The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 361: Violating Time Principles

Chapter 361: Violating Time Principles

“No way....” Beleth’s eyes went wide as he felt Phenex’s death.

Genie’s expression was also pale, as she witnessed how Phenex died.

“......” Beleth looked up as his eyes turned serious. His head swiveled to Genie as he said,

“That rebel girl must have been injured right now. Tell her that I will wait until she fully recovers. Only when she’s at her perfect state that I will start fighting her.”

“Why are you saying that? You can just choose to fight her now.” Genie asked with her eyes narrowed. “I thought that you, Phenex’s acquaintance, would want to avenge him.”

“I will avenge Phenex and Andromalius.” Beleth replied with a growl. “But you also know that I am a warrior, and I always seek the best opponent. That is why I will only kill that rebel at her perfect state!”

“If you say so.” Genie closed her eyes as she communicated with Fang Yu in the Mist Room, telling her about Beleth’s request.

“Okay, Fang Yu said that you have to wait around an hour before her injuries heal.” Genie said as she sat cross-legged in front of him. “Do what you want with that time, but do not bother me.”

“Yes, yes.” A glint flashed across Beleth’s eyes after hearing the word 1 hour, which he suppressed. Beleth then also closed his eyes as he focused himself on the final fight.

“What a sneaky person.” Fang Yu muttered as she heard what Genie said to her.

Fang Yu was sure that the reason Beleth wanted to let Fang Yu recover from her injuries was because it will be indicative of Fang Yu’s strength.

The longer time Fang Yu needed to recover from her injuries, the weaker she will seem to be.

Beleth will just count the time that Fang Yu used to heal her injuries, and this will give him a slight estimate of Fang Yu’s abilities.

The truth was Fang Yu only needed 20 minutes to heal her injuries.

But instead of following that, she instructed Genie to tell Beleth that she will require an hour to heal.

Fang Yu did this in hopes of misleading Beleth.

Of course Fang Yu was not sure if Beleth will believe her, but that statement of hers will surely affect Beleth’s evaluation of Fang Yu.

This might even make Beleth slightly underestimate Fang Yu, which is what Fang Yu wanted in the first place as this might give her higher chances to defeat Beleth.

“Now then....” While Fang Yu used her time to recuperate, she reviewed the mishaps that she committed in her fight against Phenex and Andromalius.

“Looking at it, I was just extremely lucky that I won against the 2 of them.” Fang Yu muttered as she looked at herself.

“I managed to gain many skills and abilities which allowed me to beat these 2. But what if the time comes that none of my abilities could be a counter against my enemy? Can I still win like this?”

Fang Yu shook her head, as she realized that she must not overly rely on her additional abilities to win. Everything must be done in moderation, and Fang Yu was no stranger of that.

“Hmmm..... maybe I can strengthen my cores right now...” Fang Yu cupped her chin as she thought of raising her strength by raising her cultivation.

After all, Fang Yu was just currently at the Early Third Stage, which makes sense because she just had her breakthrough.

The Core Formation Stage or the Third Stage was composed of the three Major Realms and 9 sub-realms under it.

The three Major Realms were the Early, Middle and Late. Under these three realms were the 9 sub-realms, with 3 sub-realms under each Major Realm.

A practitioner in the Third Stage has to undergo each of the 9 sub-realms to raise their strength.

Completing the first three Sub-Realms will equate to completing the Early Realm.

Completing the 4th, 5th, and 6th Sub-Realms will equate to the Middle Realm while the 7th, 8th, and 9th Sub-Realms are for the Late Realm.

The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd Sub-Realms were called the Grinding, Knocking, and Smelting Sub-Realms respectively. Completing these three will signify the completion of the Early Realm which was also called as the Tempering Realm.

The 4th, 5th, and 6th Sub-Realms were the Pulse Opening, Manifestation, and Formation Sub-Realm respectively. They equate to the Middle Realm also called as the Augmenting Realm.

The 7th Sub-Realm was called the Body Sub-Realm. The 8th Sub-Realm was called the Soul Sub-Realm and the 9th Sub-Realm was called the Will Sub-Realm. These last 3 Sub-Realms equate to the Late Realm, also called as the Creation Realm.

Only when all these Realms have been completed that Fang Yu can attempt to reach the Fourth Stage!

But as of now, reaching that was still a distant goal for her.

After 20 minutes. Fang Yu was able to use the energy she got from devouring Phenex’s body to completely recover.

Now that she was back at her peak, Fang Yu decided to complete the 1st Sub-Realm, the Grinding Sub-Realm!

