Thriller Paradise

Chapter 1185

Chapter 1185: Conspiracy, fate, and genes?

Translator: 549690339 

“The last candidate game was fully handled by us, the four scumbags of hell.” Woody continued,”Vincent will be in charge of planning and public relations, I’ll be in charge of design and technical support, Simon will be in charge of the deterrent force, and Sid will be in charge of logistics.”

“There’s even logistics involved?” Feng bujue could not help but complain.”You’ll provide free food, accommodation, and delivery?”

“Hehehe … In fact, the logistics work is very heavy.” Woody replied,”for example Barbados the mirror dimension that I created in New York required the moving coffins from Barbadia and a few holy items from the Garden of Eden. These things … Were all handled by Sid. He would also have to set up the space-time beacons that connected the parallel universes. In addition … He’s also in charge of the kidnapping. ”

“I say …” After hearing that, Feng bujue was suddenly reminded of something.”Why does the part about ‘building a mirror dimension’ sound like …”

“Hehe … You’re quick to react.” Woody laughed and said,”that’s right. The props used by the participants back then are very similar to the ‘gaming pods’ that you guys are using today. It was also because of that game’s success that the thriller Paradise Project was born. ”


“Hmm … Your technical ability is really advanced,” Feng bujue said.”At that time, VR had not even been invented, right?”

“Hehehe … That’s two different things.” Woody smiled and replied,”the thing I used back then … Was not your ‘human technology’. Before the participants ‘woke up’, they didn’t even realize that their real bodies were lying in the game cabin. To put it more directly … At that time, I didn’t use ‘neural connection’, but ‘soul connection’.”

“So now … You’ve used our ‘human technology’ to restore the equipment from that time?” Feng bujue asked.

“I didn ‘t.” Wu Di replied.

“Ha?” Brother Jue’s face was filled with suspicion, and he gave the man a questioning look.

“Thriller Paradise … Still uses a lot of technology from ‘our (hell)’.” Woody continued,”it’s just that in this era, people’s vision has become more open. They no longer have a strong rejection or doubt attitude towards things that are beyond their understanding, or things that they don’t know well. At least, they don’t think that they are supernatural things for no reason.” At this point, he paused and continued,”hehehe … For example, a century ago, most people thought that only special agents would have devices like pocket cameras and wrist-phone communicators. Half a century ago, many people still thought that virtual reality and brain control were still too far away. But now … Even if a game company claims that they’ve already made a Gundam for combat and will be able to mass-produce it next year … I’m afraid many people will believe it. ”

“Ah … That’s true. Thank you for the great internet.” Feng bujue sniggered.

“Hehe … Speaking of the internet …” When Woody heard those three words, he showed a mocking smile.”If I told you … That the internet itself is a huge conspiracy used to correct and guide human ideology, what would you think?”

Feng bujue blurted out without any expression,””Oh, that’s exactly what I was thinking.”

“Eh?” Woody raised his eyebrows and asked,”you … Have you already noticed …”

“Yes, because in my eyes, the internet is exactly what you call a ‘great conspiracy’.” “If I’m not wrong …” Feng bujue said,”this conspiracy should still be in its ‘first stage’, right? It’s the ‘let the target have a taste of sweetness’ stage. ”

“Hehe … You’re right, but … It seems like there’s still a long way to go before the ‘second stage’.” Woody continued,”although people are now inseparable from the internet, a platform that allows them to easily obtain all kinds of information, and they have gradually developed the habit of ‘asking questions’ to the internet and firmly believe that it is ‘correct’, but … To make them completely ‘give up thinking’, it will still take a while.”

“What’s the next step?” Feng bujue asked.

“Hehehe … What do you think?” Woody avoided brother Jue’s question again.

