The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 465 - Hua Qingwu Revived!

Chapter 465 Hua Qingwu Revived!

Chu Xun hiked up the hill to retrieve the three magical swords before collecting the Soul-curing Flower using his magic.

He was anxious. Very, very anxious. For twenty years he had been searching for the Flower to revive Hua Qingwu and after so long, her long slumber inside the ice sarcophagus was finally coming to an end.

The Flaming Qilin had left, unable to prevent Chu Xun.

Gao Mohan and his fellow champions could offer no protests. Compared to the entire company of Lost Races champions who had been slain like dogs, they should at least be thankful that they were able to emerge at the end of this adventure with huge sums of magical supplies in their pockets.

“What about you? Would you like to come with me?” Chu Xun asked Scarlet.

She nodded. “It is time. The blooming of the Flower marks the end of our watch.”

With the seven sisters in tow, Chu Xun, Gao Mohan, and their fellow human champions left the ruins together.

He did not try to destroy the enchantments that kept this place. This place belonged to Periwinkle and he would refrain from antagonizing this mysterious figure lest their paths might cross in the future.

Reaching the pool of boiling lava, Chu Xun called out the Flame Wyrm.

Gao Mohan and the others shared furtive glances. So Chu Xun had taken it as a pet without them realizing it earlier.

Like Scarlet and her sisters, the Flame Wyrm might be similarly charged by Periwinkle to watch this place, but they had never encountered the Wyrm before.

With Chu Xun leading the way, the party easily made it outside.

“You must come one day to visit, Chu,” said Gao Mohan when they exchanged their goodbyes.

Diao Xingyi and Ge Zhan too extended the same invitation before they left.

Chu Xun accepted their favor and promised to call on them if and when he could.

The hordes of men and beasts were gone. The entire area outside was a spread of charred and smoldering mess and even several nearby summits have been reduced into stunted plateaus still dripping with magma.

The Flaming Qilin must have vented its anger and slain a lot of people here when it came out.

Finding a Tree of Transfiguration was the first order of business. Chu Xun brought Scarlet and her sisters and the Flame Wyrm to one such tree, killed the beast guarding it, and had the Wyrm consumed one of the fruits.

That allowed the Flame Wyrm to transform into a tall and sinewy man with long flowing red hair that looked both handsome and imposing.

But Chu Xun was only too worried about Hua Qingwu. He raced as quickly as he could back to the capital with Scarlet, her sisters, and the Flame Wyrm.

The following day.

Chu Xun and his companions reached the Fire Dragon Palace where he first left Scarlet and the others there before racing up to Dragon’s Back alone.

“You found it?! You found the Soul-curing Flower?!” Emperor Ao was surprised.

Chu Xun showed him the plant and said, “Quick. Use this to revive Little Wu.”

Only, Emperor Ao looked rather reluctant.

“What are you waiting for?!” Chu Xun burst out anxiously. He could hardly wait one more second.

“We should ask Jing Hong about what she thinks,” said the ancient dragon.

Chu Xun could hardly suppress a shudder. So Emperor Ao had discovered that Hua Qingwu and Jing Hong shared some sort of bond.

The deity summoned Jing Hong.

Jing Hong’s aura had grown noticeably stronger. She had not yet ascended into a new rank, but she was very close.

“You’re back,” Jing Hong smiled at Chu Xun. She was slowly warming up to him more and more.

Chu Xun nodded and told her about his successful recovery of the Soul-curing Flower that would help revive Hua Qingwu.

That came rather as a surprise for Jing Hong, who fell into reticent silence.

“I have always wanted to know, Jing Hong,” said Chu Xun, “How are you connected to Little Wu?”

That Hua Qingwu’s soul would come seeking for Jing Hong after she fell into a coma showed that there must be some sort of connection between them both – a connection that he could not quite make sense of even after so long. Jing Hong hailed from the World of Cultivation while Hua Qingwu had always remained a native Earthling. So what is between them both?!

“Well, to put it frankly, I am her and she is me,” said Jing Hong quietly.

