The Immortal Emperor Returns

Chapter 454 - Uneasy Alliance

Chapter 454 Uneasy Alliance

Of the human champions of the Immortal levels who arrived, only four were present, and here they assembled.

While the true number of the Lost Races champion of the same class remained unknown, but no one ever doubted that they were more than the humans.

That placed the human side against uneven odds in the contest for the ancient ruins.

And now, with the advent of this stranger Samsara, the human champions were discussing asking him to join them to resist the Lost Races together.

For this reason, Gao Mohan and the two other champions were reluctant to have a spat breaking out between Liu Jiuyuan and Samsara that would kill their plan in its crib.

Theirs was only a temporary alliance—one which forged only by their mutual benefit—and anyone who would put any risk to the gravy train—even if it was one as powerful as Liu Jiuyuan—they would try to stop him.

“I believe we must first be clear on one thing, Liu. If what transpired really was as your men had reported, then all three of us would gladly come with you to request an explanation from Samsara. But only if so,” said one of the two not-yet-named champions, a man called Diao Xingyi of Lovelorn Vale.

“I daresay I echo Diao’s sentiments,” said the other champion, a man named Ge Zhan from the secret warrior order Nirvana Gulags.

Liu Jiuyuan immediately realized that everyone was against him finding fault with Samsara. It was nothing about doing the right thing, but only profit. Just what raw profit they could plunder from the ancient ruins.

“How about this? Let me go to him personally. I trust that I can convince him to come,” said Gao Mohan, “Then the truth will be out easily enough.”

Diao Xingyi and Ge Zhan both nodded their assents.

Liu Jiuyuan said nothing, but he gave no sign of disagreement either.

Gao Mohan swiveled around and left.

Chu Xun was chatting with Jiu You and the others when senses picked up something.

“Trouble’s coming,” Chu Xun remarked, looking towards one particular direction.

He quickly waved a hand to conjure an enchantment that would keep Jiu You and the Sky Dragon Guard safe inside. He needed to be careful when dealing with a champion of the Immortal levels.

Gao Mohan came with great speed. In the blink of an eye, he appeared as if out of thin air a few hundred meters away from Chu Xun.

“Gao Mohan of the Faith of Divine Radiance, here to request an audience with friend Samsara,” said Gao Mohan with a merry voice.

Chu Xun was rather surprised. His guest came with hardly any indication of animosity.

“I came unbidden. I hope you won’t mind, friend Samsara,” said Gao Mohan jovially to show no ill will.

Chu Xun strode casually to him and stopped five meters away from his guest.

Gao Mohan suppressed a twitch on his lips. Samsara obviously was very, very self-assured of his own strength, nor did he fear if Gao Mohan might suddenly ambush him at all.

“You really are strong and fearless, friend Samsara,” Gao Mohan smiled, betraying no even the slightest stir in his aura.

“How can I help you?” asked Chu Xun.

“I have been watching your fight just now, friend,” said Gao Mohan.

“So I noticed,” said Chu Xun quietly.

Gao Mohan paused a beat before saying, “I’m afraid the brouhaha you’ve caused had permanently soured things with the Lost Races that they’d never forgive you.”

“These are only alien races. If they’re not happy with how we do things, we fight. Until our last breath.” Those words came out of Chu Xun’s lips with hardly a hike in tone, but Gao Mohan was positive those words permeated confidence that came only with true might.

“You wield great powers, friend. I must say I am impressed,” smiled Gao Mohan flatteringly.

Chu Xun stared at him and said nothing.

Taken aback by Chu Xun’s reticence, Gao Mohan said, “We’re here to make an offer, friend Samsara. We hope that you would join us in an alliance.”

“Alliance?” Chu Xun peered at him, “What alliance?”

“The Lost Races have fielded more Immortal-level champions than us humans. We are at a disadvantage. Only through an alliance, we can put up a fight,” said Gao Mohan.

With a derisive glance, Chu Xun commented dryly, “Can’t believe that I’ll see the day we humans uniting together.”

Gao Mohan did not miss the hint of disgust in Chu Xun’s voice. “I daresay it’s only for common interests, my friend.”

That came rather as a surprise. Chu Xun did not expect that Gao Mohan would so flippantly and openly admit to their succumbing to the usual human failings of greed and self-interest.

“I don’t mind joining you all against the alien races, but surely you don’t expect to share what treasures we all find?”

