The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 468 Chase in forest- Part 1

Music Recommendation: Dance of the two wolves by Julia Aks


When Vladimir had left Heavens, he was condemned and called the first fallen angel of Heaven. There were some who had followed him, turning to demons, then there were the others who had been indecisive and had turned to fallen angels as humans in the earthly realm. It was one of the reasons why the demons who had directly sought him, turning to his side, had received wings and abilities, while the fallen angels who lived as humans, carried no wings with them.

Once he had gone against Heaven, his magnificent white wings that he once possessed had shed the feathers leaving only black wings that looked like a bat's wings, and he received the name as the devil.

He heard the metals clash against each other as Calhoun fought Greyson, both of them kept their pace and trying to injure the other. With both of them having wings on their backs, neither of them stood on the land, and they slowly ended up moving up in the air with sparks like lightning erupting because of metal clashing against another metal.

Vladimir's eyes narrowed at the wings that Calhoun possessed, and a small smile started to spread across his lips before it broadened. The woman whom he loved in the past was a human with no trace of demon or fallen angel blood in her, and the person with whom his daughter had consummated her relationship with was a mere vampire. Not even mere but utterly useless. And this only meant that the wings Calhoun received were from him. The wings Valdimir once possessed had been passed down to his grandson.

As Vladimir was the first fallen one, the devil, his grandson had acquired those black wings. The prince of Hell.

"Master there is an angel with black wings," Fjor who was on his knees informed the devil who had made his surprised visit here. Did the devil come here to sort out things with the other demons? Or was it for the dark angel? Fjor didn't dare to question Vladimir as he was only a servant of Hell.

"I can see it. I have eyes," responded Vladimir. "You didn't tell me what you are doing here, Fjor." The older vampire's eyes shifted from his grandson to look at his demon servant from Hell.

"I was keeping an eye, Master. There's a dark angel inside the building. Would you want me to bring her here in front of you?" offered Fjor, but Vladimir waved his hand.

"Leave the girl, unless you want to turn crisp like a meat, which no one would like to eat," commented Vladimir. He then turned his head to see if he could catch the Paschar, wondering where exactly he disappeared to. "Let's enjoy the fight, unless he needs a helping hand."

Fjor, not knowing if Vladimir's words were for Greyson or the King, decided to keep his mouth shut, and watched the two people fight in the sky.

Calhoun had picked up the sword that had been earlier dropped by one of the demon's, and he used it to clash against Greyson's sword, that the demon had picked up. Both their wings flapped behind their back as they tried to stay in the air. Greyson, who was still recovering from shock asked,

"How do you have black feathers on your wings?" The demon used all his strength when making a blowing attack at Calhoun, which was stopped by Calhoun's sword. "Only angels have those. And they usually have white wings."

"What do you think?" Calhoun questioned back, he gritted his teeth through the smile. He growled, pushing Greyson with another attack to have the demon flying in the air. Greyson used his bat-like wings to stop himself from falling on the ground.

Greyson stretched his hand that was holding the sword that started to change its shape and appearance to thicken and turn into a shiny metal rod. He stared at Calhoun, while the metal rod that he held started to cover itself in electric sparks that started to move from his hand to the tip of the other side of the rod.

"There is no way you can be an angel. I know about your deeds, Calhoun Hawthrone. Killing your mother, your father, your relatives, and other people which is how you ended up sitting on the throne of Devon," said Greyson. "I can sense the demon blood in you. High-level demon blood." But what he didn't understand was that the higher-level demons were the ones who had converted directly to demons from angels, to serve the devil. "I have never seen you before. Did you change your appearance, which is why I cannot identify you?" asked Greyson. He twirled the rod in his hand before he went straight at Calhoun, swinging the metal rod that had bolts of lightning passing through it.

Getting an opening, Greyson used it to hit Calhoun's head. "How do you like the bolt of lightning?" asked Greyson as he increased its intensity, and the wings that were flapping behind Calhoun slowed down for his body to start moving towards the ground.

Calhoun looked like he was losing consciousness and Greyson looked happy and he followed the vampire. He created bed of icicles that awaited for Calhoun on the ground.

Greyson was ready to swing the rod at Calhoun's head who continued to be pulled by gravity while his body had turned slack, but just when the rod came near Calhoun, his eyes flew open. Calhoun caught hold of the metal rod, twisting it and his wings started to flap back, avoiding the icicles that were on the ground.

"What are you?!" questioned Greyson.

Greyson had lost his grip on the metal rod, and both the men ended up in close body combat. He had expected Calhoun to accept defeat, but the King had turned the tables to attack him instead.

Calhoun's fists went straight at Greyson's face, and the impact was powerful enough to send the demon flying far away in the air. Calhoun didn't wait but followed the demon, beating him, until he finally sent the demon back to the ground with one single punch.

"Did you think you could use of the dark angel in my presence?" asked Calhoun. He raised his hand, and the metal rods came flying to his hand.

Hitting the demon with the rods, it made a cracking sound when it touched Greyson. The demon laughed, realizing this King had been deceiving people by telling he was only a vampire when there was much more than what was perceived through the eyes.

"You don't have to kill me, Calhoun. I will make an offer with you. I will turn you to one of the higher esteemed demons in Hell. The best position. We can work together," Greyson offered, speaking through his bloody mouth. He brought his hand forward to wipe the blood on his mouth.

"I thought you were going to give me The position, not some regular ones," Calhoun played with the metal rod by throwing it in the air and catching it in different ends. "You know what your mistake is? You laid your eyes on the wrong person. I will pass on your offer."

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