The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 493 - Slaying Mo Yan

Chapter 493 Slaying Mo Yan

Chu Xun’s sudden revelation about Mo Yan’s true identity left Gao Mohan and everyone else aghast with astonishment.

Mo Yan is the Fifth Fiend Lord?! How is this possible?!

Di Yanjing’s expression stirred not one bit. He was the one who had conjured this fake Mo Yan using the powers of the Cursed Tree – he knew the truth.

“How did you find out?” Mo Yan growled with an unfriendly stare.

“You told me yourself. Or rather, the other you still inside the Divine Tree,” said Chu Xun placidly.

“You entered the spiritual domain of the Divine Tree?!” Mo Yan gasped. He looked hardly pleased at all. Evidently, he did not expect this. “Impossible,” he uttered sharply, “If you managed to enter the Tree’s spiritual space, I would have known about it!”

“Then you might not have realized that all two hundred fiends of the horde you summoned are all destroyed too,” Chu Xun jabbed even more with a droll, wicked grin.

“Enchantment?!” The word slipped out the lips of the astounded Mo Yan.

“Exactly!” Chu Xun responded coldly, “You’re only a fragment of the Fiend Lord’s soul, and yet you dared to divide yourself further. Talk about a stupid gambit.”

“I don’t understand this at all. What on earth are you talking about, Chu?!” Gao Mohan blurted.

“Long when the Subterranean Devils were sealed away, the Fifth Fiend Lord left a gambit here. He concealed a fragment of his soul in an object here, which it was later found and released by Di Yanjing,” said Chu Xun, pausing a beat, “When I entered the spiritual domain of the Divine Tree just now, I encountered him another him, actually there. The ‘Fifth Fiend Lord’ there, the horde of two hundred fiends, and this fake Mo Yan – they are created from the fragment of the Fiend Lord’s soul he left here.”

“That must mean that the ‘me’ inside the Tree’s spiritual domain is in trouble,” observed Mo Yan with frost.

“That’s right. You tried to corrupt the Tree’s spirit, but I got there in time and my prowess in enchantments allowed me to help the spirit. If I’m not mistaken, the ‘you’ inside there should be destroyed by now.”

“I really have underestimated you, Devil. I should have long killed you when you came to where we were sealed,” said Mo Yan with cold fury.

“There’s no cure for regret, I’m afraid,” chuckled Chu Xun derisively. “Surely you understand there’s folly in leaving loose ends, so I never allow my enemies any chance of recovering.”

“That’s a lesson I’ll remember for life,” growled Mo Yan.

“That’s the cost of your lesson: your life.”

With a snort, Mo Yan radiated a huge burst of foul aura so thick that even the air warped and popped from the sudden rise in pressure.

Di Yanjing hardly looked amused himself to find out that he had lost control of the Divine Tree.

“So, Fifth Fiend Lord,” said Chu Xun, “Ready to face your death?”

“I might be weakened, but that doesn’t mean that I am an easy game. I had made the mistake of sparing you once, but I’ll never repeat that mistake again. You’ll never leave this place alive.”

“Kill me? You’ll have to do better than just a fragment of your soul that has barely managed to survive for a thousand years,” scoffed Chu Xun who promptly instructed the others, “I’ll leave Di Yanjing to you. Remember, the Flaming Qilin shall keep him busy with close combat while the rest of you are to support him from afar.”

The others could hardly expect to defeat Di Yanjing through sheer superiority of number alone. The Great Elder of the Elf race was a champion in the mid-Immortal level that they could only hold back temporarily until Chu Xun was done with Mo Yan.

Despite saying that what stood before him now was only a doppelganger created from a fragment of the Fifth Fiend Lord’s soul, Chu Xun knew better than to underrate his opponent.

“Let’s do this then!”

Chu Xun grunted with his fists clenched firmly as he lunged at Mo Yan like a charging bull radiating a rich purplish aura of Hong Meng Immortal Qi.

“I hereby sentence you to death for meddling in my plans, Devil!” bellowed Mo Yan, leaping off the veranda and swooping down on Chu Xun.

Chu Xun swung a fist at his foe and the resonating air crackled like thunder.

While Mo Yan, with a cloud of foul aura over him, fired a blast of energy that made the air whine and pop.


The energy bolts from both men collided and the eruption of force from the impact caused a shock wave that tossed both men backward.

Chu Xun struggled to keep himself steady as he reeled with astonishment. Just a mere fragment of the actual Fiend Lord’s soul and yet it has such power!

