VRMMO: The Unrivaled

Chapter 1280: Challenging the Dragon God

Chapter 1280: Challenging the Dragon God

Translator: alyschu

After Figue rose to his feet, he grabbed his horribly rusted sword and walked to the forefront. He then pointed a finger into the black pit and said, "There’s no need to search for the entrance. This is the entrance to the seventh floor; the Dragon God Main Hall. Of course, you’ll need to survive the jump."

Moonkiss stuck out her tongue. "From this height? What a scam…"

I raised my arm and canceled the Fusion Armor clinging to my Guardian Dragon Armor. When the Ancient Divine Dragon reappeared, I said, "I’m going to fly down and scout out the landing spot. Once I confirm that it’s safe, you girls can jump down directly. I’ll catch you just like the previous times…"

He Yi and Lin Yixin nodded together before saying, "Watch out for Strella. Don’t let him eat you in one gulp…"

"Don’t worry, Warsky’s a big guy, and he’s about as delicious as he can be thanks to all the exotic delicacies he enjoys everyday. Maybe the Dragon God has had its fill already…" I chuckled.

Not far away, I could hear October Rain fuming a little, "That’s a pretty heartless thing to say, you know!"

I jumped into the pit after that. There were no Blood Hook Dragons on this part of the pillar, so I was able to ride the Ancient Divine Dragon in relative safety. Speaking of which, a couple of Dragonlight Cavalrymen and Snowy Cathaya’s Kui Dragon Cavalrymen summoned their new mounts, the War Eagles, and flew after me. The War Eagle was a special mount that could only be grinded in the mountain ranges of Sky Forest. Most of its stats were absolute trash, but its movement speed was pretty good, and most importantly, it gave its rider the ability to fly. I had seen them being sold at the stalls of Sky City, and last time I checked, the price tag was 5000 RMB a piece. It was ridiculously expensive. It wasn’t selling very well due to its low combat prowess.



The Ancient Divine Dragon’s scales glowed a little gold and brown as it soared toward the bottom. I was grabbing its vines to steady myself, and the magic lamp suspended from it was illuminating everything around me. The sixth and the seventh floors were nearly 400 meters apart, but the Ancient Divine Dragon was fast enough that I reached the ground in no time. Both the walls and the ground were embedded with countless magic stones. It was said that dragons loved shiny things, and it looked like the saying wasn’t false after all. The Dragon God Main Hall alone looked like a giant treasure vault. If we could kill Strella, then the magic stones here were as good as ours.

I said inside the party channel, "I’ve arrived. Yiyi, Eve, you can jump down now. I’ll catch you with the Ancient Divine Dragon right before you land, so no need to worry about dying!"

"Okay! Here we come!" Both girls let out a chuckle as they answered me.

Very soon, a pair of beauties descended from the darkness above at high speed. After pinpointing where they were going to fall, I flew to that location, caught them early enough to amortize their fall, but not late enough for it to count as fall damage. Both of them displayed an excellent sense of balance as they flipped toward the ground and landed perfectly on their feet.

I managed to catch Beiming Xue, Lian Xin and Murong Mingyue without any problem, but things went a little awry after that. Gui Guzi in his infinite wisdom had decided to remain mounted as he jumped. "Catch me Boss Broken Halberd! If I die you’re treating me to a whole month’s worth of meals!"

I exclaimed in shock, "Little Gui you idiot! Why didn’t you cancel your mount first!?"


Gui Guzi slammed into the Ancient Divine Dragon like a rock, and we both rolled across the ground at least a dozen or so meters before we finally came to a stop. Gui Guzi only lost 10% HP from the impact, but a certain someone who had jumped right after him was going to lose much, much more HP: "OMG you fuckers! Someone catch—!"


The dragon warrior hit the stone floor face first and lost more than 85% HP in one go. When he leaped back to his feet, he said, "Sh*t! I would’ve died if I didn’t have great kungfu!"

He Yi said expressionlessly from ten meters away, "Your lie would’ve been more convincing if your face wasn't flat from the fall…"

Li Chengfeng shuddered visibly. "Really? Well thank goodness not many people saw it…"

Murong Mingyue replied, "Don’t you worry, I’ve caught it all on video."


Li Chengfeng abruptly unsheathed his Crimson Refinement Sword and said in a sinister tone, "In that case, you leave me no choice but to silence you… forever. I would’ve preferred not to kill someone as sexy as you, but…"

Murong Mingyue jogged behind my back and grabbed my arm playfully. "Oh no, that evil man is going to hurt me! Kill him and save me, hero! I promise I’ll work like a horse to serve you if you do!"

I replied expressionlessly, "You could never work like a horse, sis…"

"What? Why?"

"Because you’re a dairy cow, that’s why…"

"Screw you!"

Everyone erupted in laughter. A while later, Gui Guzi patted away the dirt on his butt and said, "Looks like there are no mobs on the seventh floor. Let’s stop wasting time and rally our brothers and sisters already!"


Li Chengfeng nodded before yelling, "Jump down while you’re mounted, people! You’ll lose 90% HP at most if you stay mounted! Once you’ve used War God Recovery, you’ll return to full health in two minutes tops! Jump down now!"

