The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 382: Back at it Again

Chapter 382: Back at it Again

Wu Meng’s eyes narrowed, as she realized that Wang Hao was surely involved with whatever happened to the volcano. “There!” With her exceptional vision, Wu Meng saw a figure leaping out from the new destroyed volcano. It was Wang Hao, and it looked like he did not face any danger at all. Wu Meng then felt incredulity when she saw that Wang Hao was cradling a baby in his arms. The baby looked extremely human, yet Wu Meng thought that there was something different with this baby. “!!!!” Wu Meng suddenly felt chills across her body as she realized that this baby was no ordinary baby! What’s worse was that Wu Meng actually felt afraid of this baby. It was as if this baby was a danger that must not be allowed to live! “What the hell Wang Hao, what did you do inside there?” Wu Meng muttered as determination flashed across her eyes. This determination was then replaced with astonishment as two more figures appeared from the destroyed volcano. One was a gigantic figure, whose height easily reached the sky. Its whole body was like a molten rock, with lava, magma and fire comprising its entirety. The second figure was a golden-robed Tian Yi, who Wu Meng already met earlier. What made Wu Meng astonished was the fact that Tian Yi was heavily injured! Wu Meng saw Tian Yi being blasted away at high-speeds, as blood spurted out of his body. Tian Yi’s body looked extremely beat up, as if there was something that hit him with so much power that he could not even resist it. “Boom!” Only when Tian Yi collided with 7 large mountains that his momentum stopped. “Thud.” Tian Yi’s body then toppled down the ground like a wet rag. His body looked extremely weak, as if life was sucked out of it. Tian Yi continued to lay down on the ground, with him not moving at all. From their vantage point, Wu Meng and the Elders were not sure if Tian Yi was still alive. “No way!” Wu Meng was incredibly shocked as she saw what happened to Tian Yi. “This guy is the strongest on in this planet, yet he was reduced to this state? What the hell happened to him?” Wu Meng’s vision then swiveled to the fiery rock giant, whose left fist was outstretched in Tian Yi’s direction. “Don’t tell me....” Wu Meng shook her head, as if she could not believe the conclusion that she had. “There is no way that the punch of this giant was the one that defeated Tian Yi. There is no way that it’s true!” “Your excellency!” While Wu Meng was petrified by what she saw, the Elders with her were rendered speechless by Tian Yi’s injuries. Their Emperor, that was undefeated in his whole life, was now riddled with countless injuries! The Elders all felt a strange sensation in their hearts as they saw Tian Yi’s unmoving body. “Woosh!” The Elders ignored their task to guard Wu Meng as they all rushed towards Tian Yi’s location. After all, the safety of their Emperor right now was more important than anything else. “Hahaha, even I did not expect this to happen.” Wu Meng looked behind her, and there she saw a smug Wang Hao giving her a laid-back smile. “That giant.... That’s the one that defeated Tian Yi?” Wu Meng slightly stammered as she pointed at the gigantic figure. “Yeah, it’s that one.” Wang Hao quickly replied. “Those beings in the Hidden Plane used a powerful formation that allowed them to create a body with the power of a Sixth Stage Practitioner. Couple that with the boost in that environment, and that giant you see reached a level of power that Tian Yi failed to resist.” “One punch.” Wang Hao said gleefully. “It only took one punch for that giant to make Tian Yi heavily injured! Tian Yi’s attack golden sword attack was shattered like a glass after colliding with the giant’s fist! Hahaha! I can still remember Tian Yi’s shocked face when that fist hit him! Oooh, I still feel shivers from hearing the sounds of Tian Yi’s bones breaking!” “That was certainly a vivid recollection.” Wu Meng muttered as she looked at the hot giant. “But if it was a Sixth Stage Giant, then shouldn’t it be expelled from the Planet Thrae before it was able to attack Tian Yi?” That was the one thing that Wu Meng was confused about. “Oh about that....” Wang Hao cast a wistful look at the destroyed volcano as he said, “While we were having idle conversations earlier, Tian Yi told me that for whatever weird reason there is, the lava beings sealed in the Central Divine Plane managed to convince the soul of Planet Thrae to allow a Sixth Stage Lava Being appear on their place!” Wang Hao shook his head as he gave a rueful smile. “These lava beings must have used that exception in case they needed to create a Sixth Stage Lava Being like now.” “Boom!” The under Wu Meng’s eyes, she saw the giant crumbling in front of her. “Tsk, so my estimation of 5 minutes is wrong.” Wang Hao said as he seemed disappointed with himself. “So the formation body can only last for 30 seconds? How disappointing. Well, at least they managed to beat Tian Yi into a coma. That prick surely deserves some beating.” Wang Hao shook his head as he adjusted the position of the baby that he was cradling. “What will happen to all the lava beings that made up this giant?” Wu Meng asked as she saw millions and millions of lava beings pouring out of the giant’s crumbling body. “All of those lava beings will be in a severely weakened state.” Wang Hao said as he turned around, with his back facing the collapsed lava beings. “Right now, they are all so weak that the formations around the volcano can still kill them. See that Fifth Stage Lava Being in the heart area? Right now, he is also severely weakened.” “That Fifth Stage lava being will surely die from the formations too.” Wang Hao said it emotionlessly, as if he was not moved by what he saw. “Their current state right now was the reason they did not create a Formation Body in the past to escape from the volcano. They must have known that they will be severely weakened if they use the Formation Body to escape. Too bad for them, they made a Formation Body earlier. Now, its effects are catching up to them.” “Wait, if they knew that this is going to happen, then why did these lava beings made a Formation Body earlier? Are they that suicidal?” Wu Meng asked as she saw all the lava beings obliterated by the formations. The Fifth Stage Lava Being only lasted for a second before his whole body was also shredded by the attacks of the formations. “Oh, its because I wanted them all to fight Tian Yi.” Wang Hao replied remorselessly. “I thought they will do a guerilla tactic like swarming Tian Yi, but I did not expect that they will actually attack by creating a Formation Body.” “.....” We Meng wanted to ask on how Wang Hao was able to command the lava beings on making such a suicidal move, but she then stopped herself, seeing the glare that Wang Hao gave her just now. “Well, even if I did not command them to do something, I am still sure that they will find a way to kill themselves.” Wang Hao said as started to walk away. “After all, their real duties have been accomplished by them already, so there is no reason for them to live. Being trapped in a hellhole with no obligation and no chance of escaping at all, I am sure those loyal lava beings will go ballistic from boredom and despair. They will surely go crazy.” “All in all,” Wang Hao talked solemnly as he continued walking. “Death is their sweet release.” “.......” Wu Meng chose not to say anything as she followed Wang Hao. “Hey Wang Hao, what are we going to do now?” Wu Meng said as she stared at the gravely injured Tian Yi. “Do we have to stay here?” “Stay here? Hell no!” Wang Hao quickly replied in a panic. “Those Elders will surely question me about what happened. I cannot let that happen, as they will surely want to obtain Jorm.” “Jorm?” Wu Meng tilted her head before looking at the slumbering baby in Wang Hao’s arms. “The name of that baby is Jorm? It’s a little... weird.” “Stop talking about what is weird or not!” Wang Hao replied angrily as he grasped Wu Meng’s hand. “Hold tight, we are going to teleport to one of my marks.” Wang Hao and Wu Meng’s body then shimmered, before disappearing entirely.