Meanwhile, Mo Yan was just as shocked too. Chu Xun’s powers were way beyond his expectation.

Chu Xun’s fierce stomp into the ground smashed the ground under his feet as he launched himself like a cannonball at Mo Yan. He lunged at the fiend with his fists on the ready for a direct punch.

The undaunted Mo Yan flailed his fist with equal terror and power that threatened to rip open the fabric of Space too.

Bang! Bang!

A litany of deep bangs followed the rapid wraith-like movements of the two men as they left a long trail of destruction behind them. Everything that came near to them was demolished and devastated by the pulsing concussion of their exchanges.

On the other hand, the Flaming Qilin and Weng Xiong, both bearing in mind how dangerous Di Yanjing was, charged headfirst at the Great Elder.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

Su Wei’er and the others sprang into action too, letting loose their arrows in quick succession. Hails of deadly shafts screamed at Di Yanjing again and again.

“You imbeciles, you’ll pay for my brother’s death!” Di Yanjing channeled his powers and rich gusts of Internal Breath emanated enough to churn up winds and dust storms


Di Yanjing delivered one punch to meet the Flaming Qilin’s, and with that loud bang, it was the latter who was sent flying through the air.

Weng Xiong followed up at once with earth-yellow flecks of light mottling the aura that he gave off as he threw himself at Di Yanjing, howling maniacally with his fists on the ready.

“Stupid fool,” scowled Di Yanjing with an easy swat on Weng Xiong’s fist. From his palm, he discharged a huge burst of Internal Breath to blast Weng Xiong away too.

The arrow shafts came whistling near. Di Yanjing let loose an enraged snarl and radiated another terrible burst of aura. With several quick blasts, he easily splintered the arrows before they reached him.

“Damn, what a handful,” the Flaming Qilin gave his numbing hands several shakes before he charged at Di Yanjing again.

Weng Xiong tore after him, leaping into the air like an eagle swooping down on its prey.

Qiu Yunping, Gao Mohan, and the rest did not remain idle as well. They took out whatever tools and weapons they have to help defeat Di Yanjing.


On the other side, Chu Xun had another head-on collision with Mo Yan and the shock wave from the impact caused an earthquake that rocked the Great Elder’s residence into a crumbling mass of debris.

As the two men retreated as result of the sweeping waves of shock, Chu Xun cast another spell with his mind.

Demon-slain Finger—Four Fingers Shocking the Sky!

The air trembled and a huge monolith came crashing down from the sky, bearing down on Mo Yan.

Mo Yan peered gravely at the incoming attack. With his foul magic, he conjured a huge, jet-black web that wrapped and constricted around the gigantic monolith.

A huge boom came as the web exploded, destroying the massive monolith along with it. The ensuing waves of dust and wind storms rolled upon the grass beds of the Elf woods, sending jolts of tremor everywhere.

Hong Meng Scripture—Sky Shaking Thirty-six Styles.

Chu Xun balled his fists. He flailed them with blinding speed, spewing one energy bolt after another with the speed and intensity of a gatling gun while eliciting dragon roars and the screeches of a phoenix from both his left and right fists respectively. The salvo of energy bolts came down with the force of a missile barrage, threatening to blow Mo Yan to kingdom come.

Mo Yan released a bestial howl in response, and skull-like silhouettes materialized around him and rose into the air like balloons, soaring into the air to meet the falling hail of energy bolts.


A long cascade of ear-splitting explosions ripped across the skies in a long torrent of fiery eruptions, pummeling at the earth even more.

Surrounded by the purplish luminescence of the energy bolts he was firing, Chu Xun maintained his relentless shelling of Mo Yan, unleashing incalculable spates of fist-like bolts – each as large as giant millstones – into the air.

In response, Mo Yan did not stop discharging his skull-shaped bolts as well, setting loose them like heat-seeking missiles to nullify Chu Xun’s attacks.

Earth-shaking eruptions ensued right after each and every collision of the bolts and every inch of the Elf woods quaked as if in fear.

Rancor and fury burned in Chu Xun’s eyes. He needed to slay Mo Yan – or the Fifth Fiend Lord, or whatever this was – and nothing would stop him.

With only his mind, he cast another spell.


The ear-splitting cry of a phoenix scythed over the top of the forest. A phoenix of fire descended from the skies, its thirty-meter-long wingspan in full splendor.