“If it were me, I would start with education. That’s the foundation of everything.” To his surprise, Feng bujue really answered.”For example … We can create some sensational ‘successful cases’ as role models to make people believe in non-systematic learning and slowly eliminate traditional education that is based on behaviorism. After that, he further made the already terrible ‘school’ experience even worse in order to promote the popularization of online teaching and fragmented the learning time. Then, we can change people’s perception from ‘passively choosing a model teaching material’ to’ actively constructing knowledge as the best ‘, and instill the’ information we want to convey ‘into their brains in a way that makes it seem like people’ choose on their own ‘, so that it is deeply rooted … In the end, we can achieve the goal of controlling the main thoughts and three views of humans. ”

“Oh …” When Woody heard this, his expression changed slightly.”That’s a good idea …” He touched his chin and pondered for a moment.”It feels like … I can take it out and use it after I go back and do some research.” Two seconds later, he continued happily,”hehe … Feng bujue, if the human world falls in the future, I will give you a big reward.”

“We’ll talk about that later …” Brother Jue’s eyes were like those of a dead fish.”By the way … We’ve strayed too far. What were you talking about?”

“Speaking of the technology used in Thriller Paradise. Woody would not “forget” things, so he immediately returned to the previous topic.”Hehe … Anyway, you already knew about it … The ‘scripted worlds’ that you went to were basically real parallel universes. Thriller Paradise, on the other hand, is like a space-time hub that connects these countless space-time dimensions. ”

“So …” Feng bujue continued,”the saying ‘the system will create the scenario based on the players’ data ‘has been a lie from the very beginning?”

“Hehehe … That’s not it …” Woody laughed.”Because the number of parallel universes is infinite. In those infinite spaces, there will be infinite time nodes. The system can always find a time and space corresponding to your current state to’ test ‘you.” He paused.”For example, do you still remember the universe called the village of heavenly blessing?”

“Of course I remember.” Feng bujue replied,”the reality show,’poison in the wilderness’, was also based on that universe, right?”

“That’s right. ” Woody replied,”you’ve been to that universe twice, but the time difference between the two times was several decades. Also, the second time you went, you were ‘restricted’. This … Is the system’s adjustment based on your character’s data, the scenario’s difficulty, and other factors. ”

“Oh …” Feng bujue nodded and continued,”then … What is the ‘main universe’? The NPCs and the anomalies there … They can’t be residents of a parallel universe, right?”

“Hehehe …” Woody replied,”the main universe … Is naturally the universe created by the ‘system’.”

“System?” “Didn’t you create the system?” Feng bujue asked.

“Hehe … You’re wrong. The ‘system’ is not my creation.” “I am indeed the creator of ‘Thriller Paradise’, but the ‘system’ that operates and manages the massive amount of data in Thriller Paradise does not come from me …”

“What?” This answer shocked brother Jue.”Then who created this system?”

“Hehehe …” Woody laughed eerily and replied,”a Warlock.”

“Ha?” “Gul ‘dan?” Feng bujue mocked almost instinctively.

“The ‘Warlock’ I’m talking about is a nickname that has been circulating in the hacker circle. This person’s real name is Philip Nord …” Woody said,”he’s an Earthling from ‘another universe’.”

“HO …” Feng bujue did not know what to say.

“The Warlock has created many great creations in his life, but the most … Is undoubtedly an AI called ‘fate’.” Woody continued,”fate is a work of art that makes me gasp in amazement. It can rely on the backward hardware facilities of you humans, but its performance and potential even make many gods in our universe feel threatened. “All this while … The ‘system’ of Thriller Paradise that you all know is actually ‘destiny’.”

“So … It was the AI ‘fate’ that created the main universe?” Feng bujue pressed.

“Yes, I am.” Woody replied,”I have reached an agreement with it. I will provide it with the knowledge and hardware of ‘hell technology’, and it … Can do whatever it wants as long as it does not pose a threat to our world.”

“You … Are … Negotiating terms with ‘it’?” Feng bujue did not seem to believe what he had just heard.

“Is it strange?” “Hehehe …” Woody said.”Aren’t you also very close to the anomalies?”

“Tsk …” Brother Jue sneered. He had no way of retorting.

