The Sickly General's Wife With A Spatial Ability Is Loved By All

Chapter 576 - Chapter 576: Conserve Your Strength

Chapter 576: Conserve Your Strength

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The young couple chatted and busied themselves with the tasks at hand. Luo Jin’an looked through the information he had received while Su Binglan helped him organize them. She also burned the more sensitive information.

However, she could see the information on the paper. Her expression turned cold after reading a few of them. The situation was more complicated than she thought, as many places were at war, fighting for territory, food, and land. Moreover, the kings of various provinces no longer obeyed the emperor’s orders. Many seemed to be obeying him on the surface but were plotting secretly. The struggles in the Imperial Court were fierce as well.

Su Binglan looked at the information and understood it would not be long before Chu Country would fall into internal and external strife. Then it would become chaotic, creating more opportunities for other parties to take action.

However, heroes came from troubled times, and troubles brought about prosperity.

Su Binglan swept her eyes through the information and discovered a vital piece of news. The emperor was severely ill, but the empress had kept it from the outside world.

Still, hiding that from the public was pointless, as many people had placed spies around the emperor. Those who intended to know about the emperor’s illness would eventually find out.

Then most would test the news’s authenticity and start fighting for power and profit after confirming it. The enemy country would also become restless to take action.

After understanding the information, Su Binglan fell into profound thought. Her eyes darkened as she was about to tell Luo Jin’an about it. However, she realized he was skimming the information when she turned to look at him. “Won’t you forget what you’ve read after burning it?” Su Binglan asked curiously. She wondered if her husband possessed a photographic memory like her.

Luo Jin’an had spent most of his time at the border when he was Wei Jin’an. He and Lan Ruobing trusted each other, but the details were unclear.

As for Su Binglan’s doubts, Luo Jin’an patiently answered her, “I’ll remember what I’ve read.’

He could burn the information without worry because he remembered its contents. Su Binglan also had a photographic memory, but that was because she was gifted.

However, Luo Jin’an was an ordinary man, and his photographic memory proved he was astute.

“That’s impressive,” Su Binglan praised him sincerely.

Luo Jin’an did not overthink it. “You’re the impressive one, Bing. You’ve helped and saved many people.”

He meant what he said and knew many things others did not. Su Binglan helped many people by starting businesses like the tofu factory, embroidery shop, and winery, not to mention the things she did as Lan Ruobing.

Furthermore, Su Binglan’s medical skills cured many people. Luo Jin’an had witnessed these things in Su Teng Village and was proud of her.

Su Binglan felt she had not done much, but when she thought about the information she had just read, she said, “Chu Country will be in chaos next, and the people might not survive. I can’t do anything now.”

Her current Soul Power was insufficient, and the things she could do were limited. She felt she had lost something vital in her memories but did not know what it was.

Su Binglan was curious and wondered why she was in the modern world once, transmigrated into this era, and then reborn as Su Binglan after living as Lan Ruobing. She could not understand those strings of events yet.

Luo Jin’an did not want his wife to worry, so he comforted her, “Chu is already facing internal and external strife. The country can only enter a golden age when we break this chain. Chu Country will truly be stable once Ruozhu becomes its emperor.

“We must take the necessary steps. There would always be sacrifices, but once the country stabilizes, it’ll be a peaceful and prosperous era.”

The Wei family had learned to protect the country. Deep down, Luo Jin’an hoped that peace and prosperity would prevail. However, he had no intentions of becoming the emperor himself. He could only support someone wise to sit on the throne if he wanted peace and prosperity.

Luo Jin’an knew Lan Ruozhu would be an excellent emperor. Furthermore, he had a relatively selfish motive for wanting Lan Ruozhu to become the emperor. He knew Lan Ruozhu was Su Binglan’s brother, and he would do anything to protect her as the emperor.

Su Binglan understood what Luo Jin’an meant. “Yes, I know. What I’m thinking about now is to protect the people around us as much as possible.

Also, you can’t exhaust yourself. You can’t use force and endanger yourself.”

Her expression was solemn as she spoke. The situation was so severe that they had to protect themselves and not act rashly. Luo Jin’an had to conserve his strength and find a chance to achieve his goal.

“All right, don’t worry,” Luo Jin’an said calmly, “I’ll listen to you and won’t endanger myself.”

The young couple chatted and realized it was late, so they went to bed to rest.

However, Su Binglan did not feel sleepy yet, even after lying in bed for a while. She could hear the north wind whistling outside.


The wind blew loudly, brushing against the window, making one feel cold.

Su Binglan knew it was much colder here than in Su Teng Village, but the brick beds were still warm because everyone at the border had burned plenty of wood to make dumplings for dinner.

Su Binglan also had a duvet, so she did not feel cold. Instead, she felt it was too hot under her duvet. Since she could not fall asleep, she gently moved around.

Luo Jin’an heard her movements and whispered, “Can’t sleep?”

Su Binglan stiffened. “You’re not asleep yet?”

“No, not yet.” Luo Jin’an could not sleep either. After all, he had slept for too long when he was recovering. Therefore, he did not feel sleepy now. Perhaps it was because his wife was there, but he could not bear to sleep.

The young couple had slept together when they were in Su Teng Village. Luo Jin’an did not realize he had grown accustomed to it then. After leaving the village, he could not see his wife and always woke up in the middle of the night. He felt he was not used to not having his wife beside him.

Now that Su Binglan was beside him, he felt secure. Su Binglan also felt like she was dreaming. She sometimes worried about not being able to see her husband after waking up.

“Since we can’t sleep, why don’t we talk?” Su Binglan asked.

“All right.”

Su Binglan did not know what to say for a moment. After all, she had been

talking to Luo Jin’an a lot for the past few days, telling him about the changes in Su Teng Village and many other things.

She felt she had said enough and did not know what else to discuss. Then, as if she thought of something, she said, “Oh, right. I’ll make fried dumplings for you tomorrow morning. Would you like that?”

“All right.”

“That’s all you’re going to say?”

Luo Jin’an smiled gently and said, “The food you make is delicious, but I know how to fry dumplings too. You can sleep in tomorrow while I fry the dumplings.”

The young couple were chatting warmly when a commotion suddenly broke out from outside. It alerted Luo Jin’an, and he quickly sat up..

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