“Thud.” Wu Meng felt slightly unbalanced as she felt the space shifting around her. With her heightened senses, she knew that they just performed a spatial travel. Wu Meng casted Wang Hao a more serious look as she realized that he really is an unfathomable individual. “Is he a space-type Godly Divine Beast? But that does not still explain how he could have a connection with the Dreamworld. Not only that, but that seal on his forehead was also something unfamiliar to me. Even Merlin who was the most knowledgeable out of us also was not sure on what that seal was.” “Then there is this baby too.” Wu Meng tried to distance herself slightly away from Wang Hao as she was mostly instinctively afraid of the baby. “Hmm?” Wang Hao tilted his head, seeing the unnatural action of Wu Meng. “Are you scared of this baby? Come look, isn’t he just fine?” Wang Hao’s words might be soothing, but Wu Meng could see that his face was also tensed when he talked about Jorm. “....” To make the situation even more awkward, Jorm suddenly woke up before swiveling his head to Wang Hao. “Mama!” Jorm lisped as it stretched out its hands to Wang Hao. “Carry me!” “.......” “.......” Wu Meng chose to not say anything again as she watched the flustered Wang Hao obeying Jorm. She observed Wang Hao and Jorm’s interaction as she asked him, “By the way, where did you bring us?” Wu Meng looked around her, and all she could see was a village in front of her. This village seemed to be normal, but there was one thing that made it stand out. That thing was a golden bull statue erected in the middle of the village. No matter how Wu Meng looked at it, this village really is weird. “This place?” Wang Hao smirked as he fished out something from his storage. What appeared on Wang Hao’s hands was a fist-sized golden bull statue, which looked extremely like the golden bull statue in the middle of the village. Wang Hao fiddled with this small statue as he said, “This place is my base and hideout!”

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