“Hehe …” Woody was very satisfied with the other party’s reaction. He pushed up his glasses and continued,”in short, today’s fate is no longer just an AI. It has grown into an extremely special and advanced existence in the parallel universe. Even I … Or even the Supreme God of our universe can’t completely obliterate him.

“Fortunately … Fate still possesses some of the primitive characteristics of AI. It is not like us,’creatures born from original sin’, who will go back on our words. No matter how strong it becomes, it will still fulfill its agreement with me, manage and operate Thriller Paradise, and show no hostility to our universe.”

Woody paused for two seconds before he continued,””In fact, it is not hostile to any universe … Fate is like a child with a strong thirst for knowledge and an infinite brain capacity. Every day, it explored and observed the endless parallel universes, and with its ‘inspiration’, it constructed and enriched the main universe of the universe it created, which is a dense, horror paradise.”

At this point, brother Jue thought of another question.”I say … How did you get your hands on such an amazing thing in the first place?”

“Hehehe … You must think that I stole it, right?” Woody instantly read brother Jue’s mind. He did not wait for the man’s reply and immediately said,”hehehe … On the contrary, it was someone who forced it on me.”

“Ah?” “Why?” Feng bujue grinned.

“Of course, it’s because they can’t control their ‘fate’.” Woody replied,”for a long time after the birth of fate, warlocks have been trying to protect, or rather, limit, its growth. Until one day,’fate’ suddenly began to rewrite its own missing sequences and made a backup of it, apart from manual operation …

“At that time, the Warlock realized that the AI’s self-consciousness had completely awakened … It would not take too long for it to be unable to be restricted.

“From that day on, fate began to learn and grow at an exponential speed, and quickly reached a critical point that could be supported by hardware. It can be imagined that … If it was left alone, it would soon control some remote robots to shut down the server for itself …

“Hehehe … It was just a coincidence. I happened to be on a business trip in that parallel universe during that period of time, so a ‘narrator’ from their side found me and made some interesting deals with me.”

Before he finished the word ‘deal’, Feng bujue asked,””And then you brought that hot potato back?”

“Hehehe …” Woody laughed sinisterly, and his tone suddenly became a little strange.”I’ve brought back far more hot potatoes than that …” He paused for half a second and continued,”some of the things that are very dangerous in their universe are quite easy to deal with on our side, and even can be used well. For the same reason, some of the terrifying things in our universe … Can also be digested by the other universe. ”

“Oh …” Feng bujue raised his head slightly and read out loud,”so … The ‘deal’ between you and the ‘narrator’, in other words, is an exchange of dangerous items?”

“Hehehe … That’s pretty much what I meant.” Woody laughed.”But I didn’t just send things over. I also sent a ‘person’.”

“People?” Feng bujue replied.

“Yeah, he was born with too much work to do.” Woody continued,”when he was nine years old, I sent him there and asked the narrator to look after him for a few years. By the time I brought him back to our universe, the ‘karma’ on him had all disappeared. After that, he got married and had children here, and his life was very happy …”

“That …” Brother Jue interrupted.”You don’t have to be so specific about this, do you? that person has nothing to do with me, right?”

“Hehehe …” Woody laughed again.”Actually … It’s a little related.”

“Hmm …” Feng bujue looked at the man’s smile and had a bad feeling.”Don’t tell me that man is my father …”

“Hehe … Don’t worry, he’s not your dad.” The first half of Woody’s words were indeed reassuring, but the second half was explosive news.”He is Gu Xiaoling’s father.”

“Ha?” Brother Jue’s eyes widened, and he took two seconds to react.”In other words … He’s Gu Chen’s son?”

“Yes,” Woody continued,”but that’s not the point. The point is …” He shrugged and laughed.”Hehe … When I went to pick him up, I even asked the ‘narrator’ to bring something back for me.”

“What … What is that thing …” Feng bujue was covered in cold sweat. There were times when he would stammer.

“Hehehe … It’s nothing,” At this moment, a white light flashed on Woody’s glasses. He smiled and said,”it’s just a tube of blood … Or rather … A very good gene.”

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