The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 440: Black is the New Gold

Chapter 440: Black is the New Gold

“Wait, wait, wait, are you in your right mind?” The Crown Prince yelled as he tried to shake Fang Lin. “By this point, the Demon Kings of the Evil Axis Continent would have already known about the summoning of you Heroes! And I am sure that they will send some assassins to kill you!”

The Princess interjected as she continued what the Prince was about to say. “Hero, that means that if you go there at the Evil Axis Continent, you will surely be besieged by danger!”

Fang Lin just gave the 2 of them a dry look as he said,

“Come on, look at me! My appearance right now was way different from my appearance before! There is no way they can see through my disguise in the Evil Axis Continent!”

“But how about us?” The Crown Prince and the Princess pointed towards themselves and to their little brother. “If we go with you there, they will surely recognize us!”

“Of course I thought about that already.” Fang Lin said as he slowly approached them. “Since you look conspicuous right now, then I just have to use disguise on you three!”


Sounds of panic could be heard as the blond trio were helpless under Fang Lin’s forceful ‘make-over’.


At a dark, evil-looking palace.

There was a man sitting on a throne made up of bones. This man was currently cupping his chin as he listened to someone talking in front of him.

The one talking wore the clothes of a messenger. This messenger was kneeling as he continued talking to the man sitting on the throne.

“Oh, so according to the spies that you have talked to, all the three Kingdoms in the Alliance Continent have summoned their Heroes?” The man on the throne imperiously said.

His voice sounded so intimidating that it took the messenger a few seconds before he can reply.

“Yes, Demon King Ifrit. Our spies have confirmed that all three Kingdoms have summoned their Heroes earlier.”

“Interesting...” Demon King Ifrit muttered as he waved his hands dismissively. “You may leave now.”

“Ye-yes!” The messenger did not waste any time as he left the room, leaving the Demon King pondering alone on his seat.

Because of the poor lighting in the room, the messenger was not able to fully see Demon King Ifrit’s face.

But if Fang Yu was here, she can surely see that Demon King Ifrit was actually Huo Huangdi!

That’s right, Huo Huangdi assumed the name Demon King Ifrit when he arrived here at the Evil Axis Continent.

He then used his Godly Divine Beast Ability to rule his Demonic Kingdom with an iron hand.

But unlike the Heroes who came in just today, Huo Huangdi, Wang Hao, and Jieshu actually arrived at the Abandoned Planet and at the Evil Axis Continent exactly one year ago!

This means that Huo Huangdi, Wang Hao, and Jieshu arrived at the Final Trial one year earlier than the Heroes!

Huo Huangdi and the other Underworld Princes spent this one-year time to consolidate the powers of their respective Demonic Kingdoms.

“The time discrepancy is really confusing me...”

The discrepancy in the arrival time of the Demon Kings and the Heroes was the reason that Huo Huangdi was currently frowning.

After all, Huo Huangdi could not fathom why he and his living follower would arrive at different times.

“S**t, if only this Final Trial was the same as the last one...” Huo Huangdi muttered angrily as he shook his head in dismay.

After he obtained the status of the Underworld Prince, Huo Huangdi immediately researched about the last Final Trial which the current Yama Successor have experienced.

To his dismay, Huo Huangdi found out that the Final Trial that he was taking right now was way different from the Final Trial that he researched about!

“With the arrival of the Heroes, I am sure that the real Final Trial was about to start. But what should I do to win this Final Trial?” Huo Huangdi muttered to himself as he looked out of the window of his Palace.

When Huo Huangdi had assumed the throne, he killed the former leader of the Demonic Kingdom that he was in, as that was the fate of any overthrown leader in the Evil Axis Continent.

As for the Palace of the executed former leader, Huo Huangdi took if for himself which he was currently residing in now.

Huo Huangdi had always enjoyed the ambiance of the environment brought by the interior of this Palace.

But right now, he could not feel any of this ambiance as he wracked his brains on what to do.

After a few more minutes of deliberation, Huo Huangdi let out a sigh as he stood up.

His eyes turned sharp as he walked, with his robes swishing as he left the Throne Room.

Huo Huangdi’ subordinates, who saw him coming out, hastily bowed as they greeted him.

“Greetings Demon King Ifrit!”

“Okay, okay...” Huo Huangdi waved his hands dismissively as he looked at his loyal and starry-eyed subordinates.

