Unexpected Second Chance at Love

Chapter 502 One hour

Near the peak of the mountains where Yue Ling had been taken to, Lu Tian's car pulls up to a stop. He steps out wearing a tailor-fitted suit and a wool coat in his usually prefer choice of black.

Closing the door, he walks over to stand near the cliff as he stares down with narrow eyes to the many trees below.

*Ring ring

The phone inside his coat pocket chimes in and he takes it out to answer. Bring the phone to his ear, his deep voice sounds.


["One hour."]

From the other line, Qi Li's voice sounds through. The man had parked his motorcycle in a remote area and made his way on foot to the abandoned factory.

If he didn't do that, the loud exhaust of his motorcycle would give away his position and alert the enemy.

Just as he arrived close enough to get a clear view of the place, the car his boss was in also arrived.

He did not step out from hiding because when Yue Ling spotted him, she gesture a secret hand code that only she and Alpha Team understood.

Returning from his thoughts, he squats down more as his figure hid behind a large tree. He quietly place his backpack down in front of him and unzips it.

As he gears up, he did not forget to continue his words to Lu Tian.

"She wants us to give her one hour before going in."

Away from Qi Li's hiding spot, Lu Tian did not move from his position near the cliff of the mountain.

He wants so badly to rush in and save his wife, but with her given words, she was right.

She needs time to secure a safe place for the hostages inside. That way, once he and the others rush inside, no harm will come to the innocent.

As he thought this, he kept his gaze on the trees below for a long second before turning away.

"One hour."

Just as he ends the call, the sound of multiple engines can be heard as each vehicle pulls up to park next to his car.

He glance at each car of different style as the doors open and the people inside exit out to meet him.

"Everyone is here."

Jiangyu spoke as he close the driver door to his car. Across on the passenger side was Ju Suo as Yiqing and Shaofeng exit from the back.

In another car was the twins Gui Tian Lan and Gui Zhongmin along with Tang Zhonghui.

Due to Lian Ni Shang and Shan Sinan taking care of the situation at De L'amour, the couple could not partake in the battle.

Scattered near and behind were the remaining members of Wolf Team.

Being the only motorcyclist in sight, Lin Hui removed his helmet and glance at each person getting out of their cars. His brows slightly furrow as he looks at Liu Shan.

"Where's Xu Long?"

Liu Shan had just stepped out of his red Audi r8 when he heard the man's words. He shrug his shoulder and walks over to the trunk of his car.

"He took Miss Zhao home."

When Yue Ling was taken, they came into contact with Zhao Ya'Er on the other side of the mountain. She was in such a terrified state that Xu Long agreed to send her back.

Once she is safely home, he will meet up with them.

Standing in front of the people, Lu Tian walks over to where Liu Shan is as his voice sounds.

"Gear up."

Hearing his words, everyone quickly nod their head. The trunk of each vehicle opens up and without waiting, everyone proceed to get their equipment ready for action.

"Were you able to get a layout of the place?"

Lu Tian asks as he stood next to Liu Shan. The assistant had taken out his laptop and placed it on top of his trunk hood and was already typing away.

"I did, but it's quite heavily guarded."

His fingers work their magic over the keyboard before he press the 'enter' button. Just as he did this, a screen pops up and virtual image appears on the screen.

It was an outline of the abandon factory.

He points to a part of the image that looked to be in the back.

"From the information Li Wei gathered, this place on the upper north side seems to be left unguarded once evening hits."

He types over the keyboard again as two more images pop up. However, the images looked like they were taken by a phone.

It showed a clear image of the back space he was talking about.

"Since this part of the back is near the mountain, there's no way to enter, which is why there's little guard."

Saying this, his fingers work their magic again and within thirty seconds, he was able to hack the cameras inside the abandon factory.

"I can freeze each camera for 20 seconds to stall time, but no longer than that."

Lu Tian kept his eyes on the laptop screen. The back is left unguarded because it is near the mountain. Due to that advantage, the enemy thinks there is no route for someone to enter from that way.

As he thought this, he also couldn't help but praise the assistant. Xu Long is a mad skilled hacker he's ever known, but compare to Liu Shan, he has to give the title to him (Liu Shan).

During the incident with Ghost Gang, he remembered Xu Long was having difficulty trying to hack the cameras. He said someone was blocking him with strong codes that would take him a while to decode.

Then there was the incident with the footage that kept pausing. From Liu Shan's words, he must have been the hacker Xu Long was up against.

Even he was surprise to know that the people around his wife are all intelligent people.

"Stay here and be the eyes for everyone's blind spot. Once we set out, inform Grandfather Ji."

He is not asking Liu Shan to call Grandfather Ji for backup. Every time when he is done dealing with the people from underworld, Grandfather Ji is the person who takes them into custody.

Giving one last glance at the images, he turns away and walks towards Jiangyu's car.

"My wife wants us to give her one hour. Within that one hour, we are going to move out and get into position."

As he spoke his words, he takes off his coat and place it inside the trunk. Picking up a black shoulder holster, he puts it over his black dress shirt.

"Jiangyu and Ju Suo will take Team A and enter from the east."

Picking up a gun, he straps it to one side of the holster before doing the same on the other side.

"Gui Tian Lan, Gui Zhongmin, Tang Zhonghui. Can I count on you guys to cover the West with Team B and Team D?"

Hearing his order, the members of Wolf Team nod their head as they continue to put their gears on.

Unlike them, Alpha Team glance at one another as the only person they listened to was Yue Ling. However, staring at the man for a long second, Gui Tian Lan was the first to speak.

"Got it. We'll secure the west."

Following him, everyone else Lu Tian mentioned quickly came to an agreement. Since their boss is a hostage, they will listen to the man who stands by her.

Lin Hui stood near his motorcycle and he pout his lip. Why was everyone given an order and not him?

Setting his helmet down, he scratch the back of his head and walks over to the businessman.

"What about me?"

Lu Tian turns to look at the man then to a few of his men nearby. Their task is the most important.

"You and Team C will head for the front on the south side to meet with Qi Li and Li Wei."

Hearing his order, Lin Hui furrow his brows. The sides and front are covered, so what about the back?

Just as he thought this, he remembers what Liu Shan said about the place. His eyes shook and slight widen.

"You're going to sneak in through the back by yourself?"

His voice was slightly loud that it made everyone else dart their head in the direction of Lu Tian.

He had assigned each person into teams but did not assign any to go with him. Why?

The back may be unguarded, but one cannot be sure. Even if he was to enter the place, Chu Li Xiang has his men guarding other areas.

What if something happens to him? Who will watch his back?

Lu Tian stares at Lin Hui and did not answer right away. He calmly turns back to face the open trunk and reach inside to grab two magazines as backup ammo for his guns.

Placing them in the magazine holder part of his holster, his voice sounds.

"My wife went inside by herself, why can't I?"

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