One simple sentence, but it hit Chu Xun like a lightning bolt. He stood there, so dumbstruck that his jaws were literally hanging wide open. Hua Qingwu is Jing Hong and Jing Hong is Hua Qingwu?! How is this possible?!

“You were once an Immortal Emperor with powers to shape the cosmos, Chu Xun. Surely you know how long it took to reach Earth from the World of Cultivation?” said Jing Hong.

Chu Xun nodded. It took him decades wading through the chaotic currents of the wormhole before he finally reached here.

Traveling between worlds was not something that would take only the blink of an eye. One needed to hurl oneself into the boundless abyss of a wormhole where endless perils await. Fools could wander it only to have their physical bodies shredded in mere seconds. Without powers great enough for one to protect oneself – both mentally and physically – from the dicey and treacherous rapids of the wormhole. The lucky emerged wounded or maimed, while some were utterly obliterated.

For this reason, only those who had achieved the rank of Immortal Emperor would dare undertake such risks.

Such were the perils that lurked inside the wormhole, that even Immortal Emperors could perish inside.

“But what has this to do with you being Hua Qingwu and she being you?”

“It’s like this: the first time I met Little Wu, I regained a part of my memories. Memories of what happened after you entered the wormhole.”

Chu Xun stared at her blankly, hardly understanding a word.

“To put it bluntly, Little Wu is a derivative that came into being from my memories.”


“After you entered the wormhole, I tried to come after you. But without the powers that Immortal Emperors possess, I failed. I became so badly wounded, but my memories pursued after you. That caused me to lose any recollection of you after more than a thousand years. But I retained my grit and resolve – the same determination to get to the place called Earth. Only when I finally met Little Wu did I realized that I was here because I needed to find you.”

Chu Xun felt a knot in his gut that made his eye wet. He remembered how Jing Hong had pledged to love him and only him even if she needed to sacrifice herself, the Firmamental Laws be damned.

He could feel himself practically shaking. His mouth opened as if to speak, but nothing came out. Jing Hong had given her all just for him and he could never repay her love – not for this lifetime.

“And so Little Wu is born from the memories of yours that followed me here… I see…” he murmured, feeling overwhelmed by the myriads of emotion flushing all over him like a deluge and remembering how Hua Qingwu confessed her feelings to him and how she had quite practically held her own life as ransom to force him to agree. And he did, partly because he was bewildered by how uncannily similar Hua Qingwu was to Jing Hong.

He could still remember how Jing Hong had held a sword up to his chest and forced him to accept her.

At Yunyan, Hua Qingwu did the same too.

That explained it; they were one and the same.

“But Jing Hong is incomplete, and Little Wu is the missing fragment she’s missing. Once merged together, not only would Jing Hong’s memories return; her powers will rise up to the mid-Golden Core Stage,” said Emperor Ao.

“But what will happen to Little Wu?” Chu Xun asked apprehensively.

“She will be gone.”

“No!” Chu Xun burst out, shaking from head to toe.

He peered at Hua Qingwu still lying inside the crystalline casket and reeled with fear and panic at the notion of her vanishing forever.

“Tell me, would she be able to live as a separate being if she wakes up?” breathed Chu Xun gravely and very, very carefully.

“Yes. Little Wu might be a human born from a figment of Jing Hong’s memories, but the turbulence in the wormhole and chance had seen fit to arrange her to be naturally born like any other human. But the process of rebirth had caused her to lose her memory. Well, not lose, but rather sealed and Jing Hong is the key. Once they are in close proximity to each other, they will regain their memories.

“So… That means both Little Wu and Jing Hong are incomplete?”

Emperor Ao nodded. “Being the lost memories of Jing Hong, Little Wu had somehow been reborn as another separate figure. But the memories have been sealed during the process. Once they merged, Jing Hong will be whole again but Little Wu will be gone. But if Little Wu is to remain alive, then Jing Hong will never recover the memories she shared with you and her powers will remain stunted. But yes, Little Wu will live.”

