The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 383 Whisperers- Part 2

Madeline turned her eyes to look at Helena who was right now speaking with Calhoun's relative, Monique. By appearance, it looked like Helena was older than this person Michael. He didn't appear to look like a vampire because of his blue eyes, but then there had been some vampires she had come across who had different colours of eyes.

"She seems like a nice person. Monique," commented Madeline and in return, she received a hum of response from Calhoun.

"Better than the rest of the folks who are related to Lucy or me," replied Calhoun, "Your relatives appear to be shy while staring at you from afar. Introduce them to me, so that I know which one to kill and which one to only warn to stay in line," he tugged her hand, walking to where her parents and some of her relatives were.

On the other side of the expansive ballroom, Vladimir and Odin had stepped in to catch a better look of the people whom they were going to harm.

"How long did you say she was dead?" questioned Vladimir, picking up another glass of the drink in his hand as he looked at the people in the room.

"Um, I didn't check with that, Master," Odin scratched the back of his neck.

"Useless as always. I wonder why I even keep you around," chastised Vladimir as he passed a look at Odin who had lowered his eyes. The older vampire could tell that his servant's brain had indeed rusted because of the mistakes he had committed.

Vladimir was only looking around when his eyes fell on the man who was blonde and tall as him, and his eyes narrowed, "Odin."

"Yes, Master?" Odin asked when he was done slurping the blood from the glass. To make themselves look normal and not out of place, they had picked up a glass of blood each in their hand, to make it look like they belonged here. When in truth, they were standing away from the rest of the guests in the ballroom.

"Is it me, or does it look like you have seen that man before?" Vladimir had seen those bright blue eyes and pale features before he had fallen.

Odin followed the sight of his Master's gaze when his eyes turned wide as big as the saucers, "M-Master, that's your brother," whispered the servant vampire, who had been serving Vladimir since they were in heaven.

Odin had not expected to see the blue-eyed man in here, in this place today. He looked back and forth between his Master and the man whom he once was acquainted with. Leaning towards his Master, he asked in a hushed tone,

"What do you think he is doing here?"

"Who knows," replied Vladimir. He doubted the person could recognize him as he had changed not only his name but also changed his appearance that he once honed during his time in heaven. "Stay put here. I will be back," said the older vampire before making his way towards the blonde man.

When Vladimir came to stand next to the two men, one who was from the High House and the other who he knew, he said, "Wonderful day to celebrate, isn't it? I am Lazarus," he introduced himself with a daunting smile. Though Dimitri looked a little taken aback by the stranger, the man named Michael looked barely fazed, and he smiled.

"I don't think we have met before," said Dimitri, trying not to be intimidated by the stranger, "I am Dimitri, and this here is…"

"Michael Reeves," introduced the blonde man and Vladimir's smile broadened by hearing the name.

"How are you related to the King?" asked Dimitri, trying to make the man his acquaintance by getting to know him.

"I am a very far and far and far distant relative of his," answered Vladimir, "How about yourselves?"

"I-" started Dimitri, "-work in the High House, and we work with the Kings over the affairs of the lands."

"And what about you?" asked Vladimir to Michael who had a serene look on his face.

"I know the King," smiled Michael. While they were talking, Helena had come to take Dimitri to speak about something, giving the other two men a nod before they left. When they were alone, Michael said, "I didn't expect to see you here." Vladimir couldn't help but smile.

"I thought you wouldn't recognize me. But it's good to see that you still remember. That was a good chat," and Vladimir turned around when he heard Michael say,

"Return to heaven. There's still a chance."

"Now, you don't mean that. You and the others can keep it to yourselves," Vladimir had turned back to meet Michael's eyes, someone who he once used to call as a brother.

"That's not true. Luc- What are you doing here? It is very unlike you to be in a place like this," stated Michael.

"You are right. I am here to pick up and raise my minions," whispered Vladimir. The older vampire couldn't help but narrow his eyes in wonderment thinking what Michael was even doing here. He was more than intrigued, but at the same time, he didn't care to stay in Michael's company.

Vladimir walked away from Michael, walking past Odin and his servant quickly followed him, "Are we not staying longer, Master?"

"No," replied Vladimir and when no one was there to watch them in the empty corridor, he and Odin both turned to bats before flying away from there with a promise of return on the full moon day.

Back in the room, the blonde man stared at the entrance of the ballroom from where Vladimir had disappeared. In thought, his lips were set in a thin line.

It felt like it had been long since he had last seen the person who had introduced himself as Lazarus. Michael doubted that the angel turned vampire was here for the same reason as him. Because the devil never took sides except for his own sake.

His eyes then shifted to look at the young girl in the sunny coloured gown who smiled at the King when he said something. Michael had come here for her, after whispers had reached him about the danger that was hovering over the dark angel. It was because of him that she was put in such a predicament.

It was he, who had sent his Whisperers to wake her up and free her from the coffin.

Many of the fallen angels' children, who were now living as humans, had killed innocent people in the name of dark angels, and only after many years, did the actual one come into existence. Angels were not supposed to meddle with mortals, but Michael had made a mistake, and he was only trying to rectify the error that was made years ago.

Not able to actively participate in this realm, he watched people standing at the sidelines, unlike the ones who had gone against heaven and were thrown out. Having spent enough time in here today, he disappeared out of sight from the ballroom and the castle of Hawthrone.

The music and the celebrations continued until the time of the evening, where some of the guests from both Calhoun and Madeline's side stayed back in the castle, something that worried Madeline. And as previously decided, after dinner, Madeline stood next to the carriage with her parents in front of her to say goodbye. Though Beth stood near them, she had decided to stay back for a little longer with her sister Madeline before joining her parent's in the new house.

Her mother hugged her in her arms, "It feels hard to leave you behind for the fourth time, but this time knowing you are married I feel at ease."

There were tears in Mrs. Harris' eyes as she continued to hug her daughter. Her daughter was finally married, and she would be starting a new life here, something that had been decided nearly two months ago.

"We will miss you, Maddie. Make sure you come to visit us when everything is over, okay? Just stay safe," said her mother before pulling back, "I still can't believe you are married. Oh, my little girl!" and she hugged again.

"I will be fine, mama," Madeline rubbed her mother's back.

She was sad that she wouldn't be seeing her parent's as often as she used to in the past. She would be missing them terribly, and maybe if everything was alright, she would have asked them to stay back, but their safety was the most important thing right now. Calhoun had arranged a mansion for her parent's to live in along with a few servants.

Her mother finally let her go and went to speak to Beth. Madeline walked to her father and she heard him say, "I wanted to apologize again for what happened in the past, Maddie. We should have been stronger and should have known. Even about your grandparent's intentions."

At this, Madeline shook her head, "You didn't know, papa. And maybe I would have been destructive and would have hurt people back then. You don't have to feel bad about it," she placed her hand on her father's hands that held each other in worry, "What has happened, it is in the past." As much as she felt terrible knowing what had happened years ago, was there any point still holding on to it when her parent's only feared the fear that was put inside their heads by her grandparents?

"Send me a letter when you reach the mansion. Okay?" Madeline requested, and her father nodded.

Mr. Harris looked at his younger daughter, who had decided to stay back, instead of going with him and his wife. He didn't know what happened, but it seemed like Beth had turned quieter than the other days, and she wanted to spend more time with her sister.

"We will. Make sure you take care, and even Beth," and her father opened his arms to hug her, and Madeline hugged him, "Be safe and write to us."

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