Chu Xun did not stop weaving more hand seals. Basking amid the roars of dragons reverberating from within his own body, the bones inside him – bones of dragons – shone brightly in gold. Chu Xun swiftly fired spurts of energies each like tiny little dragons of gold from his fists. The little golden dragons all streaked into the air and melted into the magnificent flaming phoenix swooping down like a hawk.

Mo Yan hardly looked pleased at all. The sight of the phoenix looked awfully ominous to him as he quickly channeled his demonic powers.


Mo Yan’s size burgeoned into that of a hulking giant more than thirty meters tall, lumbering shoulder to shoulder with the tallest summits around him. He stomped after the phoenix, swinging his arms to hit the bird.


And he did; one of his blows caught the phoenix squarely and obliterated its skull easily, eliciting a sudden wave of inferno that engulfed several trees and reduced them into ashes.

The gigantic Mo Yan wrapped his arms around the headless carcass of the phoenix, trying to rip it into shreds.


The carcass blew open into another bout of purplish waves of fire, but not without a little golden dragon zipping clear of the explosion before it burrowed its way into the giant’s body.


Another terrible explosion – from inside Mo Yan’s gargantuan hulk this time – erupted into a supernova of dazzling golden and purplish splendors amid blood and viscera that vanished into swirls of black fumes as a gaping hole open right at where his heart should be.


Mo Yan threw his head back in an anguished howl as he toppled and crushed several trees as he stumbled unsteadily around, stamping enough craters and crevices in the ground beneath the force of his massive weight.

Chu Xun launched himself up high into the air and somersaulted, bearing down on Mo Yan’s head with a palm. From his hand, he fired another energy bolt shaped just like his palm, albeit bigger and larger, that slammed smashed straight into the giant’s face.


Mo Yan’s colossal mass was knocked down to the ground in a terrible crash with waves of dust storm spreading in all directions, battering the earth with such force that the ground cracked and split.

Chu Xun landed and dashed forward, circling around Mo Yan’s fallen girth speedily.

“Purplish Lotus Enchantment of Purification, activate!”

He pointed a finger into the air and ripples of purplish lights blossomed from the tip of his finger, forming sheets of light that stretched into a barrier enchantment that enclosed Mo Yan inside.

“Purplish Lotus Enchantment of Purification, destroy!”


Translucent violet lotuses – each no larger than a serving bowl– bloomed in thin air as Chu Xun performed hand seals quickly, twinkling brightly like sparkling amethysts.


The lotuses hovered in mid-air, glowing like dazzling lanterns, before, at Chu Xun’s directions, they swarmed at Mo Yan and lunged at him.

Each and every purple lotus swooped down on Mo Yan, casting a long and wide carpet-bombing run that blasted every inch of flesh from his giant mass that eventually evaporated into a black fume-like aura.


The multitude of lotuses all erupted as one to annihilate every bit of Mo Yan’s giant body.

“Just you wait, Devil. When I emerge in my full glory, I’ll be sure to reduce you into ashes,” Mo Yan’s bitter voice echoed over the dissipating foul aura.

Chu Xun did not dare to breathe. Beads of sweat mottled all over the skin of his forehead. This was only a fragment of the Fiend Lord’s soul and yet it had taken him such great lengths to defeat.

At the same time, far away in the forbidden domain where the Subterranean Devils were sealed away, an angry and enraged voice bellowed from inside the deserted halls of a granite palace.

“The day I emerge shall be the day of your doom, Devil!”

While Chu Xun was dealing with Mo Yan, the Flaming Qilin and the others were piling up injuries in their bout to keep Di Yanjing at bay.


Di Yanjing really was formidable and the extent of his powers unfathomable. The Flaming Qilin and Weng Xiong were coughing up blood from the internal wounds they had incurred, especially for the latter whose arms were both mangled and fractured.

Di Yanjing grinned smugly. He brandished a long, golden bow and three two-meter-long arrows. Drawing its string to the fullest, he fired the arrows.


Bloody spattered on the ground. Despite their best efforts to evade, the arrows caught Su Wei’er, Su Lianyi, and Yan Xin – all three of them crashed to the ground in a wake of blood.

Di Yanjing nocked two more arrows and fired them.

Armed with his saber, Gao Mohan tried to deflect the shaft using the blade of his saber, only for the arrow to hit directly on his weapon, destroying it with a huge explosion that knocked him off his feet. The Immortal-class champion crumbled to the ground, spewing blood.

Yan Xin managed to evade the second arrow, but the razor-sharp currents in its wake sliced through his abdomen, causing a hideous wound that bled uncontrollably.

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