Chun Xun turned to face Jing Hong. “I’ll tell you everything about the past slowly. I owe Little Wu too much and I need her. I know it’s selfish, but I really can’t bear having her vanished just like that.”

Jing Hong could hardly say a word. The loss of her memory had rendered her lost and befuddled for millennia.

Chu Xun peered at her, and so was Emperor Ao. They waited quietly for her word that would decide Hua Qingwu’s very existence.

Seconds passed like days as Chu Xun wallowed with anxiety and trepidation. His heart was almost jumping up to his throat when Jing Hong finally sighed. “As much as I really want to have my memory back – those were all the memories we shared together – but I wouldn’t want you to feel regretful for the rest of your life, nor would I want you to hate me. So, very well, let’s save Little Wu.”

Chu Xun exhaled with relief.

“Thank you!”

“Surely there’s no need for ‘thank-yous’ between you and me?”

Chu Xun giggled with joy, feeling touched by her generosity.

“You owe me so much, Chu Xun, and that goes for Little Wu too,” she said to Chu Xun, giving him a stern look, “Now it’s time you spend the rest of your life making up to both of us.”

“Don’t you worry about that. I’ll leave it to you both to be in charge!” he sniggered like a silly boy.

He would be the Devil that all men feared and respected.

But at home, he would be the most docile and obsequious husband.

“All right, enough with all that lovey-dovey,” scowled Emperor Ao, no longer being able to stomach all the touchy-feely sentiments, “And while we’re at the business of reviving Little Wu now, off with you and give me some space.”

Emperor Ao took the Soul-curing Flower and began weaving his spell.

Chu Xun could not believe it. The notion of Little Wu being revived made him felt restless and jittery.

“Surely there won’t be any risks?” asked Chu Xun, tensed and uptight.

“Oh, get off you. What risks would there be with me here handling the spell? Now go and find a corner and sit tight there instead of meddling here. Watch and learn.”

“What do you mean?”

“Are you going away or not?!”

“All right, all right. I’ll go, I’ll go. Now hold on to that temper of yours,” said Chu Xun nicely. He trotted off, but not far enough, and stood there to watch Emperor Ao working his magic.

Jing Hong strode over and said to him gently, “Don’t worry. Teacher has long readied himself for this.”

“Readied himself?!” Chu Xun gasped, “He knew that you would agree to save Little Wu?!”

Jing Hong nodded. “He had asked me about this before.”

“Then what was that just now?!” Chu Xun glared indignantly.

“He wants to play a prank on you,” Jing Hong’s eyelashes fluttered.

Chu Xun was livid. “What the hell is wrong with this old fool?! To use this, of all things, to play a prank?! Has he gone mad?!”

“You better be louder or Teacher won’t hear you,” Jing Hong teased.

Immediately, Chu Xun remembered how critical it was to not disturb Emperor Ao now.

Jing Hong stared at Chu Xun, looking visibly annoyed at how worried he was. I agreed to let Little Wu live, only because I wouldn’t want you to be sad. If only you know how much I love you more than you do me.

Emperor Ao set an enchantment and used his magic to activate the Soul-curing Flower. The magical shrub emitted a huge deluge of three-hued brilliance that lighted up the horizons.

The Flower hovered in mid-air, resplendent and dazzling as it basked in the colorful lights dancing around it.

Emperor Ao jabbed a finger into the air. The Soul-curing Flower floated over the ice sarcophagus and slowly phased into it, bathing the entire casket with lights so bright that they engulfed Hua Qingwu inside.

The dragon deity never stopped weaving hand seals, summoning every ounce of spiritual energy from every area within a thousand meters from Dragon’s Back, and channeled them into the ice sarcophagus.

“All right, brat! Now’s the time! Whatever you have, give it here now!” cried Emperor Ao amidst the turbulence of rushing winds and energies.

“What do you mean?” screamed Chu Xun through the din.

“Anything! Anything that helps with magical energies!”

Chu Xun stepped forward and emptied his Storage Ring, waving a hand and mounds of magical shrubs and herbs, strange fruits and flowers appeared, including a heap of Spirit Stones and a Mysterious Flaming Lotus.

