The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 527 Gatherings- Part 3

Music Recommendation: Into the fire by Marco Beltrami


Back in the Harris' mansion, Madeline had finished helping her mother, and she learned that Calhoun had assigned maids in the mansion, but her parents found it to be too much and they had asked them to return to the magistrate, who was the one to arrange the maids for the mansion.

Madeline heard Beth and her father's voice coming from the other end of the corridor, and she walked towards the other side, wondering where the Salvette Mortem had disappeared to unless it had gone hiding and would appear in time if she were to die. As sweet as the thought was, where Vladimir wanted her soul for his grandson, Madeline wasn't sure if she liked the thought about the creature of death hanging around her, waiting for the time where she would die.

She was making her towards the hall when she heard a sudden rush of wind coming from the above floor. Wondering if a window was open, Madeline made climbed up the stairs, and she heard a window hit against the wall because of air. Stepping into the room, she reached for the window when she heard something creak from behind her, and suddenly the air that was blowing inside the room had quietened.

Madeline noticed this and her eyes moved to the right corner, and she turned around to meet the blonde angel, Michael.

"Good evening, Madeline," Michael greeted her politely.

"Evening," replied Madeline softly and when she took a step back, she heard the door lock behind her. "What are you doing here?" How did he know where she was here?

A faint smile appeared on the angel's lips, "I only want to talk to you."

"I can listen with the door open," Madeline spoke apprehensively.

"I doubted that you would be willing to talk to me with the Devil's grandson not here," replied Michael, his voice calm and the expression on his face serene. "I am here only to talk to you."

All these years, even though she didn't know if angels and demons existed, she always believed that angels were pure and right, but she was wrong. Their intentions were pure, but the methods weren't as pure as they thought it to be. Michael had chosen to come to speak to her in the absence of Calhoun because he knew Calhoun would not allow him anywhere near her.

Staring at the angel, Madeline asked, "What did you want to speak about?"

"Before I speak anything, I need you to know that I or any other angel is not your enemy but your aid. We are only doing what is best not just for you, but also the others around you," explained Michael. "Don't let the demon and his words taint your heart, you staying here will only bring pain, and you will see your people whom you care die."

"You want me to come to Heaven, it is why you are telling this to me," said Madeline, and Michael shook his head.

"Watch it for yourself," said Michael, stretching his hand in front of her as if he was offering her something, but Madeline didn't trust the angel nor the devil. Noticing the girl's resistance, Michael said, "I know you have dreams, Madeline, dreams that worry you because your conscience is telling you it might happen. You should know better that a demon and an angel cannot live together-"

"You spoke to my mother," whispered Madeline in realization, and her eyes turned wide, "You were the one to tell her about who Calhoun is."

Michael didn't refuse her accusation, and he said, "Your parents are good people. People who have sheltered you, and who believe in the goodness of people. I believed they should know what is going on with their daughter. I have been mindful by not mentioning what your sister has become."

Madeline felt anger rising in her because this person had intruded and done things he was not supposed to do, "I don't know if you know it, but my mother was a demon."

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Michael smiled, "Your mother is not a demon, but a human from the fallen-" and he stopped mid-sentence, "Was?" his eyes slowly narrowed, "That is impossible."

"It is the truth that even my father is unaware of," replied Madeline.

"Paschar would have known if that woman was a demon-"

"You fail to see, don't you? When you fall in love, you don't notice where the person comes from but ignore everything else. My parents were deeply in love, and I am that mark that they left," said Madeline to him, "If I am an angel, I also have demon blood coursing through me."

Michael didn't speak for several seconds and stared at Madeline, weighing the words she spoke.

"This only makes it worse. A soul once tainted, is tainted for life and there's no going back. It is only a matter of time when darkness seizes your heart," a faint frown had appeared on Michael's forehead.

Michael noticed how stubborn Madeline was, he had hoped to sway her through her mother's words, but that hadn't worked. "Why do you insist on turning to the dark side?"

"I never did. All I want is to live here peacefully without taking any sides."

Michael had dropped his hand, and he was about to say something when the creature of death appeared in the room. The Salvette Mortem who had nothing in its hands, suddenly an axe appeared that was bloody while staring at the angel. The room turned hostile as if the creature didn't like the angel in the room or next to Madeline.

"Seems like you have company. I will return later, and I hope you would have changed your answer," and in a blink of an eye, the angel disappeared from the room as if he was never here and the door unlocked itself.

If Michael could find her, she wondered how long it would be before Vladimir would find her and Calhoun too.

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