The Number One Star in the Interstellar Era



ELLIS gave out a long and frustrated sigh. “I also don’t know what she’s thinking for doing this. But don’t worry, I will get to the bottom of this. I won’t let this affect you.”

“I’m not really particularly worried about that,” Astrid said. “I know that the recording today didn’t have any footages that might be detrimental to me. What I’m worried about is you, Sister Ellis.”

When he noticed during the recording that things might spiral out of control, he made sure that his actions wouldn’t get him in trouble. But now that he knew that Livi’s mother was actually Olivia Crane, he started to think that the real target here must be Ellis and not him.

“You’re worried about me?”

“Yes. Who knew what Olivia was planning? As I’ve said, she could be planning to force you into an affair for all we knew.”

Ellis laughed at that. “Your imagination really knows no bounds.”

“I’m serious though.”

Ellis found Astrid very adorable like this. So, she couldn’t help but ruffled the other’s hair. “And I told you, I will handle this.”

Astrid sighed and tried to straighten his ruffled hair. He actually wanted to ask Ellis how she and Olivia broke up but he felt like that was too personal of a question. Ellis might not even want to share it. It would just make the atmosphere awkward.


But even if he did not ask that, there’s still one thing that he needed to say to Ellis. Especially if the other was planning to meet Olivia.

“Sister Ellis, once you meet her, can you tell her something for me?”

“Hmm, what is it?” Ellis asked curiously.

“Tell her to watch the unedited footages of the recording we did today,” Astrid said. “And please, ask her if she had ever seen her son look that happy.”

Maybe that could be a wake-up call for Olivia.

At first, he thought of using public opinion to force Livi’s mother to see how she was damaging her own child’s mental health. The things that the cameras following him captured were enough for that. But that was until he found out that Livi’s mother was actually Olivia Crane.

If Ellis planned to meet the other, wouldn’t it be possible to send the message directly to her?

Astrid just hoped that the message would come across properly. If not, then he’d just proceed to plan B. Which would involve the public’s opinion. If that still didn’t work, then proceed to plan C. Which he still hadn’t thought of, by the way. What’s important was not to stop even if he reached plan Z.

Because this was all for Livi. For a child who was just starting his childhood and who seemed to be being deprived of that at the same time. As a person who had experienced a different and yet somehow similar thing, Astrid just couldn’t leave Livi’s situation alone.

Ellis glanced at Astrid. There was a serious expression on the other’s face as he said that. It seemed like he really had taken a liking to the kid. Ellis understood his worry. It was quite obvious how the kid lacked affection. Which begged the question, why did Olivia agree on letting her child guest in this program.

Was it because she truly believed that her parenting style was flawless, so it was fine even if the public knew about it? Well, granted that a lot of nobilities must have the same parenting style. But the problem here was, the kid looked absolutely unhappy.

It was probably not so noticeable at first. But as you watched the recording, one could easily tell that there’s a problem. So, she couldn’t blame Astrid if he was worried for the kid.

In the first place, Ellis couldn’t understand how Olivia’s husband even allowed the child to appear in such a program. Surely it’s not because of money. It’s definitely not to increase their reputation in the eyes of the general public. Because this recording had a total opposite effect. So, what was it?

She let out a long sigh once again.

Anyway, these questions would be answered once she and Olivia talked.

But now, the real question was, was she ready to face the other?


After arriving at the TV station, Astrid began with his post-interview of the program. Of course, that was after the make-up artist touched up his hair and face a little. The interview was done inside a room with pure white walls, probably to give the impression of ‘purity’ and ‘innocence’.

He sat down on the designated chair. Cameras were floating around him. There were staffs in front of him but they were out of the coverage of the cameras.

“We’ll start with the interview,” one of the staffs said.

Astrid nodded, telling them that he’s ready.

The same staff asked questions about the show. Like how he felt when he found out that he would be guesting for today’s episode, his first impression of the show, basic things like that.

Astrid’s answers were all neutral, not saying anything bad, but also not being hyped up for everything. But he made sure that he answered it in a way that would look like he’s being honest. In this way, he could avoid saying anything controversial and at the same time, not also offend the program team.

Of course, when the question was about Livi, he was more animated and his answers were more sincere.

“For the last question, do you have any message for the young master?”

Astrid looked at one of the cameras that was recording the interview. He stared straight at it as if the one in front of him was Livi himself.

“Young master, if you’re watching this, I just want you to know that you deserve all the happiness in the world. I hope that you will grow up healthy, strong, and happy. Our childhood is very fleeting. At the blink of an eye, without us noticing, it was already over. So, I hope that the young master could have more fun in the future. Don’t be afraid to tell the people around you what you want.” He smiled encouragingly at the camera. “And the next time we meet again, I’ll definitely cook you a meal.”

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