The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 388: Trap and Bluff

Chapter 388: Trap and Bluff

“Oh now you really have done it!” Wang Hao shouted as the tree collided with the golden dome.

The golden dome let out a keeling sound for a second, before it shattered into countless pieces that scattered into nothingness.

“Che, what weak-ass barrier.” Shou Nanren muttered as he and Merlin stepped inside the village.

They already noticed the golden bull statue in the middle of the village, but the two was able to sense the golden bull’s strength, and they determined that it was of no threat to them.

“That barrier must have been placed by this golden bull.” Merlin muttered as he approached it. “Too bad that barrier is only effective against at most Fourth Stage Practitioners. That barrier is nothing to us.”

Magic circles then appeared around Merlin as he attempted to destroy the golden bull.

While this was happening, Shou Nanren was looking around the village as he tried to pinpoint the exact location of the threat that he was looking for.

“I felt that that threat appeared at the middle of the Immortal Continent. But in just a short amount of time, the threat changed locations and appeared in this place!”

Shou Nanren’s body tensed as this fact made him realize something.

“For the threat to change places this quickly, it must mean that either the threat has abilities that made it travel that quickly, or there is someone assisting that threat, and that someone is the one that moved the threat here!”

If his second guess was the correct one, then that surely means that Shou Nanren has to face one more practitioner before he can kill the threat.

“Don’t tell me...” While he was in the Palace of the Gods, Shou Nanren and his other companions gathered info about the powerful figures in the Immortal Continent.

One of their targets was of course the Central Divine Emperor.

They knew about his talent and about his Central Divine Empire.

“Since the threat appeared in the middle of the Immortal Continent, this just means that the threat appeared in the Central Divine Empire! In that, case, it must be that guy assisting the threat!”

Shou Nanren slightly panicked as he thought that the only person who can bring the threat from the Central Divine Empires to this village in a short amount of time was the Central Divine Emperor himself!

“Merlin!” Shou Nanren sent Merlin a message before Merlin could start his attack. “This place could be a trap!”

Merlin then narrowed his eyes as he listened to Shou Nanren about the possibility of the Central Divine Emperor being in this village.

But instead of panicking, Merlin’s face just hardened as he said,

“So who cares if it is an ambush? Even if the Central Divine Emperor was really here, I doubt he can really kill us. After all, we are Godly Divine Beasts and the Central Divine Emperor was just a mere human. I do not care how powerful he is right now. He is just alone and there are two of us here! If he really attacks us, then we will make him feel pain that he never imagined!”

“Oh right, I was scared for a second.” Shou Nanren’s worries dissipated, remembering that they were the elite of the elite in the Beast God Planet.

Even if they were currently weakened by the restrictions in Planet Thrae and that the Central Divine Emperor was in his home turf, Shou Nanren was confident that while they would not be able to kill the Central Divine Emperor, the Central Divine Emperor would also have difficulty killing them too!

Merlin stopped his attempt to destroy the golden bull as he looked at the cowering people around him, which just made him snort in disdain. He raised his hands, forming a magic circle that hovered over the villagers.

It was quite obvious from his actions that Merlin was deadestseon killing the villagers now.

“Oh hold up hold up!” A person suddenly walked out, who was seemingly unperturbed by the pressure let out by Merlin and Shou Nanren.

Upon seeing who this person was, Merlin’s eyes slightly widened before narrowing them in suspicion.

“Wang Hao, from what I know, you should have been in hiding now. Then what the hell are you doing here?”

“Oh well, stuff happened.” Wang Hao said as he adjusted the baby that he was carrying.

“A baby?” Merin swiveled his gaze to the baby, and what he saw was a perfectly normal human baby.

But a second later, all the hairs in Merlin’s skin rose up as he felt danger coming from that baby.

“What the hell is that?” If Merlin was jolted by the baby, Shou Nanren’s reaction to the baby was different.

“Ah! You are the one!” Shou Nanren’s face contorted as he looked at the baby with extreme hate. His mouth then slackened as he realized something.

“That baby, it’s the threat that I am feeling all this time! Hahahaha!” Shou Nanren then sent a crazed look at Jorm as he said,

“My name is Shou Nanren. You are a threat to me and to my father. Prepare to die.”(AN: Shou Nanren considers the Yggdrasil as his father, not his mother.)

“Uh oh, seems like the cover of this baby is blown then....” Wang Hao replied lackadaisically, as if he was not worried about what just happened.

Wang Hao smirked as he sent a mocking gaze to Shou Nanren.

“Oi tree man, you seem to be feeling unwell now. I heard you saying earlier that you want to kill Jorm. Is that the truth?”

“Quit yapping and just give the baby to me!” Shou Nanren said as his eyes turned red. Seeing the bane of his existence just in front of him was something that just brought him to the brink. “Maybe I will still spare your sorry ass if you followed what I just said!”

“Ok, here you go.” To the surprise of everyone, Wang Hao suddenly held Jorm on his torso, before throwing its straight to Shou Nanren!

“Hahaha! Good decision!” Shou Nanren cackled as he caught Jorm. Shou Nanren then held Jorm with his left hand, while his right hand transformed into one large wooden stake.

Shou Nanren’s eyes were trained on Jorm’s torso as he said,

“Now that I got you, I will not let you live anymore. You will die- ah, what is happening!!!!”

