VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1309: Put Me To Sleep

Chapter 1309: Put Me To Sleep

Translator: alyschu

Treating the living room as my own, I leaned into the sofa, crossed my legs on the table, and downed a sip of milk. "Have you considered the possibility that Candle Dragon and Warsky Alliance may repair the plank road by day while secretly crossing the Wei River at Chencang? What if Candlelight Shadow and Warsky agree to fight over Gold City on the surface, but really are gearing to conquer Bronze City? Snowy Cathaya will be caught between a rock and a hard place."

Lin Yixin pounded my thigh lightly with her fist while saying, "That’s fine. It’s not like we don’t have allies like Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls, The Monarch Descends and Blazing Hot Lips. I’ve already discussed this with Stranger of Three Lifetimes and Ling Xueshang, and they all agreed to help me conquer Bronze City. If we are successful, we will repay them by training them a bunch of archers with Greater Premonition."

Astonished, I set my glass on the table and asked for clarification, "Greater Premonition?"

"Yep. Silver Fir City reached Rank 10 a week ago, and the skill we got is called Greater Premonition. It increases our archer’s scouting abilities by 50%. This means that archers with Greater Premonition have at least a 70% chance to cancel out Assassin’s Oath. It is why Blood Alliance has been ambushing us less recently."

"Damn, that’s an amazing skill…"

"Of course. It’s still much weaker than Dark Moon City’s Mounted Archery Training and Duplicate Mount though…"

Suddenly, Lin Yixin leaned closer and asked softly, "So, can you check with Sister He Yi later and see if it’s possible for Ancient Sword to gift us another 1000 mounted archers? Honestly, 100 mounted archers are not enough to form an offensive force. 1100 mounted archers and the Dragon Punisher Archers though, that will make our base nearly unbreachable by any cavalry, right?"

I let out a thoughtful hum. "Mn, it just costs too much resources to duplicate 1000 Dragonscale Beasts and perform Mounted Archery Training 1000 times. You must provide your own resources, or neither Eve, Li Chengfeng, nor Little Gui will accept it. Also, we are trying to get Dark Moon City to Rank 11 right now, so we cannot spare the resources even for Snowy Cathaya. Everyone will look down on me if I abuse my authority…"

"Okay! It’s a deal!"

A smiling Lin Yixin gave her sleeve a tug and unintentionally revealed her smooth arm for a bit. "We will provide the resources, and Ancient Sword will provide us access to Mounted Archery Training and Duplicate Mount. We will begin after the contest for the Cities of Heaven is over. Silver Fir City has just reached Rank 10 anyway. We’re nowhere close to getting to Rank 11 anytime soon."

I grabbed her hand and asked her, "Say, Yiyi, what is your ultimate dream for this game?"


For some reason, Lin Yixin stared at me for nearly three seconds before replying, "I haven’t really thought about it yet. I guess it’s to become invincible and be free to roam the entire continent without worry? Oh, I also want to earn a ton of money everyday so I can eat every meal at a restaurant, travel wherever I want, stay in hotels that are six stars or higher, and enjoy life however I like in general…"

I imagined the scenes in my head and broke into a wide smile. "Oh~ That is a most wonderful dream…"

"Wonderful my ass!"

Nangong Lexi suddenly interrupted, "I don’t mind you flirting, but can you please take it somewhere else? We are all single females here! Also, we haven’t even conquered the Cities of Heaven yet, and you’re dreaming about becoming king of the world already? Are there even 6-star hotels in every city in the world?"

Lin Yixin blushed and struggled out of my embrace. After she regained her cool, she said to her sisters, "So… there are four Cities of Heaven in total. They are natural Rank 10 guild territories, which means that all the buildings such as the pharmacy, the smithy, the grocery shop, the teleportation formation and more are Rank 10 as well. Even if we aren’t gunning for their special skill, the territory will still save us a ton of money. Therefore, I want everyone to rest early so we can begin preparations at 10 am tomorrow. The official assault will be launched at 12 pm sharp!"

Sun Qingqing chuckled. "What are you going to do tomorrow, Yiyi?"

Lin Yixin bowed her head and said, "Mom and dad are coming to Suzhou tomorrow, and dad said that he’s planning to survey a commercial square at Chengnan. Since they’re here, they want me to join them for lunch. I’m planning to take Little Cheat with me."

Shadow Chanel broke into a smile and stared at me. "Sounds like someone’s meeting the father- and mother-in-law tomorrow! Now I understand why the guild leader is willing to buy you a full set of Versace. You know, this reminds me of the time Purple Marquis tried to buy a full set of Versace for himself. When he saw the price tags though, he immediately ran out of the store like he had seen a ghost. It was hilarious…"

The corners of my mouth twitched once. "You are joking. Didn’t Purple Marquis sign a contract with Apple with a yearly salary of almost ten million?"

"Yeah, but his older sister is starting a company and asked him to become a shareholder. As a result, he became so poor that he may as well be restarting from zero…"

Me: "…"

"Alright, enough talk. Time to go to bed, everyone!" Lin Yixin rose to her feet. "It’s too late to prepare the other rooms, so Lu Chen will be sleeping with me tonight."

