The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

Chapter 1017: Witch Hunt: Avatar

Chapter 1017: Witch Hunt: Avatar

The avatar of Purity had the appearance of a ten-foot-tall man. His skin was brown, his eyes were red, and he sported a pair of long red horns on the sides of his head, along with curly dark red hair. Two long spiky tails protruded from his back.

The avatar looked at Souta for a few seconds and murmured, "Hmm... Someone related to the Sea King?" He then turned his head to address everyone.

"Hmm... It seems that Le Fay's plan to stop me from destroying the Walpurgis Night has failed. In fact, I don't need to do anything as this place is already collapsing," he muttered, observing the crumbling boundaries of each region.

It had taken many years before this avatar became active. He hadn't expected that upon emerging from the black sun, the Walpurgis Night would already be on the path to destruction.

"Well, might as well destroy it completely," the avatar said as he raised his hand, channeling a huge amount of energy in his palm.


'Damn!' Layla cursed inwardly. There was nothing she could do right now.

The two elders looked pale, while the other witches couldn't even move an inch due to the intense pressure in the atmosphere.

At this rate, everyone's going to die.


Souta shielded Alice and everyone from the pressure with his energy.

"Don't worry, I already expected this to happen," he reassured them.

Alice looked at him and realized something. Souta had intended to use the holy stakes for another purpose. But who would destroy the black sun? There was only one answer that came to her mind.

"Y-You've torn it," she asked.

"That's right. I tore it earlier. They couldn't sense our location simply because of the barrier and dream power, but now..." Souta glanced at the barrier. "The barrier is full of cracks, and the dream power in the sky is falling. It's possible to pinpoint our location."

It meant that the Athen's Champion would be able to pinpoint his location. No, the moment the barrier cracked was the moment they started to locate him. It was when he killed the elemental being and before he healed Eilan.

"No matter what, I'm still a Hero Candidate, and I know what kind of response the Athen's Champion will make if they couldn't sense me even after I tore the barrier," Souta added.

He already knew this was going to happen, so he moved with precision.

A few minutes earlier...

Vandal, the Chief Captain, was sitting in his office arranging a pile of reports when he suddenly sensed something.

"Hmm..." He narrowed his eyes and turned his head.

"Grain Leader Souta tore the talisman! I can't sense his location... He went to the Walpurgis Night, and it seems something happened there, but the Walpurgis Night's location is really well-hidden." Vandal stood up and immediately walked out of the room.

It seemed they had underestimated the isolation barrier of the Walpurgis Night to the extent that even after tearing the talisman, they couldn't pinpoint its location. It was a problem that a Chief Captain like Vandal wouldn't be able to handle alone. He needed to report this to the higher-ups.

Soon, he went to the office of one of the Division Commanders of the Athen's Champion. He reported everything that was happening without leaving out any details.

Cicero, the Division Commander of the Pallas Division, knitted his brows. "The Walpurgis Night lives up to its name. Even I, an Archmage, can't pinpoint its location. Some sort of power is blocking my senses."

"So what should we do, Commander Cicero?" Vandal asked politely.

"Pass the information to the Acropolis. Inform Agape that the Hero candidate is lost in the Walpurgis Night. If there's nothing we can do, then all we can do is wait for the signal," Cicero said.

He had already anticipated this. After all, no one had managed to discover where the witches were hiding for hundreds of years. Not even those who sought to destroy them could sense their location.

So, if there was truly nothing they could do, they would wait. Wait until the Hero candidate in the Walpurgis Night did something that would allow them to pinpoint his location.

The information reached the higher-ups in the Acropolis.

Athena sat on her throne, listening to the reports. She said, "I'll give you permission. Activate the defense formation."

Before Agape, a Division Commander, could respond, he suddenly felt something. He turned his head and muttered, "The signal..."

They felt the power that had been blocking their senses disappear. They could finally pinpoint the Hero Candidate's location.

