The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 373 Cathedral glass- Part 1

Music Recommendation: Thin place by Tony Anderson


Madeline had not expected Mr. Frost to be here in this church. A coincidence, thought Madeline to herself and she saw Beth walk forward, making her way to the front so that she could offer her prayers. Seeing how the High House member was busy talking with the couple, listening to something the couple was saying, she joined Beth's side to sit down on her knees and she held her hands together in front of her.

The reason why she had wanted to visit the church was not only because it had been a while since she last visited one, but also because the day after tomorrow was her wedding and she wanted blessings from God. She hoped nothing would come to spoil the day. Her life had already started to change since she was born, and it was only now did she come to realize, meeting Calhoun had opened the doors that had been closed in the past.

Madeline was still praying when Beth stood up, crossing her hand in front of her and she turned around, ready to go and sit on the bench when she caught sight of the woman whom she had seen earlier. When their eyes met, the woman continued to stand there. A deep frown came to settle on Beth's face, wondering who this woman was, who was appearing in front of her. When she took a step forward, she noticed the woman straightened her back.

Why did her face appear familiar? Asked Beth in her mind.

She decided to walk up to the woman and wanted to ask if she knew her. She saw the woman started to take her leave.

"Maddie, I will be right back," said Beth to her sister.

"Let me come with you," offered Madeline.

"That's alright. I will be back soon. I want to take a quick look," Beth assured Madeline, placing a hand on her sister's arm, she left the church.

Madeline wondered what happened that had Beth leave the church. Pursing her lips, she turned back to pray before making her way to sit on the second row of the bench. She didn't know why, but sitting in the church made her heart light as her worries always disappeared. Maybe it was because she had faith and belief in here.

With the couple who left the side of High priest, making their way out of the church, Reginald turned his gaze on Madeline who had been watching him converse.

"I didn't know you live in this village, Lady Madeline. It is a surprise to see you here," remarked Reginald. He folded his hands across his chest, walking to his left so that he could stand in front of Madeline.

"I don't live here," answered Madeline, "My sister and I came here to buy something for the wedding. I didn't expect to see you here myself," she offered the man a small smile, and he returned it.

"The world is small, isn't it, milady," commented Reginald.

Madeline noticed how his features were kind and gentle compared to the other members of the High House whom she had met. With what she had seen and heard so far, Reginald Frost was someone who was in Calhoun's favour and wasn't a foe. But if there was something Madeline knew, it was that people did things for their own gains and could change sides at any time.

"I thought the High House members only have to work for High House. Do other members have other duties apart from being part of the organization?" asked Madeline, her tone polite, and her words fluent as there were only two more people apart from them in the church.

The man stared at her, his eyes were grey in colour and his long silky silver-hair tied in a ponytail with a ribbon, "There are some others who indulge themselves in other work. We all have our own interests." Madeline could only tell that Reginald was probably the only person serving in the church compared to the other members from the High House. "The walls of the church, I find them to be gratifying. Especially the windows through which light passes to fall inside this place."

Madeline's gaze went to fall on the windows that were on either side of where she sat, "I believe that was your sister? Who came here with you?"

"Ah, yes," she nodded, "She said she would be back quick." Madeline turned around to glance at the entrance of the church, but Beth hadn't returned back yet. She wondered if Beth had forgotten something from one of the stores. She should have asked where Beth was going as it seemed like she would have to wait for her sister here in the church.

Not knowing what else to say, Madeline inquired, "When was this church built? The walls look dark and old," her eyes took in the room where she sat in, "I don't think I have ever been here before."

"You haven't," confirmed Reginald, and Madeline who had been looking at the walls and the painting, her eyes returned back to look at the priest. "I would have seen you here, if you visited before. Would you like a tour until your sister returns? A walk in the corridors of the church?" asked the man, "Sister Harriet," he called the girl who had only entered the front of the church from the back door, "If the lady with black hair and green eyes comes looking for Lady Madeline, tell her we will be back soon."

"Yes, Father Reginald," replied the young girl.

"Shall we?" asked Reginald and Madeline wondered if the man had something to tell her. A priest didn't often tour people, but then she was going to be the Queen, thought Madeline to herself. Did he perhaps want to keep a good relation, to earn the Queen's favour for the future?

Before leaving the front of the church, Madeline took another glance at the entrance before following the priest through the back door, that led to stairs.

Walking up the stairs, Madeline came to look at the corridor that looked long and each of the windows were multicoloured that left colours on the ground. But she would have to agree that the chapel in the castle was the most beautiful one because of the blue tint of the windows.

"The church was built even before the village came into existence," said Reginald, his steps were slow and Madeline walked next to him. "If I am not wrong, words have been passed down by the people who used to work here as priests that it was once the home to an angel."

This had Madeline quickly intrigued, "Which angel?"

The priest shook his head, "I don't know which one exactly. It was said that they didn't know the name but they had seen the angel with white wings that were covered in blood," said Reginald with a thoughtful expression on his face.

"Why blood? I thought angels wings were supposed to be white in colour," commented Madeline and the man nodded his head.

Reginald said, "You're right. It seems his wings were removed. Ripped out of his back."

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