The Yun Family's Ninth Child is an Imp!

Chapter 5883 - Chapter 5883: Chapter 5883 loitering pig (asking for a monthly pass)

Chapter 5883: Chapter 5883 loitering pig (asking for a monthly pass)

Translator: 549690339

Da Hua did not know what Hei Xinjiu was thinking. She said proudly,

“Not only will my physical form greatly increase my power, but I can also speed up my cultivation speed. In the future, you should let me out for a walk more often. ”

Yun chujiu felt that these words were somehow familiar. That damned grass often requested to be out for a walk too. These two were restless!

The other people raised spiritual beasts, while she raised… loitering pigs.

Yun chujiu thought of another question. “My morning sickness must have something to do with you, right?”

Da Hua touched its nose guiltily with its small claws. “You also know that I’m used to eating and sleeping when I’m full. When Pm full, Pll eat. If I don’t sleep enough, I’ll naturally be in a bad mood. ”

Yun chujiu felt very stifled and sent it flying with a kick.

Da Hua let out a choking sound as it fell. Its four short legs kicked for a long time before it finally got up.

Yun Chujiu felt even more stifled. What kind of combat ability could it have with its stupid appearance? !

Da Hua got up and widened its small eyes. It said pitifully, “Well, master, I’m

Hungry! Do you have anything to eat?”

Yun Chujiu:”. ”

Yun chujiu gritted her teeth and threw a pile of spirit stones to Da Hua. Da Hua opened its mouth and the pile of spirit stones instantly entered its stomach.

Yun chujiu only felt that in the blink of an eye, the pile of Spirit Stones had disappeared.

Da Hua said pitifully again, “Master, I’m Hungry! ”

Hei xinjiu resisted the urge to slap it to death and threw another pile of spirit stones to it, but it swallowed them in one gulp.

“Master, I’m still hungry. “Da Hua thought secretly. Although it could not avenge its wife for the time being, at least it could eat her poor, Humph! It was so smart!

Seeing that da Hua had eaten so many spiritual stones in such a short time,

Yun Chujiu couldn’t bear it anymore. (‘I’m hungry, you should also bear with

Da Hua shook its short tail aggrievedly. “Master, even if you don’t give me spiritual stones, you can at least give me some food!

“It’s not my fault. I’ve been locked up for so many years, Pm really hungry!”

To be honest, although Tao tie didn’t look very likable before, it was now a small one, wagging its short tail. It was exceptionally soft and cute, and Yun Chujiu couldn’t bear it anymore.

Moreover, it didn’t want spirit stones, just some food. It wasn’t too much.

However, hei xinjiu soon realized how naive her thoughts were!

How was it just some food? !

In just 15 minutes, da Hua had eaten 100 bags of spiritual wheat, 200 bags of spiritual rice, 300 spiritual cabbages, 500 red-crowned eggs, and 10 large basins of steamed buns!

Hei Xinjiu saw that her stock was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, so she wickedly threw a sack of chili noodles to da Hua.

“Cough cough! Cough Cough! It’s so spicy!”Da Hua choked and coughed repeatedly, her small body shaking like leaves in the wind.

Hei Xinjiu felt very relieved. She was about to say something when she heard da hua continue, “Master, you are so considerate!

(‘I was just having a bland meal, and you brought me seasoning. The spicy food was so satisfying!”

Hei Xinjiu was so angry that she rolled her eyes. She hugged di beiming’s waist and sobbed:

“Idol, it’s over! I’m going to raise a bottomless pit in the future! I’m going to be a pauper soon! ”

Di Beiming’s heart ached as he stroked her hair. His cold gaze looked at Da Hua who was Snot, tears, and frantically eating.

Da Hua immediately trembled and stammered, “Umm, I’m… I’m full! Pm not hungry anymore. I can stop eating for three days!

“Umm, master, don’t worry. I’m very easy to raise. If it’s not enough, i… I can even lick my own paws for two days.. “

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