“Naturally not. What you find is all down to luck, it’s all finders keepers in there.”

“An alliance of personal interests indeed,” remarked Chu Xun with a chuckle.

Gao Mohan shook his head wearily and grinned bleakly, “I suppose it is. After all, I doubt anyone would gladly share what they find inside.”

“You’re a straightforward one,” said Chu Xun, liking Gao Mohan more and more.

“I’m only just enunciating the vagaries of humankind. Moreover, I doubt you’d believe any sophistries either,” grinned Gao Mohan.

“Very well then. I agree to join the alliance,” said Chu Xun.

“Well, if that’s the case. Come with me to meet the others, if you don’t mind,” offered Gao Mohan courteously.

Chu Xun nodded and smiled. “All right. A feast of intrigue if ever there was one.”

The remark stunned Gao Mohan, although he quickly recovered and smiled cheerily, “You really are an extraordinary figure, my friend.”

“I might fear my enemies, but I never show them any mercy.”

“So be it then,” Gao Mohan guffawed, “But if anything happens, I’d only implore that you remain calm—for my sake if not for yours—and please ignore them.”

Chu Xun stared at Gao Mohan strangely.

Before his departure, Chu Xun left word to Jiu You and the Sky Dragon Guard that they were free to attack anyone who would come provoke them.

Then he left with Gao Mohan.

They reached the mesa where the human champions camped and stepped into the large tent where they were meeting.

And as expected, Liu Jiuyuan was indeed spoiling for a fight. He glared at Chu Xun angrily and demanded, “How dare you, Samsara! My men went to you with a cordial welcome and yet you tried to harm his life?!”

Chu Xun stared at him coldly before turning to glance perfunctorily at the one-legged messenger and he casually strode to the wounded man.


He stood over the injured man and stomped a foot through his chest, the crushed ribs plunging through his heart and he died instantly.

Gao Mohan, Diao Xingyi, and Ge Zhan all gasped in silence.

“You’re digging your own grave, Samsara,” growled Liu Jiuyuan, livid with rage. He summoned his powers and the unnatural winds thrashing inside the tent in resonance to his burgeoning aura caused even the cutlery and furniture to rise from the ground.

Chu Xun lifted a hand and came down in a pressing-down gesture, using his powers to calm the miniature storm inside the tent and everything fell back down.

“A rabid dog barks at me. Am I to wait until it takes a bite at me?” said Chu Xun, glancing at Liu Jiuyuan derisively before trotting over to a rattan chair and he sat down suavely.

Liu Jiuyuan glowered darkly, looking daggers at Chu Xun with unmasked malice.

“I’d suggest that you think properly before you act. Fight, and I’ll not rest until the end,” said Chu Xun calmly, but not without contempt.

“Come fight me!” As an Immortal-level champion, Liu Jiuyuan would never stand on such taunting.

“Please, gentlemen. Let us cleave to the more pressing matters at hand,” said Gao Mohan, trying his best to dispel the tension.

“You will give me an explanation for the death of my man, Samsara – sooner or later,” Liu Jiuyuan sat down, still seething with rage.

“Very well then. A compensation of sorts,” said Chu Xun.

Gao Mohan and the other two champions heaved sighs of relief, mollified that this Samsara fellow was still a reasonable one.

All eyes were on Chu Xun, eager to see how would he make amends.

Chu Xun’s lips twisted into a wicked grin and he waved a hand. Purplish flames burst to life at the center of his palm and he flicked a finger, pelting a little ball of flame at the corpse of the dead messenger. In just a matter of seconds, the body was reduced into ashes.

So bewildered that they nearly choked on their own saliva, Gao Mohan and the other champions could not believe their eyes. Just barely moments ago, here they were thinking that this Samsara fellow a reasonable person, only to have him doing this…

Liu Jiuyuan’s eyes flared with livid rage. His aura soared as he turned hysterical with malice.

“A mere Ninth-grade Human King showing me such disrespect. Death is more than what he deserved,” said Chu Xun placidly.

“THAT’S TOO MUCH, SAMSARA!” Liu Jiuyuan snarled, turning mad.

“And so what if I am?” Chu Xun retorted with frost, now certain that the sensation of animosity that he had felt during his fight against the Lost Races champion had come from Liu Jiuyuan.

