The Genius System Without Equal

Chapter 384 - Confrontation.

Chapter 384: Confrontation.

“Call the police and detain him!”

Shen Qingyan’s face seemed to be full of smiles, but in fact, she handled matters with great efficiency.


The tall woman responded respectfully, then took out her phone and called the police.

Guan Tong’s complexion turned white and bloodless, he immediately knelt down on the ground with a thud. He had dug a fire pit for himself.


Xiao Luo spoke up at this moment. He and Guan Tong were college classmates, so he couldn’t just watch him suffer. He walked up to the tall woman step by step. He took her phone, turned it off, and handed it back to her. Then he turned around and faced Shen Qingyan. “Ms. Shen, he didn’t mean to make such a major ruckus.”

Shen Qingyan raised her eyebrows, sat down again, twirling her signature pen, and asked, “Do you know him?”

“Yes.” Xiao Luo answered truthfully.

“What’s your relationship?”

“Classmate and a friend.”

“Oh …”

Shen Qingyan nodded, her reply was prolonged, the corners of her mouth raised a triumphant smile.

She has just been angry with Xiao Luo, and now the chance to win a game against him had shown itself. Naturally, she would not let go.

“Do you want me to let him go?”

Xiao Luo’s non-reply was tacit agreement.

“Well, if you can impress me and succeed in getting the job, I will not hold him accountable.” Shen Qingyan presented.

XiaoLuo frowned, he originally only wanted to go through the formalities, but such an accident unexpected had to happen.

“Xiao Luo, help me, you must help me. Although my parents have some financial resources, they are far from 5 million. If I have to pay compensation, my family will have to lose thousands of their lives (basically wasting their lives).” Guan Tong stood up with a sad face and held Xiao Luo’s hand tightly. This time it was really a big gamble, and he had to play. It didn’t look like Shen Qingyan was joking.

“I will try my best.”

Xiao Luo was very helpless, to think it turned out so drastically this way. He was flabbergasted.

In addition, he also wanted to understand one thing. Since Su Li could arrange for him to come to Huayao Group for an interview, she could’ve arranged for him to go to any other company for an interview. As long as he could find a job, she would be assured for the time being…

Shen Qingyan couldn’t help but feel funny. She snickered in her heart: This guy dares to abandon my company? Then I won’t be called ‘Shen Qingyan’ if I didn’t take this chance.

With a slight cough, she stated condescendingly, “Xiao Luo, you don’t have to do your best. In my opinion, you are not qualified. This job is not for you.”

“I don’t think so.” Xiao Luo shook his head.

“Oh? Do you think you have something to impress me and get this job?” Shen Qingyan hissed and took a sip of tea.

Xiao Luo didn’t answer her words, he just nodded his head.

Shen Qingyan was amused and smiled, “You are so confident. I’d like to know where your confidence comes from.”



“Yes, she, she should have talked with you before. You promised her that no matter how bad my performance was, you would still accept me, otherwise, you wouldn’t be in charge of interviewing the recruitment personally. Am I right?” Xiao Luo said superciliously.

At this point, the tall woman and Guan Tong both looked at Xiao Luo in surprise. The message in what Xiao Luo said was so remarkable, everyone present suddenly realized that his image was much bigger than they thought.

Shen Qingyan’s face changed. She silently scolded him for being “shameless” and even used Su Li’s name. Was this what a man should do?

Xiao Luo continued, “You and she are good friends, and you will certainly do what you promised her. Therefore, this job has long been destined for me. Ms Shen, I don’t think it is necessary to continue, do you think?”

“Marche à l’ombre!”

Shen Qingyan had never seen such a shameless man before. She could not contain herself any longer and rose to her feet directly, pointing to Xiao Luo and scolded in French.

But! Xiao Luo suddenly, likewise replied in French: “Sorry, there is no shade here!”


Shen Qingyan’s eyes widened slightly. She did not expect Xiao Luo to speak French.

Not to be outdone, she continued to speak in French: “The saddest thing about people is that they have no knowledge and cannot restrain themselves, and you are such a sad person. An ignorant person.”

“I don’t know if I am sad, but I do know that I am a thoughtful person. Balzac once said that a person who can think is a person with boundless power.” Xiao Luo responded calmly.

His French was fluent as if it was uttered from a native tongue. It made Shen Qingyan stunned. She studied for more than two years to have such attainments in French, but now, when compared to Xiao Luo’s French, she was outdone. He was better than her.

Wasn’t this guy from the countryside? At best, he would know some English. How could he speak French? Did he study French at university?

Shen Qingyan refused to admit defeat and uttered a Russian sentence, “I am not willing to accept defeat.”

Xiao Luo’s brow wrinkled deeply because this sentence also meant ‘get the f*ck out of here’.

It was really inconceivable that such vulgar and abusive words came from the mouth of a beautiful woman.

“Ms. Shen, please respect yourself.” Xiao Luo also responded in Russian.

You also know Russian?!

Shen Qingyan was shocked. She was already surprised that Xiao Luo knew French. Now he could even speak Russian. What was this guy’s story?

Her face also flushed, because Xiao Luo understood the meaning of her sentence in Russian. Even if her psychological quality was strong, at the moment, she wanted to find a hole to drill into. But fortunately only Xiao Luo understood, and others did not understand. This made her feel a bit of comfort.

The tall woman and Guan Tong were stunned. Although they did not understand the conversation between Xiao Luo and Shen Qingyan just now, they were able to determine that it was two foreign languages. Even those who were non-native speakers could tell that they were very fluent and the words were rolling off their tongues. They didn’t sound theey were spoken with foreign tongues..

“My Lord, how much talent is still hidden in Xiao Luo’s weak soul.” Guan Tong exclaimed in his heart.

“Pa pa pa pa …” Shen Qingyan clapped and stood up.

She looked at Xiao Luo admiringly. “Talent, such talent. Very impressivee.”

Tong’s heart thumped violently.

Sure enough, Shen Qingyan turned the conversation and said, “However, even if you are very accomplished in language, you still failed to impress me.”

“Sometimes, if you lower your body a little, you will gain a lot. But also, on the contrary, it will only add a lot of troubles to yourself.” Xiao Luo said in pure English.

Shen Qingyan was once again stumped, she knew that Xiao Luo was referring to Su Li and was also warning her. If she played this too far, Xiao Luo would no longer be at her mercy, and instead, she had to give Su Li an explanation.

What a shameless guy!

Shen Qingyan was again bursting with anger, her lungs almost exploded from it. Xiao Luo’s behavior made her deeply ashamed.

“Peng ~”

At that moment, the door of the office was pushed open, and a loud noise made the body of the three people in the office trembled. Of course, Xiao Luo was the only exception.

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