Athena stood up, her gaze piercing through the fabric of reality. Again, she commanded, "Activate the defense formation and prepare to strike. I entrust it to you."

Agape nodded and swiftly departed, ordering the warriors to activate the defense formation and donning his personal armor.

A few moments later...

Agape floated above the Palace Goddess with a sword in hand. He looked down and saw a semi-transparent layer enveloping the whole city.

The entire city was protected by a barrier, so there was nothing to worry about now.

He took a deep breath, and his energy skyrocketed in an instant. His senses were maximized as the space around him trembled.

Agape Gataki, one of the Division Commanders of the Athen's Champion, a demigod whose name was feared on the battlefield.

[Archetype: Supreme Warrior]!

[Ninth Form: Ultimate Heaven's Cleave]!

In an instant, Agape slashed his sword.


His slash cut through the fabric of reality, descending through a place where dreams formed.


Powerful energy descended upon the Walpurgis Night. The avatar widened his eyes as he looked up. In the next moment, a powerful slash tore through his body.

Souta jumped to the side, pulling Alice, Eilish, and Eilan with his webs. Layla and the elders also moved as the intense energy descended, slicing through the entire land.


Edeya, Zhang Ren, and the others in different regions turned their heads. They had been planning to pass through cracks in the barrier to escape the collapsing land, but something

unexpected happened.

A heavy energy descended, causing unstable fluctuations throughout the area. The entire land quaked as a bright light bore down, destroying everything in sight.

"This is?!" Edeya widened her eyes.

Zhang Ren, Bryan, Amanda, and the others were shocked.

The Walpurgis Night was cleaved in half, revealing a sprawling expanse of land tilting in

disarray, violent energy sparks erupting from every corner.


The avatar spat a mouthful of blood, eyes widened in shock.

"What?! This... This level of energy! A demigod?!"

His body teetered on the verge of collapse. He hadn't expected a demigod to launch such an attack at this moment. Looking down, he surveyed the extensive damage caused by the slash. His sole goal had been to destroy the Walpurgis Night and all of its secrets.

Since the demigod had managed to slice the Walpurgis Night in half, he decided it was time to end it. He would destroy the land completely before this body collapsed.


His body plummeted but stopped just short of hitting the ground.


The avatar noticed he was ensnared in strings of webs, the surrounding area cocooned in



Suddenly, a figure appeared before him, radiating immense energy.

It was Souta.

Souta raised the vajra sword and drove it into the avatar's chest without hesitation, exerting

all his strength to end the threat once and for all.

The Athen's Champion had given him this opening, and he wasn't about to let it slip away.

The avatar widened his eyes, desperately raising both hands to counter Souta's overwhelming


Unfortunately for him, it wouldn't be easy. Having just endured a powerful attack from a demigod, his defenses and resistance were broken at the moment. Had he been at full

strength, Souta would have posed little threat.

Bang!! Souta gritted his teeth, pouring more force into his attack. Despite appearing on the brink of vanishing, the avatar managed to withstand the assault.

Their collision upon the ground caused a massive explosion, their energies creating ripples in

the fabric of space.

The avatar stared at Souta and remarked, "A fourth stage has this much power... Has that Sea

King finally regained his strength?"

"I don't know what you're talking about, but you're going down today!" Souta gritted his

teeth, his energy violently radiating throughout the area.

"I see... So you have no connection with that monster?" The avatar laughed.

Souta stretched his hand and shouted, "ALICE!!"

Alice leaped into the air and hurled the holy spear at the avatar.


Souta caught the spear, channeling his energy through it. His [Douion] and best feram

amplified its power to a higher level. The [Dual Wield] was also activated as he wielded both


The avatar stared at the spear and remarked, "[Rhongomiant]? It's still intact?"

Souta's energy surged to its peak as he thrust the [Vajra Sword Saya] and [Rhongomiant] into

the avatar's chest.


He roared as a brilliant light erupted, the golden, white, and black energies intertwining and

drilling through the avatar.


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