Although he knew not why did Liu Jiuyuan harbored such hatred against him, but that he could so freely show his hostility towards him was reason enough for Chu Xun to eliminate him – permanently.

To allow an enemy to live is to leave risk for oneself. He could never sleep well with the notion haunting him. Hence, to Chu Xun, the safest possible way was to eliminate all enemies for good to tie up loose ends.

“Peace, Liu,” persuaded Gao Mohan, “Focus on more pressing matters.”

“He’s right. The prize is just before our very eyes now and we have the Lost Races skulking about nearby. An internal squabble now will only be to their profit. We might as good as have served up the prize on a silver platter,” added Diao Xingyi.

“And you know full well how disparaging it is for one with such might as ours to be affronted. Your man offended friend Samsara. That should not be taken lightly,” pointed out Ge Zhan as well.

Liu Jiuyuan could have sworn he felt an aneurysm bursting. These three scoundrels were cooking up some fabricated accusation of “insulting an Immortal-level champion” just to justify Chu Xun’s killing of him!

Nevertheless, he understood their true purposes. The three champions had no reason to support Samsara. They only coveted the treasures inside the ancient ruins.

“This is not the end, Samsara. I swear I’ll have you answer for this crime once our business here is done,” snorted Liu Jiuyuan finally with utmost loathing and reluctance.

“Be my guest,” Chu Xun muttered with ice.

Chu Xun never expected any fight right from the start. At least the three other champions would do whatever they could to prevent that from happening. Any internecine fisticuffs now would only imperil their chances of getting any rewards from this treasure hunt.

Chu Xun might not fear the Lost Races, but this uneasy alliance could still serve to intimidate the alien races.

“Now, if you both would just take a deep breath and set aside your differences, we shall discuss ways to deal with the alien races,” called Gao Mohan.

“The Devil!”

Gao Mohan barely finished when Liu Jiuyuan yelped so loudly that his sonorous voice echoed in the tent like thunder.

Even Gao Mohan was surprised by this sudden outburst.

Chu Xun stared at him blankly.

“What’s the meaning of this, Liu?” Gao Mohan uttered, looking sour.

Liu Jiuyuan was fixing Chu Xun in a hard stare when Gao Mohan’s question came and he took his glare off Chu Xun and feigned a cough. “My apologies for the histrionics. But I only want to ascertain something.”

“Liu,” said Diao Xingyi, “You cried out ‘The Devil’ just now. Were you referring to Samsara? Are you implying that he’s the Devil?”

Liu Jiuyuan did nothing to mask his suspicion at all. He nodded and said, “I’m sure you’re all familiar with the tales of the Devil’s exploit and we know how Queen Jiu You’s a close relation of the Devil. I have reason to believe that Samsara is none other than him!”

He did not even give the rest any chance to protest. Driving his point home, Liu Jiuyuan went on, “Master Samsara, you were a party with Queen Jiu You and her cohorts, weren’t you? So why would an Immortal-level champion like you mingle with the likes of them? Unless you know her all along. Moreover, we are apprised of how the Devil behaves. He’s brutal, greedy, and selfish. I say we should consider the possibility that our friend Samsara here is the Devil himself, and the risks that might entail if we allow him into our alliance. For all we know, we might be endangering even our lives without knowing it, only for little to no gain instead!”

Gao Mohan and the rest of the champions fell into contemplative silence. The Devil’s notoriety was hardly accidental if not rightly-earned, and for this reason, they wondered if, in the case that Samsara really was Chu Xun himself, then offering him a place in their alliance was either a boon to their cause or a downward spiral into ruin.

Chu Xun stared at Liu Jiuyuan indifferently. “Let’s first set aside the question of whether I am the Devil—or not, every word you said sounded only like slander against the Devil. You seem to hate him a lot. Why is that?”

He was not the only one eager for an answer from Liu Jiuyuan. Even Gao Mohan and the others were brimming with curiosity themselves.

Liu Jiuyuan spat bitterly, “The Devil had once decimated a group out here which was closely related to me. Should I be singing songs about him?”

Dawning expressions wiped across everyone’s faces as they finally understood why.

But Chu Xun was still wondering quietly, “His surname’s Liu?” But there were so many Lius in the whole wide world. But what about any houses or families called Liu that he had destroyed before? That would only be the Liu Family of the capital, the family of his mother Liu Ran.

That could mean that whoever this Liu Jiuyuan might be, he might be closer to him than he realized.

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