The eSports King’s Crush

Chapter 905

Chapter 905: Mo bei’s team wipe

Translator: 549690339

Everyone in Tu Hai’s team was trying to find a way to avoid The White Shadow’s lightning array.

King was here. The thought of it made their hands tighten around their mouse.

But the next second, they realized that King wasn’t the only one they should avoid!

And … Mo bei Xiang Nan!

Mages looked at mana, not health.

Only those who played the middle lane understood this.

It was on the screen.

People watched as the petals were thrown out and retracted. With the circle as the center, it formed an area with a white shimmer.

With a wave of his sleeve, the figure left Tu Hai’s four people in the area, jumping back and forth to slow down the speed and blood of the other party.

In the chaotic battle, people couldn’t even see how the young man moved. The screen was filled with white light, and Tu Hai’s mage was the first to die.

Chen Yu didn’t believe it. He turned around and wanted to hammer mo bei.

However, the hammer did not hit anyone.

Instead, mo bei, who had jumped to the right, pulled him closer, making it impossible for him to retreat.

Of course, mo bei wanted to do more than just keep this person.

However, Chen Yu gritted his teeth and looked at mo bei and xiangnan, who had less than half of their health left. He only had one thought in his heart. At worst, he would just switch!

Lu Yifan had the same thoughts as him, so he had turned around and used a skill on mo bei to help Chen Yu.

But who knew.

Mo bei and Xiang Nan didn’t directly attack Chen Yu. Instead, they threw the slowing petals at him.

Feng nai entered the arena again. The wind from his sword rang out, and silver light fell.

Chen Yu’s mind was set on killing mo bei, so he raised his hammer again.

However, mo bei turned to the side at this moment and cooperated with Feng NAI’s sword strike, dealing damage to both of them at the same time.

Chen Yu’s eyes widened.

He actually didn’t die.

He was clearly on low health.

Just a moment.

One hit was enough to take his life.

“Brother Lu!”

After Chen Yu shouted these two words, he realized that his brother Lu’s condition wasn’t good either.

Show turned around.

Chen Yu’s eyes were a little red because he wanted to kill someone.”Last hit! One more hit and he’ll be dead!”

Show was stunned. Before he could say the word “don ‘t,”

The crowd watched as mo bei and Xiang Nan’s HP rose at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Chen Yu immediately paused.

Lu Yifan, who didn’t have a Dodge before he finished him off, couldn’t leave either.

The sound effects of the game came one after another, and it seemed to shake the entire venue.

double kill!

triple kill!

killing spree!

Double kill!

Triple kill!


In an instant, some of the audience members stood up!

The commentator was even more excited.

“Still chasing! He’s actually still chasing!”

Show had used flash before this because he was not playing a speed aid, so he walked very slowly.

Only now did show realize that mo bei and Xiang Nan were not second-rate players at all.

Just like King, he was equally terrifying!

But even so, he shouldn’t be able to catch up to him.

Show was right.

Indeed, mo bei would not be able to get the quadruple kill.

Even after using all of his skills, show was left with very little health.

However, show had already returned to the tower. Without flash, it would be difficult for her to enter again.

However, it was difficult for mo bei to enter.

It didn’t mean that the other figure couldn’t enter.

Feng nai held a sword in his right hand, his white clothes fluttering as he used his second skill, displacement. As he swept past like the wind, Panda quickly followed and entered the tower to tank the damage.

Show had already used his positioning to Dodge, but how could Feng nai let him Dodge? he heard the clattering of swords.

On the huge screen, only two words appeared-team wiped!

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