Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 687 Hiding a Trump Card

Chapter 687 Hiding a Trump Card

Purple Reaver! Invi Blaze!

Varhan's weapons seemed to sing a sacred metal hymn as their inscribed spells were activated at the same time. It was too late for Kaal to pull away or launch another offensive without breaking the defensive formation.

'This fucking Orc brain bas…'

As he began casting the healing spell on his body, he cursed Eren in his mind. He knew his defensive spell couldn't be cast in time. So he chose the next logical thing.

Release. Lights. Kaboom.

Kaal had also used his weapon spell against Varhan's combo attack. The two vs 1 weapon attacks collided against one another and created a swarm of fluctuating mana that cracked the ground.

A mini white sun seemed to have been birthed inside that domain as it started expanding outwards rapidly. Two figures were seen pulling away from the expanding domain in the opposite direction from each other.

Kaal was injured. Even with his preemptive measure, the wounds on his body told him as well as onlookers that he hadn't gotten off lightly.

Lightning mana was trying to enter his body. His natural mana defense was being burned away by the fire element mana, with each passing moment. There were various mini-blade wounds all over his body.

Kaal's ceremonial armor had various bruises over it in just one exchange. If he didn't know any better, he would have assumed that he had the evolutionary disadvantage over his opponent.

Kaal then looked at the figure in the distance that was covered by clouds of dust and a combination of lightning and fire mana. When the figure swung his swords, the dust clouds were instantly repelled.

Kaal was shocked by what he was seeing. Varhan's lightning cloaks had been torn off in places. The torn patches displayed wounds that his body had to endure. But these wounds were so abysmally low in quantity and severity that the Orc Leader could be regarded as unscathed.

The Aspect Fusion had allowed Eren to bolster his defensive spell to a whole new level without using excessive mana. The cloak not only protected him against any attacks, but it also tried to fight them off using the destructive properties of red lightning.

Therefore, any attack that was landed on Eren would not only have its attack power halved but it would also get repelled to some extent. This is because the red lightning mana created destructive fluctuations to repel the attack.

This was the reason Varhan had chosen to deploy his weapon spells in close combat, something that he hadn't done previously. The various wrath flames he had digested from the monsters he had hunted in the past few days were starting to show their effects.

"Look… look at that? Varhan is almost uninsured after clashing with Kaalmaahen. How could that happen?"

"You tell me. I thought it was the other way around, with Kaalmaahen dominating the battlefield and Varhan losing ground."

"Hahaha. It seems Varhan has been favored by our god. Don't underestimate the Orc race."

"Hm. There might be some truth to it. In the end, the sacrificial energy did make Varhan stronger than before. But we didn't expect it to be so potent."

The audience discussed various topics as they watched Varhan and Kaal engage in their duel once again. This was the final battle. People were more invested in this match than in any other held at the festival so far.

Clang. Clang. Clang.

Kaal and Varhan exchanged various blows in a short while. The former couldn't believe that the sacrificial energy had given his opponent this lethal advantage over him. But as he kept on fighting with Varhan, he came to realize that he was not giving enough credit to the guy himself.

"You… Varhan… The orc race should be proud of having birthed a warrior like you. I'm glad I could fight with someone this talented for the final duel of the festival.

Glad… and also regretful that you'd have to die after displaying such an inspiring display of strength."

Kaal was out of breath when he said this. He had a smile on his face when he said that. The people who were supporting him immediately started praising him for his valor in stating something positive about his opponent.

Contrary to what Kaal was thinking, Varhan had started insulting the Ogre Lord in his mind.

'This bitch still thinks he'll win this match. I wonder where he gets that confidence from.'

Eren said to himself and the worry lines on his forehead intensified. It meant that either the Ogre Lord was full of himself. Or he had something to rely on. Something that he hadn't shown yet.

A trump card that was going to score Kaal a win despite Varhan's performance?

'Time to increase the heat and poke the ogre.'

Eren thought to himself before launching his set of spells. He disappeared from his place and appeared 5 meters in the air over the Ogre Lord's head.

The Wind-Fire Wings had appeared behind Eren's back. He coated his swords in his mana before folding the wings and launching a meteor-crash-like attack on Kaal.


Kaal was taken aback by Eren's sudden ferocity. Additionally, the latter had not yet used this attack at the festival. So the Ogre Lord was taken aback by it. He raised his broadsword and put it between him and Varhan's incoming attack.


The ground beneath Kaal's feet cracked and depression of about 20 meters was created as Varhan's meteor-like strike hit him. The fire and lightning mana of the attacks surged and started attacking Kaal's body once again.

Kaal ignored the heaviness his muscles felt and the stress his bones had endured. He gritted his teeth and swung his broadsword with all his might, forcing Varhan to retreat to a safe distance from him.


Kaal coughed a bit and spit blood. His internal organs had been injured because of the Orc Leader's attack just now. The Ogre Lord didn't have a chance to dodge the attack.

"Hehe. You are doing well, Varhan. You are really talented. Nonetheless, let me explain why I am meant to be the chosen one between us.

I didn't join this festival out of my initiative, to be honest. But now that I have, I might as well benefit from it."

Said Kaal and smiled at Varhan. He lodged his weapon into the ground near him and cast the spell that had stopped being a spell for him. He was going to use his ability.

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