Before Shou Nanren could even stick the stake on Jorm, Shou Nanren suddenly felt his arms turning weak.

Shou Nanren inspected his body, and there he saw something inside his body!

This something was a dark, energy-like thing which was wreaking havoc inside Shou Nanren’s body.


Just like the Yggdrasil, Wisdom Treants were also gifted with high toughness and monstrous amounts of lifeforce.

That means that basically speaking, it will be hard to damage Shou Nanren, especially his internal parts as they were protected by his innate traits.

But in front of this dark, energy-like thing, Shou Nanren’s defense was s**t!

“Merlin help me!!!” Shou Nanren said as his bones, organs and muscles started disintegrating too. Even his dantian and soul were affected, and Merlin could only watch in shock as Shou Nanren started fading away.

“That baby, it must be the one doing this!” Merlin declared as he pointed at Jorm that was in Shou Nanren’s grasp. “Throw the baby away, and you will survive!”

“No! This baby must die!” Even if he was already at the verge of death, Shou Nanren’s instincts to kill Jorm was still there. “This baby must di...”

Shou Nanren did not finish what he was about to say as his body fully disintegrated, leaving no trace of him at all.

As for Jorm, he was supposed to fall to the ground with Shou Nanren gone, but Wang Hao just clicked his fingers, and Jorm was back in his arms.

All of this happened so quickly that Merlin was unable to stop it. His companion Shou Nanren, who was supposed to be beside him was now gone, turning into speck of dust scattered throughout the whole Immortal Continent.

“What the hell... did you do?” Merlin rasped as he stared at the baby warily. “Is it because of that baby?”

“What do you think?” Wang Hao smirked, as he refused to answer Merlin’s question.

“F**k!” Merlin cussed as he realized his situation now was not good.

He was now facing Wang Hao, who was a Godly Divine Beast like him, and now Merlin has to also face the baby, who just insta-killed Shou Nanren earlier!

“Oh, you want to cradle Jorm too?” Wang Hao smiled as he raised Jorm and pointed him at Merlin’s direction. “If you want, I can give Jorm to you now, it’s free, I promise.”

“No thanks!” Merlin’s body slightly backed up as he calculated his options. But his face changed again when he saw a person appearing behind Wang Hao.

That person was Wu Meng, and she was giving Merlin a challenging gaze.

“You damned b**ch!” Merlin roared at Wu Meng. “So you really betrayed us! Hmph, I don’t care why you betrayed us, but you know that those who betray our planet only receives one punishment and that is death!”

“You dare talk about killing me when you are badly outnumbered right now?” Wu Meng smirked as she pointed to herself, at Wang Hao, and finally to Jorm.

“You can see it right? You have no way to win.”

Merlin gritted his teeth as he observed the people in front of him.

There are two Godly Divine Beasts in front of him. One was Wu Meng, and her power was comparable to Merlin. The second one was Wang Hao, and even right now, Shou Nanren was still not sure about his power. It was a mystery that also made Wang Hao scarier.

Then there was that baby which insta-killed Shou Nanren earlier.

“Sigh.” Upon seeing them, Merlin decided that he was at a dead-end now. He gave Wang Hao a loathing look before looking back at Wu Meng.

“You may have caught me and Shou Nanren by surprise now. But that does not mean you can force me to fight you. I am not an idiot after all!” Thousands of magic circles then appeared around Merlin, which he decisively activated inside the village.

“Boom boom boom!” Massive explosions covered the whole village which shook the ground around them.

“That old geezer....” Wang Hao’s voice sounded out as the explosions faded. “Using magic like this to escape, how flashy could he be?”

From the looks of it, Merlin activated thousands of explosion magic, which provided him the path of escape.

While Wang Hao and Wu Meng were busy defending themselves from the explosion, Merlin used his magic to slither away, and by the time Wang Hao noticed it, Merlin was already gone.

“Well, at least nobody was hurt.” With his ability, Wang Hao happily absorbed all the explosions around him. At least Merlin gave him something useful before he escaped.

“Hehehehe, my plan went successful all thanks to you.” Wang Hao said as he tickled Jorm.

Wang Hao knew about the potency of the evil power inside Jormungandr, so he decided to use that against Shou Nanren.

The real reason why he gave Jorm to Shou Nanren was because he knew that Shou Nanren will die quickly from Jorm’s evil power.

But even Wang Hao was shocked by the speed of Shou Nanren’s death.

As for Merlin, Wang Hao knew that Merlin will not be killed by the evil power, as Jorm’s power was only highly effective on Shou Nanren.

So Wang Hao had to rely on bluffing to scare Merlin.

He purposely killed Shou Nanren with the baby first, to show to Merlin that if the baby could kill Shou Nanren, then this baby could also possibly kill him too.

Then he had Wu Meng appear, and this will further drive Merlin into a corner, making him think that he has to fight 3 powerful enemies now.

As long as Merlin was on sane mind, he will surely try to escape.

Luckily for Wang Hao, this is what Merlin did.

“Now that Merlin left this place, it will be time for some real entertainment.” Wang Hao said as he snapped his fingers.

Wu Meng tilted her head upon seeing what Wang Hao did. “Did you snap your fingers now to make yourself look cool?”

“Cool? Hell no!” Wang Hao replied as he scowled at Wu Meng. “I snapped my fingers because that is a signal.”

“A signal for what?”

“You will see later.” Wang Hao smilingly said as he clambered back on his house.

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