He had spirited away the Spirit Stones when he was using the Purplish Lotus Enchantment of Purification to help Gao Mohan and the others at the ancient ruins of Mount Lu.

Emperor Ao stared at Chu Xun. He still remembered how destitute Chu Xun had become when he left Dragon’s Back more than a week ago. And only after such a short term, he came back with so many supplies.

“Damn, where have you been?! Has the world outside turned into a cornucopia of magical supplies?! How did you manage to find so much!?”

“Dream on, you. These are the prizes I got after slaying seven Immortal-level champions.”

The dragon deity gave Chu Xun an odd look. Seven Immortal-level champions. Once again this brat has shown his flair for creating wonders.

“All right, good job. Now off you go,” Emperor Ao waved him away gruffly.

You lousy worm, Chu Xun scowled on the inside.

He strode back to Jing Hong’s side and watched how Emperor Ao extracted the essences of the magical shrubs with magic before channeling them all into the ice sarcophagus.

In mere minutes, the anthills of magical supplies quickly dwindled, having synthesized using magic into raw spiritual energies for the ice sarcophagus.

Emperor Ao stopped suddenly. He examined to make sure everything was working in order before he stepped out of his enchantment.

“Is it done?” Chu Xun asked with excitement.

Emperor Ao nodded.

“So when will she wake up?”

“When the duration of forty-nine days is up,” said the deity.

“So long?!”

“You’ve waited for more than two decades. What’s another forty-nine days?!” hissed Emperor Ao indignantly.

On that note, Chu Xun could only call upon every shred of patience that he could find.

Forty-nine days whizzed by quickly and Chu Xun never once left beyond a stone’s throw away from the enchantment that housed Hua Qingwu’s sarcophagus.


A ringing sound resounded from inside the enchantment that began wobbling and shaking. A huge burst of colorful lights poured out and filled every corner inside the enchantment’s range, blinding everyone nearby.

Chu Xun looked hard, trying his best to see through the radiance. But his Divine Sense could not penetrate Emperor Ao’s enchantment.

The symphony of lights never stopped until two hours passed, when it began to diminish, just as how tides recede.

Hua Qingwu was hanging in midair, her eyes firmly shut, but color has returned to her skin.

“What’s going on? Why is she not awakened yet?!” Chu Xun urged frantically.

“Almost there,” said Emperor Ao, waving a hand to dispel the enchantment.

“Little Wu!” cried Chu Xun, rushing after her.

Hua Qingwu’s eyes blinked open all of a sudden with rays of gold flaring out brightly. Her True Energy aura burgeoned and her hand shot up to fire an energy blast at Chu Xun.

Golden Core Stage?! Chu Xun was surprised. Hua Qingwu was only in the Qi Refinement Stage prior to her long slumber, what was going on?!

The white energy bolt came right at him and Chu Xun swatted it easily, pulverizing the bolt.

“Hubby,” Hua Qingwu’s eyes welled with tears as she threw herself at Chu Xun.

Chu Xun spread his arms and hugged her, once again feeling her scent.

“I miss you so much, Hubby,” Hua Qingwu wrapped her arms tightly around him, her tears drenching the front of his shirt.

For more than twenty years she had been unconscious, she has heard every word of the tales he told her, although she could not respond at all.

Chu Xun could hardly bridle his joy and exhilaration. Feeling breathless just to feel the warmth coming from her, he mashed his lips into hers voraciously.

A deep and long kiss.

Emperor Ao peered at his protégé and sighed wearily. “Are you sure of this? That you won’t regret this?”

Jing Hong shook her head. “Little Wu has as much love for him as I do.”

With another heavy exhalation, Emperor Ao drifted away.

Jing Hong went after him, giving the space to Chu Xun and Hua Qingwu.

Chu Xun and Hua Qingwu only appeared the next day.

Chu Xun looked absolutely invigorated. It was the second time he had enjoyed the pleasures of being a man since more than twenty years ago.

Chu Xun could only smile weakly to himself. In the thirty years since he first came back, he has enjoyed such intimacies with a woman only twice.

