The Dawn of the New World

Chapter 613 - Racing

"Hehehe," Hao Xuan gawked at the face of this giggling stranger that was telling him about his soon to be demise, but all he could hear were Ensis's words in his ears.

'Xue Meng! It is actually him!'

Alarm bells were ringing throughout his body. Hao Xuan had been informed of this individual and after hearing his name, his appearance also matched exactly how Ensis had described it.

"An ordinary-looking man with an old saber that is more dangerous than anyone else on this entire world."

That's what Ensis had told Hao Xuan barely a few hours ago, specifically warning him to stay away from this man if he ever came across him.

But for some reason knowing the identity of the man in front of him even though he was someone extremely dangerous, Hao Xuan couldn't help but regain some composure.

"You are Xue Meng?" he asked, wanting to confirm even though he knew the answer.

Xue Meng nodded immediately, "You know me?"

Hao Xuan shook his head as a matter-of-factly, "How could I? This is the first time we have met. I'm Hao Xuan by the way," even going as far as introducing himself.

Xue Meng was a little surprised by the calmness in Hao Xuan's voice. Usually a person in his situation would be hard-pressed to not bow in front of him begging for help but...Hao Xuan showed no such notion, hell, he even managed to resist his 'charms'.

'Is it because he is so close to death?' Xue Meng thought inwardly.

Hao Xuan looked away and closed his eyes, leaving himself completely open and defenseless.

"If you don't mind me asking, who are you looking for?" he asked while regulating his breathing.

There was still a fair bit of energy left in his body which he redirected towards the damaged organs, focusing on healing as much as possible before the Chaos Qi ate everything.

Xue Meng continued staring at Hao Xuan for a few seconds before finally looking away with a knowing smile.

"I'm waiting for someone," he replied casually, gazing at the ceiling in boredom.


"No idea."

"Male or female?"

"No idea."

"Friend or foe?"

"No idea."

"....." Hao Xuan was speechless.


"Do you know ANYTHING about the person you're supposed to be waiting for?"

"Yeah," Xue Meng bobbed his head up and down as his lips arched into a devilish grin, "That whoever it is, is extremely strong. A worthy opponent for me at last."

A slight frown crept onto Hao Xuan's forehead, "You came here looking for a fight?"

"Of course," Xue Meng nodded again as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, "Why else would I come here? The Royal Oracle prophesized it the day I was born. That the one I meet here today will finally make my heart race."

Hao Xuan's frown deepened, "Make your heart race?"

'Doesn't that mean that it will be someone he falls in love with?' Hao Xuan's line of thought went in a different direction.

"Yes, those were his exact words! That means I can finally find a worthy opponent! Ever since I could hold a blade no one has been able to make my heart race, not even once. Maybe its because I know I am better than them all, " Xue Meng said that line with such conviction that Hao Xuan who was about to correct him chose to stay silent rather than incur his wrath at this unfortunate time.

"That's good then, I hope you find...a good "worthy opponent" that is your equal," with a deep breath, Hao Xuan wished him well from the bottom of his heart, whatever his path was.

Xue Meng grinned, "Thank you. You said your name was Hai Chuan? I will kill a thousand Twin-tailed vermillion Ox's in your name so that your soul may cross the gates of the underworld with a grand escort! Hahaha"

"....that's not my name though... and stop killing me off..." Hao Xuan mumbled under his breath but Xue Meng was too busy laughing to hear him.

Hearing the well wishes from Hao Xuan raised Xue Meng's mood to another level entirely, for some strange reason. He became quite talkative and even answered most of Hao Xuan's questions.

Hao Xuan rested there for almost fifteen hours, even going as far as sleeping for some time until he fully recovered. No one else came during that time.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go," Hao Xuan stood up and dusted off his clothes.

"Hmm," Xue Meng didn't stand up or say anything else.

"I hope you find what you're looking for," Hao Xuan said with a half a smile, bowed lightly towards him before heading further down the tunnel.

He had barely walked for a dozen meters when Xue Meng's somewhat hesitant voice rang inside his head.

"It's not what you think it is, that thing down there. Don't use any Qi around it and it won't see you."

Hao Xuan paused, turned halfway around to bow once again before continuing on his way.

The light completely dissipated a few steps later until Hao Xuan couldn't even see his own hands, urging Baracus to move the nanites to action.

Xue Meng sat on that broken chair, listening to Hao Xuan's footsteps. When he couldn't hear them anymore he let out a deep sigh.

"What a terrible curse. And it smells like it's from the Moon Palace itself. Poor thing-" he was mumbling to himself when his ears suddenly perked up.

"Finally!" he stood up from the chair, grabbing the hilt of his saber. A few seconds passed and two silhouettes appeared in his sights.

"I didn't tell you about him so you could tag along, mind your own business!" a male voice shouted.

"Shut it! His business IS my business!" a female voice rebutted.

"Wow!! You really have no boundaries lady!"

Escorted by constant bickering, they arrived in front of Xue Meng soon after.

"Who the hell is this old man?" the female said with an irritated expression.

The male rolled his eyes and extended his hand towards Xue Meng.

"Hey man, you see a big guy walk past here? Probably covered in blood and/or half-naked? Responds to the name of Hao Xuan."

Xue Meng who was looking at them with wide eyes slowly looked down at the male's hand in silence.

"Oh where are my manners," the male smiled, "My name is Jin Wang, and this thing is princess Ceni. So, did you see him?"

Xue Meng's gaze shifted between them, confused and unsure.

"Which one is it? Which one of you is going to make my heart race?!"

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