Li Chengfeng’s combat strength. Together with his Crimson Refinement Sword, his Attack, Defense and HP were nothing like what they used to be.

Gui Guzi also summoned his Dark Crystal Dragon. The roars of the two Gem Dragons stunned the various players on the ground and caused them to exchange fearful glances with each other.

"Alright, lead the way, Chengfeng, Little Gui. I’ll be following everyone else!" I declared.

"Got it!"

The two dragons roared again, and both Li Chengfeng and Gui Guzi took to the sky. I stayed at the forefront of our cavalry troops and chased after their backs.

Suddenly, a new dragon’s roar broke out from inside the city, and the beautiful Snow Crystal Dragon caught up to us. Holding the Suppressing Fire Sword in her right hand and carrying the City Lord Token in her left, she asked, "Are you guys heading to Gold City?"

I beamed at her. "You got it right in one try!"

"Make sure you teach them a lesson they won’t forget!"

"Never fear. We’re leaving now!"

"See you!"

And so, our 70k cavalrymen galloped toward the horizon while our beautiful guild leader saw us off.


Gold City had spawned close to Candle Dragon’s territory. It was a natural Rank 10 city with the ability to automatically spawn powerful Gold Warhorses. That was why Gold City was fought after by many major guilds such as Candle Dragon, Warsky Alliance, Purgatory Mad Dragon, Purple Lily, Gods of Destruction and more. Even now, blood was wetting the earth of this city.

The Dragonlight Cavalry had high movement speed, so we were able to cross Wind City’s borders in less than two hours. Another half an hour later, a golden sheen emerged from the horizon of Wind Forest. Like a pile of gold sitting at a corner of Dragonbone Mountain Range, Gold City stood proud while its would-be owners murdered the fuck out of each other.

From his dragon, Li Chengfeng called out to me, "Lu Chen, I’m going to fly over and scout the area!"

"Mn, go!" I nodded.

At max speed, it only took the blink of an eye for the Blue Crystal Dragon to carry Li Chengfeng out of view. The Dragonlight Cavalry couldn’t help but stare at his vanished figure and say, "Damn, Li Chengfeng is so fast!"



A while later, Li Chengfeng sent me a message: "The focal point of the war is concentrated at the eastern gate right now. Warsky and a troop of Cyanscale Cavalry are fighting against Candle Dragon’s main force. However, Warsky Alliance has lost most of its supporting parties, and they won’t be able to hold out for more than two or three hours. The City Lord Token may change hands even sooner."

So, I pointed the Chill of the Nine Provinces to the east and declared, "We’ll be launching our assault from the eastern gate. Remember, we are NOT here to seize the City Lord Token. We already have Silver City, and even if we seize another City of Heaven, too much food is going to spoil the stomach. Like any other territory war, they won’t be able to enter the territory after they die once. Therefore, our objective is to wipe out as many Candle Dragon players as possible, if not all of them."

The Dragonlight Cavalry responded by unsheathing their weapons. Our targets quickly entered our view as we galloped toward Gold City’s eastern gate in silence. Roughly speaking, I counted about 500k Candle Dragon players and less than 300k Warsky Alliance players on the battlefield. They weren’t even in the same weight class in terms of numbers.

Before we managed to get close though, a different troop of players suddenly approached us. They were Candle Dragon’s allied guild, Pop Culture. Leading the troop was the guild’s leader himself, Lone Moonshade. I had no idea why he thought he could stop us with just 200k or so players, and the idiot even made an idiotic declaration, "Ancient Sword thinks they can split their forces, hold Silver City and stick their hands into Gold City at the same time!? Kill them all! Make sure you attack in formation!"

I simply raised my sword and ordered, "Wipe them out!"

The Dragonlight Cavalry sped up, and all 50000 of them—the power of Knight God, Knight General, Martial God, Plunder, Blitz, Stamp plus stratagems like Encourage VII or Iron Wall VII running through their veins—plowed through Pop Culture’s parties like an unstoppable force. They never stood a chance.

Sometimes my skills triggered my weapon’s septuple damage effect, and together with 70% splash effect, it one-shot an entire area of players. Adding Rise of the Guardian Dragon, Summon the Storm, Myriad Swords Obliteration, Ancient Seal and other AoE skills into the mix, and I single-handedly dished out a hundred-yard-radius worth of firepower. Lone Moonshade’s blind arrogance resulted in a terrible defeat. Only those who had fought head-to-head against the Dragonlight Cavalry would understand just how powerful they really were.


Less than half an hour later, Pop Culture’s army of several hundred thousand fell into total disarray. We were reaping contribution points like crazy and scoring a ton of items. Frankly, this was the part of the war we enjoyed the most. Even the most average piece of equipment could be sold for tens of RMB after all.

Lone Moonshade and his scattered remnants of tens of thousands escaped to Candle Dragon’s defense zone before shouting, "Candlelight, watch your back! Ancient Sword is making their way toward us!"

Candlelight Shadow was striking the city gate with his sword when Lone Moonshade’s shout nearly caused him to fall off his fire dragon. He couldn’t help but shout back, "Ancient Sword brought less than 70k cavalrymen with them! How the fuck did they punch through your defense line so quickly?!!"

"They just did…"


Candlelight Shadow gnashed his teeth together. "Blue Sky Scar, take 100k players with you and halt their advance. Make sure you bring more mages and archers and utilize Shock Arrow to halt their cavalry charge. They’ll collapse naturally once we stop the first impact!"

Then, he pointed his sword at the dozens of catapults Candle Dragon had brought and shouted, "Siege weapons, it’s time to change targets! Aim at Warsky Alliance’s priests and kill them all with the White Marsh payloads!"

1. I’m going to pretend the raw didn’t say Rank 9 guild for the sake of my health

2. I bet one of our readers is happy to see this

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