“Thank you so much,” Hua Qingwu said to Jing Hong pensively.

“Don’t worry about it,” Jing Hong smiled.

“Can we talk? Alone?” asked Hua Qingwu.

Jing Hong bobbed her head.

And the two women strode off.

“Surely they’re not going to fight?” muttered Chu Xun tersely.

“You overestimate your charms,” Emperor Ao scowled derisively.

Chu Xun narrowed his eyes. “You know what? I’m not offended at all. You’re jealous. You’re just plain jealous,” he grinned broadly at the deity.

“Me?! Jealous of you?!” Emperor Ao hissed, “You’re still a little tadpole when I was having my fill of female companionship.”

Quit patronizing only because you’re older than me, Chu Xun thought quietly.

“Thank you,” he mumbled suddenly.

“What did you say?” Emperor Ao yelped, missing what Chu Xun said.

“About Little Wu. Thanks,” Chu Xun repeated, clearly and solemnly this time. Hua Qingwu had told him during their night together that Emperor Ao had long ago conjured an enchantment to amass all nearly spiritual energies and had placed her sarcophagus right in the center of it. For twenty years, even while she was unconscious, she had been training on her own and that allowed her to soar right into the Golden Core Stages when she finally revived.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s just a piece of cake,” Emperor Ao replied with a lackadaisical wave of a hand.

“Can you not behave magnanimously without sounding like a trumpeter on the moral high ground?” Chu Xun glared at him.

“You’re asking for another beating, aren’t you?” Emperor Ao rubbed his palms wickedly, “Your insolence is getting on my nerves. Do tell me when you need another walloping.”

Chu Xun could only swallow his temper. He was as weak as a kitten before the deity’s might.

Jing Hong and Hua Qingwu did not come back until after two hours.

Even Emperor Ao was shocked when he saw how close they have become, never mind Chu Xun himself.

They walked back with their arms around each other’s shoulders and holding hands as they exchanged a joke or two like a pair of sisters.

“What’s going on?” asked a dubious Chu Xun.

“Jing Hong and I have become sworn sisters,” said Hua Qingwu.

Chu Xun stared at them, perplexed. And here he was, worrying that they would fight…

Hua Qingwu said to Emperor Ao, “Thank you so much, Senior, for saving me.”

“Get up, get up,” said the deity, using his magic to lift Hua Qingwu up to her feet.

But she fell to her knees again, much to everyone’s amazement. “I wish to learn from you too, Senior. Would you accept me as your student?”

Emperor Ao clearly did not see this coming. Stunned for a split-second, he burst into fits of guffaws later. As a figure born from Jing Hong’s memories, Hua Qingwu shared the same talent and constitution as Jing Hong. He would never say no to having another student of such extraordinary aptitude.

“Very well. I accept you.”

“Wait a minute, I don’t agree,” Chu Xun protested. He had already lost Jing Hong to Emperor Ao and he could not lose Hua Qingwu too.

The notion that the scheming deity might teach his wives ways to deal with him was only too appalling to behold.

“But you gave your word: you said that both of us are in charge,” stressed Jing Hong.

“You must be mistaken. I don’t remember making that promise,” lied Chu Xun blatantly.

That earned him a stern glare from Jing Hong, who promptly said, “Oh, just ignore him, Little Wu. Just do it.”

“What is this?! An uprising!? What happened to ‘submit yourselves unto your own husbands’?!”

“What is this? Are you trying to impose some of your stupid nonsense on my protégés?” boomed Emperor Ao.

“They are my wives. So mind your own business! I’ll never agree to have Little Wu become another protégé of yours!”

“I hereby announce that Hua Qingwu is my student,” said Emperor Ao. He said to his students, “Come to me if anyone is trying to bully you. I’ll give him a good lesson.”

“Thank you, Teacher!” both women chirped sweetly before giving Chu Xun a cunning but pleased look.

“Gods in Heaven!”

Chu Xun groaned to himself. He glared furiously at Emperor Ao, unabashedly displaying his resentment and anger.

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