Nangong Lexi’s mouth fell open. "Wow! Are you two going to consummate your marriage tonight?"

Lin Yixin turned even redder. "Consummate your ass! Did you forget that my room has two beds in it?"

I grabbed Lin Yixin’s hand and placated her. "Just ignore them, dear. So what if we are consummating our marriage? It’s none of their business…"

Nangong Lexi said, "Dial up the TV volume and we’re gucci…"

Me: "…"


As I went upstairs with Lin Yixin, I noticed that my body had returned to about 80% of its prime after the glass of milk. When I clenched my fists, I found myself even stronger than I was during the afternoon brawl. The virus outburst had, against all odds, enhanced my body yet again. What will I become when I reach the pinnacle of my transformation, I wonder? Will I become Ultraman?

I wiped the image from my head almost as soon as I conjured it. This miraculous body I had been "gifted" with was both a blessing and a curse!


Lin Yixin’s room was the biggest and the easternmost room in the villa. It was easily over 100 square meters big, and it had a balcony attached to it. There was a bed at the center of the room and another at the corner. There was also a piano close to the entrance to the balcony underneath the curtains.

Lin Yixin giggled when she saw my astonishment. "Mom bought the piano for me last month…"

I clenched my fists. "You know how to play the piano, Yiyi?"

"Yep. I’m a master pianist…"

I looked at my cute girlfriend with wonder. "You can’t fight in a real fight, but I can’t play the piano either, so I guess we’re even…"

"Is that how we’re keeping score now? Get to bed already, you. I’m going to take a bath."

"Sure. Which bed am I sleeping in?"

"Whichever you want!"

"I want to sleep in the one you’re sleeping…"

"Pooh! Have some shame!"



I am a guest, so I should act like one. After I tidied up a bit, I lay down on the bed at the corner. The book shelves were nailed to the wall, so I could see the books just by tilting my head a little. There were books from Haruki Murakami, Rao Xueman, Han Han, Li Chengpeng, Pingwa Jia and more. Unlike most girls, her spectrum of reading material was pretty wide. Good for her.

If I remembered correctly though, Haruki Murakami’s books were pretty erotic…

I turned a bit red as I hugged the soft blanket. I decided to check the Heavenblessed website and read about the Cities of Heaven on my phone while waiting for Lin Yixin. I might not be able to accompany Ancient Sword Dreaming Souls on their conquest for Silver City tomorrow, but that didn’t mean I couldn’t provide them with useful strategies and tactics at critical moments.

Cities of Heaven

There are four blocks in Heavenblessed Continent—the North, the Center, the East, and the South—and four Cities of Heaven will spawn in each of them.

The Cities of Heaven are split into four types: Gold City, Silver City, Bronze City and Dark Steel City. Each city has their own special effect. The contest for the Cities of Heaven lasts 48 hours, and the guild of the players who hold the City Lord Token at the end will gain ownership of it for a month. The city cannot be attacked during this period.

I smiled as I read the introduction. Four Cities of Heaven would be spawning in the North as well, and I could already imagine the USA, France and the Chaotic 27 battling each other to the death for the four cities. Of course, there was a chance Vienna’s Sorrow might decide to raid our Cities of Heaven instead, but it was a very small chance. Korea, Japan and India were located in the East block, so they would be contesting for the Cities of Heaven in that block. Finally, Russia, India—yes, their domain stretched across two blocks—Pakistan and more would be contesting for the Cities of Heaven in the South block.

This was good news for the China server because everyone would be too busy fighting over the Cities of Heaven to start another Nation War immediately. It also allowed us to continue occupying Hot Sand City and strengthening its defenses further.


Knock knock…

There were a couple of knocks on the bedroom door, and I heard Lin Yixin speaking from outside, "I’m coming in, Little Cheat."


Lin Yixin walked in and locked the door behind her. Then, she looked at me and said, "Oh, you’re sleeping in that bed? I guess I’ll be sleeping in my center bed then."


Lin Yixin was only wrapped in a bath towel right now, and it didn’t do much to hide her curves. Her breasts looked like they were about to burst out of the cloth, and her exposed legs filled me with infinite temptation.

I gulped audibly. Man, this was the kind of benefit greater men would kill to have…


Unfortunately, Lin Yixin turned off the lights after she jumped onto her bed, and all I could see now was the starry sky outside the window.

"Let’s sleep. We both need to wake up early tomorrow."



However, despite having stared at the ceiling for at least half an hour, neither Yiyi nor I was able to fall asleep.

"Are you asleep yet, Yiyi?"

"Mn, don’t disturb me…"


Another half an hour later, Lin Yixin said, "I can’t sleep. Why don’t you come over and put me to sleep, Little Cheat?"

I couldn’t help but let my mind wander. "How should I do that, exactly?"

"I don’t care. Just get over here so I can hold you already…" Lin Yixin said, her voice quiet like a mosquito.

I obliged. I moved to the center bed, climbed under the blanket, and caressed Lin Yixin’s cheeks a bit. They felt unusually hot to touch. I couldn’t see her face from here, but I bet she must look very cute right now.

1. Idiom that basically means deception

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