A literal flesh rain happened after he said then. Hundreds of Dragonlight Cavalry fell from the sky and landed face first just like Li Chengeng did a moment ago. Our people weren’t the only ones who came down either. Hegemon Palace, Snowy Cathaya, Warsky Alliance, Candle Dragon and more did the same thing as well. Soon, thousands of players were gathered on the seventh floor.

To my surprise, I saw Hot and Sour Noodles walking toward me. I didn’t know that he had come to Dragon Domain until now. "I’m a bit late, aren’t I? Well, I’m just here to see Strella the Dark Magma with my own eyes. It’s not everyday you get to meet one of the Nine Sovereigns of the Purgatory after all. Do you know where the boss is, Lu Chen?"

I pointed in a certain direction with my lips. "It doesn’t look like there are mobs on the seventh floor, and there is one giant red dot at the center of the map. It’s most likely Strella the Dark Magma. In any case, we’ll know once we head over…"



The entire Dragon God Main Hall was like a square in Sky City, except larger. Everyone was jumping in from every direction. After our HP had regenerated to full, we slowly and carefully approached the center. As the fog of war faded little by little, we began hearing the breathing sounds of a massive dragon. It sounded like an ongoing storm.

When the last of the fog faded away, the girls nearly screamed out in surprise—

A huge, black-colored Holy Giant Dragon sat at the center of the main hall. It was covered in black scales with flames flowing across them, and its head was literally as big as a house. To make a comparison, not even me and my dragon were as big as just Strella’s head. Maybe it was because it just ate lunch (Warsky) earlier, but it was sleeping very soundly right now.

What really surprised me though was the fact that there was a gigantic iron collar around the Dragon God’s neck. The inside of the collar was covered in cold, sharp spikes that dug deep into its scales. Not only that, the collar was connected to twelve giant pillars by twelve massive chains. It was only now that I realized that the pillars were a component of the prison that trapped Strella, not totems.


"OMG, is that Strella the Purgatory Sovereign?" He Yi exclaimed in astonishment. "How is this possible? Even if the Dragon God Strella became a puppet of darkness, it was still a Dragon God. Who in the world had the power to trap it so? It… it almost reminds me of a leashed dog!"

I looked at the deep markings on the ground and commented, "Now I understand why Strella didn’t just kill us all when it flew to the sixth floor earlier. It literally couldn’t fly high because of the chains. This is almost sad. To think that the powerful Dragon God would be ‘leashed’ like this…"

Li Chengfeng abruptly pulled out his Dark Blade and declared, "Prepare for battle, brothers and sisters!"

Some distance away, Luo River God of the Capital also raised her scepter and made the same order every guild leader in the area was making. "We will attack Strella together! Whoever gets the last hit may be recorded in the history books of Heavenblessed, so don’t hold back!"


Hegemon Palace’s guild leader, Wang Dongliang glanced left and right before raising his weapon suddenly. "This area, 30 degrees of the circle to the northeast belongs to Hegemon Palace! Please move elsewhere if you’re not one of us, or we will attack you without mercy, not even if you’re Ancient Sword or Candle Dragon! Please move away now!"

Even Wang Dongliang had decided to man up for once and occupy one-twelfth of the available space by force. While the additional space did give his players a much higher chance to kill the Dragon God, the fact that he threatened us showed that his greed had completely overcome his rational sense. If I was a spiteful man who preferred his revenge hot, I would’ve run over Hegemon palace with Li Chengfeng and Gui Guzi already. For now though, I decided to ignore him and focus on the bigger fish in front of me.



While the people were rallying, a Peach Garden magic knight lost control of his emotions and became the first person to charge Strella the Dark Magma. He smacked Strella right in the head while shouting, "Die, you stupid Dragon God!"


There was a metallic spark, and the damage number that popped up caused countless jaws to hit the floor—


It wasn’t a trick of the eye. The idiot actually did only 1 damage to the boss!

"That guy’s even more stupid than I am!" Gui Guzi sighed.

As he said it, the single point of damage awoke the Dragon God from its slumber. As flames of anger gushed out of its nostrils, it slapped the magic knight with its left paw and sent both the player and the mount flying at least a hundred meters away. As soon as he rolled to a standstill, he dissolved into white light and left behind a cold, stiff corpse. Strella had literally one-shot the poor bastard!

I activated Fusion Armor and barked out a series of orders, "Let’s go! Priests, keep our frontliners healed! Frontliners, spread out so you don’t get caught by its breath! I don’t need to tell you how powerful the breath of a Dragon God is, do I?"


I then Thunderous Charged Strella and landed a basic attack. It was to gauge how much damage I could realistically dish out!


A shallow mark appeared on the dragon scale, and the damage number that appeared… wasn’t too embarrassing compared to the one before, I supposed—



Li Chengfeng exclaimed in disbelief. "Holy sh*t! Even Lu Chen could only do so much damage!"

1. I don’t think the author grasped how big a gap 400 meters is. Even if this is a game, who the fuck can survive a 400-meter fall?

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