Vile Evil Hides Under The Veil

Chapter 1524 Goblin Sovereign Loma & Orc Sovereign Kayini

Chapter 1524 Goblin Sovereign Loma & Orc Sovereign Kayini

Bisha's mission was to investigate a specific individual who had committed blasphemy against their god.

Eren's previous conversation with Priest Rok Jahar had unsettled him, as Eren had refrained from initiating any contact with him since their initial discussion. Consequently, Rok dispatched Bisha on a mission to gather more information about Eren.

Bisha utilized the Immortal Plane as a conduit to traverse her world and enter the realm of Anfang. At least that was the plan. However, reality was far different from an ideal scenario.

Her journey through the Immortal Plane was far from straightforward, and she spent an extended period within it before eventually arriving within the Land of the Faithless. Her emergence took place inside the Oni Dungeon, a domain Eren had long since seized control of.

The collaboration of Anfang's forces was necessary to facilitate Bisha's entry into their world. When Rok Jahar reached out to Ror to make the necessary preparations for Bisha's eventual arrival, Eren became aware of the situation.

Rather than sending Bisha away or refusing to cooperate, Eren chose to allow her entry into Anfang before apprehending her. Ror had prearranged the snare for Bisha and enlisted the aid of the Monster Sovereigns, who were Eren's allies, to execute Eren's plan.

Thus, Bisha found herself ensnared in a web laid by Eren. At this juncture, Eren did not intend to kill Bisha but was also reluctant to allow an interloper to acquire knowledge about him. He sought to gain information about the current state of affairs regarding Echidna from her.

As such, he asked Agatha to take her custody. He would meet with Bisha and interrogate her after the Lazarus Project's conclusion.


Bisha, in her current predicament, appeared powerless.

Her entire physique bore intricate, serpentine-like runes that traversed her form, emitting a faint luminescence. These were the runic bindings employed by a Monster Sovereign, which restricted not only her mobility but also her magical capabilities.

Despite her monstrous heritage as an Oni, Bisha bore a strikingly youthful and spirited countenance, exuding an air more akin to an elf abomination than a typical monster. She possessed shoulder-length azure tresses concealing her pointed ears, fierce crimson eyes, a cute nose, and red lips framed by four fangs.

Her alabaster skin had a reddish hue. Her femme fatale form rendered her a captivating yet dangerous presence, with her distinctive pair of horns on her forehead setting her apart from human women.

Standing at nearly 6 feet tall with a commanding aura, Bisha boasted an ample, statuesque figure. Her attire, designed for battle, coupled with protective armor, gave her an appearance of readiness for any challenge. Nevertheless, all her preparations seemingly crumbled when she fell into Eren's meticulously set trap.

Bisha cast a hateful glare upon her captors as she reluctantly followed Ror and his entourage. It appeared that she was harboring a readiness to unleash her fury on the first individual she could reach as soon as the runic bindings confining her were dispelled. Her continuous struggles to break free from the magical shackles, however, proved to be in vain.

Nevertheless, her efforts to provoke a reaction from anyone were largely ignored at this juncture. This was because those who had brought her here emanated an aura of far greater intimidation than she did.


"Lass Agatha, I am known as Ror."

Kaal's father declared, stepping forward and offering an introduction in a resonant yet respectful tone.

"Allow me to introduce both sides, on behalf of my liege, the identities of the Sovereigns who have answered his summons," he continued, positioning himself between the two groups of onlookers before proceeding to introduce the S-Rank monsters.

In response, Agatha nodded and offered a respectful bow to the S-Ranked monsters, signaling for Ror to proceed.

"This is Goblin Sovereign Loma," Ror presented the first S-Ranked entity, a goblin monster of great stature. Loma exuded an untamed demeanor as she silently surveyed her surroundings, her yellow sclera and white eyes imparting an air of mystique.

Loma possessed jet-black hair and a rather unremarkable nose. Her skin bore a hue reminiscent of seaweed, while her elongated arms contributed to her distinctly non-human appearance.

Her sharply pointed ears left no room for confusion—they were unlike the elegant ears of an elf. Clad in leather armor, she resembled a wilderness hunter on the prowl for exotic prey.

Compared to her fellow S-Ranked peers, Loma stood at a relatively diminutive height of about 168 cm. She boasted a medium build and projected an aura of tamed violence, concealing her capacity for devastation beneath her seemingly unthreatening exterior.

Agatha and her company greeted Loma with deference, and in return, the S-Ranked Child of Echidna acknowledged them with a simple nod. Ror then proceeded to introduce the remaining S-Ranked monsters who had gathered to meet Agatha.

Standing alongside the Goblin Sovereign was an Orc Sovereign named Kayini. Her Orc heritage was evident in her formidable physical prowess, apparent from her demeanor and appearance.

Orc Sovereign Kayini sported hair the color of desert sands and had light-cyan-hued skin. Her physique combined feminine curves with pronounced muscular definition, giving her a blend of beauty and strength.

She adorned herself in garments fashioned from exquisite beast hide and fur, exuding a wild aura. Notably, she wore signature accessories from her tribe, lending a tribal touch to her overall appearance.

Kayini's height was nearly on par with Bisha's, nearing the 6-foot mark. A smile graced her countenance as she received a bow from Agatha. A thought crossed her mind, acknowledging that Eren must have imparted some of his skills to his subordinates.

Unlike Loma, Kayini did not conceal her presence completely, her aura as an S-Ranked entity surrounding her. She only made sure that the Rankers from Agatha's side didn't suffer because of her. One could say that she came across as a calm storm that was ready to run wild at a moment's notice.


AN: With Echidna's Authority as a leverage, Eren strikes deals with S-Ranked monsters (who turn out to be Monster Sovereigns mentioned here) in chapter 1397. Echidna's Authority was explained in chapter 661.

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