Hou Huangdi suppressed the urge to laugh as he realized how easy it was to make his followers loyal. He just has to show them his strength, and they were like loyal dogs now, even willing to lick his shoes if he wanted them to!

“Gather every soldier and able fighter under my rule.” Huo Huangdi said as the temperature around him began to increase. “The Alliance Continent have summoned their Heroes already. That just means that they are now itching to kill us. So before they can do that, we must be able to unify the whole Evil Axis Continent! So we will go to war!”

“War!!!” Huo Huangdi’s subordinates shouted as fervor filled their eyes.

After being under Huo Huangdi’s rules for around a year, his subordinates has the feeling that if Huo Huangdi had wanted it, he could defeat the other two Demon Kings and conquer the Evil Axis Continent easily!

But when they pester him to go to war, Huo Huangdi always gives an excuse to not go to war.

But right now, their somewhat indecisive Demon King had decided to wage war against the other Demon Kings!

Huo Huangdi’s subordinates immediately rushed to work, and they only had one goal in mind.

And that was to make sure that they can gather their forces at the shortest time possible!

“Make it fast everyone!” Huo Huangdi shouted as he decided to personally take over on the war preparations.

“I am sure that by this point, the other 2 Demon Kings have already received the news about the summoned Heroes. I am also sure that just like me, they will also wage war right now! So it will be a three-way war! So all of you, do not slack off! We need all the manpower that we can use! Those who will be caught lazing around will be punished by death!”

These cruel words that Huo Huangdi said scared the wits of his subordinates, which forced them to concentrate.

While Huo Huangdi was watching the war preparation with his impassive stare, he was thinking to himself,

“Ugh, I thought this Final Trial will be just one free-for-all fight. I did not expect it to become like this... A war and civilization simulator.... Sigh, what a drag...”


“Hehehe...” Fang Lin let out a creepy laugh as he looked at his masterpiece.

“Hero...even if it is for our life and safety, you cannot just wantonly do this to us!” Princess Christina said as she gave Fang Lin a teary glare. “Huhuhu... my lovely hair...”

“......” Even if they were not complaining, it was quite apparent from the face of Prince Christiano and his little brother that they were not happy with what happened with their hair.

“Hey, why are you looking at me like that?” Fang Yu replied defensively as she tried to defend herself.

“I may have dyed your hair black, but at least it will cover up you blond hair, which is the most eye-catching feature of you three...

“Huhuhu, Hero... It seems like you do not know how much the Royalty of the Golden River Kingdom loves their hair...” Princess Christina said as she pouted at Fang Lin angrily. “Our hair are basically our honor and integrity!”

“Honor and integrity my ass.” Fang Lin snarkily replied as he proceeded to knock out the 3 black-haired individuals.

This time, Fang Lin did not just carry them by his shoulders. Instead he stored them on his storage in order to not attract any unwanted attention once he approaches the bridge between the Alliance Continent and the Evil Axis Continent.

“According to the Christina said, there are three bridges between the two continents...” Fang Lin cupped his chin as he tried to remember what the Princess said to him earlier.

According to Princess Christina, the Demonic Kingdom of Huo Huangdi can be accessed by the bridge near the north of the Alliance Continent.

As for the Demonic Kingdom of Jieshu, it was the bridge at the middle part of Alliance Continent that can access it.

That leaves the bridge at the southern part of the Alliance Continent, which will lead to Wang Hao’s Demonic Kingdom.

Obviously, Fang Lin will go towards the Southern Bridge.

“My first agenda now is to communicate with Wang Hao. I can just think of what to do next after I succeed on my first agenda.” Fang Lin muttered as he started to run at the direction of the Southern Bridge.

With the speed that he is in right now, it will take him around an hour or two to reach his destination.

“Hmm... time to hum some songs then while I run.” Fang Lin muttered as he used his skewed musical skills to make some horrible whistle songs.

While Fang Lin was busy on his horrible whistling concert, a human figure, about 10 kilometers behind Fang Lin, could be seen stealthily following him.

The figure seemed to have no intent on getting near Fang Lin as it stayed within 10 kilometers of him, not getting nearer or farther while following him.

Because of the cloak covering its body, it was hard to know that the intention of Fang Lin’s stalker is.

However, one thing is for sure.

And it is that Fang Lin seemed to not have detected this figure stalking on him!

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