The Crown's Obsession

Chapter 354 Sinned blood- Part 2

Music Recommendation: Gasoline by Halsey


Madeline had locked herself in the room, sitting on the floor and in front of the glass pieces which she had broken out of purpose. Since the time she had seen the glass pieces raise, she was trying to see if she could fix something after breaking it. Using both her hands, she now controlled them in midair.

By what she had heard so far, she was not a human nor was she a fallen angel. She didn't know what powers a dark angel held apart from killing people mercilessly for their deeds. But she wanted to know if she could do something useful, something that didn't lead to destruction. The glass pieces started to move closer to each other, moving to settle one after another, and after a few more seconds, she saw the glass return to its previous state. A smile grew on her lips, and Madeline couldn't tell how happy she was, to see she had done something with her ability.

Picking up the glass in her hand, she stood up, taking two steps towards the table so that she could keep it when she felt a pain shoot down her back. Her feet stopped when the pain grew more, her grip in her hands tightened to break the glass that she had been holding.

"AH!" she gasped for air, her face contouring itself in pain.

Madeline fell on the floor. Her body coiled closer, and she gasped for more air. Her hand started to bleed because of the glass pieces that had pierced through her skin, and two pieces of glass continued to stick out in her hand. But that wasn't all where she was bleeding.

Two red lines formed on the back of her beige dress before it started to spread on the fabric. She could feel the burn on her back. The pain on her palm felt to be nothing compared to what she felt on her back like her very soul was being sucked out of her body. To handle the pain, her hands turned to fists, but that only pushed the glass pieces further into her palms.

Tears spilt out of her eyes because the pain felt worse than the last time she had experienced. Was her wings coming out? She didn't know, and she wished there was someone whom she could speak to, someone who knew what was going on with her.

Hearing her groan, the head maid of the castle who was walking past the room quickly went to knock on the door.

"Milady, is everything alright?" asked the maid, but Madeline could hardly hear the words over her pain. She didn't hear anything, and she started to lose consciousness. The maid pushed the door and saw the lady on the ground.

The person who had entered the room was none other than Nicola. Her eyes quickly fell on the blood on the floor which was around the lady.

"Milady?!" exclaimed Nicola, nudging Madeline's arm as she was not responding. Was the girl dying?

Nicola stood in front of unconscious Madeline, staring at the human wondering if the lady had tried to kill herself again for the second time, as the first time, the girl had failed in killing herself by falling from the tower. Instead of helping the lady, the maid continued to watch the blood inch out as Madeline continued to bleed.

Like some of the maids, and women outside this castle, Nicola disliked Madeline because of the closeness the girl shared with the King along with his interest that was fixed on the human. Nicola didn't see why she should not grant the wish of the girl wanted to die. The maid knew the King had his own quirks, and a simple human who was fragile like this one didn't deserve to stay beside the King.

Nicola turned around, pushing the doors to lock them and decided to ease the girl's death from the loss of blood.

Turning back, she watched Madeline who appeared to be unconscious now groan in pain. "If you wanted to die so much, you should have asked me. I would have helped you with it," said Nicola, "I knew you were trouble since the first day when the King decided to keep you in this castle. Someone like you, you wouldn't understand how the King lives and what he wants. I know what he wants."

It wasn't anything new as vampires were sexually active creatures, and the King now as well as the previous King's had always been serviced by the maids or other women.

"You are like a newborn, what would you know?" chuckled Nicola, "Don't worry. I will make sure that you die, just as you want and you can live in peace." She wondered if it was the stress of the wedding that was approaching near, that had got to the human.

Nicola decided, once the human would reach the brink of her death, she would leave the room like she wasn't here. And if someone did catch sight of her, she would make it look like she was the one to discover the body. After another minute passed, Nicola decided to recheck the girl. Her hand reached out to touch the girl's arm, but suddenly the girl caught hold of the maid's hand.

Startled, Nicola looked up at Madeline's face, who appeared to be still unconscious. Was she playing with her?! She tried to free her hand from the human's hold, but she couldn't pull away from the grip.

"Are you fucking joking with me? Leave my hand?!" shouted the maid when she saw Madeline sit up.

The lady's eyes looked clean white with her brown eyes missing and seeing this, the maid grew nervous. Why did the girl look like this?! The maid panicked and continued to pull her hand as hard as she could, "Let go of my hand!" she cried, which was when Madeline's lips parted,

"You have sinned..." came the whisper that stopped Nicola from moving, "You need to be punished."

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