The Early Realm or the Tempering Realm was the Realm where the core of a practitioner will be increased in quality, toughness and stored power. The Grinding Sub-Realm under the Tempering Realm will be the first Sub-Realm to be encountered by a practitioner!

In the Grinding Sub-Realm, a practitioner has to use the energy in their body to ‘grind’ their core.

By ‘grinding’ the core, all its imperfections at the cores’ surface will be removed, which will improve the core’s quality.

This is the easiest Sub-Realm to complete, as the practitioner only need to use his/her energy to ‘grind’ the core.

Technically, this should also be easy for Fang Yu, but she has 13 cores to ‘grind’! As if those numbers were not bad enough, but she had to grind all these 13 cores at the same time!

Such endeavor will require intense focus and concentration from Fang Yu. The 1-hour healing time that she said earlier will include her completing the Grinding Sub-Realm.

“...” With the current state of events, Fang Yu will only be able to attempt the Grinding Sub-Realm. As for the 2nd and 3rd Sub-Realms, she can only do that once she was done with the matters in this planet.

“Here goes....” Fang Yu muttered as she channeled the Origin Energy Core inside her towards her Star System.

“Wooosh.....” Her Origin Core Energy was like a flood which covered the 12 planets and the star inside her Star System.

“Ha!” Fang Yu changed the consistency of her Origin Core Energy, turning it into countless pieces of rough particles, which will serve as her ‘grindstones’.

Fang Yu moved these grindstones so that they will scrape over the surface of her 12 planets and star.

“Grind!” Screeching sounds could be heard as the grindstones rubbed themselves at the surface of the cores.

Most of the grindstones were located at the star, while the remaining grindstones were grinding their way at the planets.

With each scrape of the grindstones, the surface of Fang Yu’s cores became smoother. This removed the impurities at the surface, which improved the power of the cores.

Fang Yu gritted her teeth as she continued grinding her cores.

She will only stop grinding when her cores become so smooth that the grindstones will just slide over the cores like they have been oiled.

“Grind grind grind~” Fang Yu sang quietly as she continued grinding. Perseverance and patience were the keys in completing this Sub-Realm.

Rushing is bad, since there have been cases of practitioners deforming their core just because they rushed grinding! These poor practitioners have no choice but to destroy their foundation and step once more to the Third Stage.

Of course Fang Yu knew that with her current state, she only had to be calm, and no mishap will happen to her.

But Fang Yu’s confidence was shattered as she realized that while grinding one core was bearable, grinding 13 at the same time is just pure mental torture!

“Oh my, what have I put myself into?” Fang Yu thought sullenly as some of the grindstones she controlled slightly wobbled.

That wobbling produced a chain reaction with the other grindstones, which resulted in numerous grindstones shaking intensely.

“Oh s**t!” Fang Yu exclaimed as she tried to stabilize the grindstones.

She heaved a sigh in relief after all the grindstones were forced to work at the right way once more.

But that close-call rattled Fang Yu, as she realized that her Grinding Sub-Realm will not be an easy one.

“Huhuhuhu, why did I even create 13 Cores for myself?”

“This is bulls**t!” Beleth muttered as he gave Genie a blaming look. “You told me that the rebel girl will only take 1 hour to heal. But 2 hours have already passed by, and she’s not yet ready!”

“Umm..... Fang Yu might have just miscalculated her healing capabilities.” Genie replied back as she watched Fang Yu inside her Mist Room, sitting cross-legged and currently immobile.

There were no signs of movement from Fang Yu, as Genie could only sense some sort of upheaval inside Fang Yu’s body.

It was lucky for Fang Yu that she was not doing anything disruptive inside Genie’s Mist Room, or else she would have been expelled for staying in the Mist Room for a long time!

“Come on Fang Yu, what is wrong with you?” Genie muttered as she watched Fang Yu. “You have to snap out of it!”

But Genie’s plea seemed to not work as 3 hours, 4 hours, 5 hours, and 6 hours passed by without Fang Yu making any move.

“Are you mocking me?” Beleth stood up as he gave Genie an intensely murderous look. “I usually tolerate pranks, but your friend has been going too far now!”

“Please wait for some more time!” Genie replied in shame as she quietly cursed Fang Yu inside her mind.

Beleth’s eyes narrowed, as he looked at Genie suspiciously. “She should be healed from her injuries by now. So what the hell is that rebel girl doing now?”

“Uh well, she’s sitting cross-legged right now, and she is immobile.” Genie sighed as she gave that honest reply.

“Tsk.” Beleth let out an annoyed tsk as he realized that Fang Yu must have attempted a small breakthrough to increase her strength.

Fang Yu must have been confident that she will make that small breakthrough in just an hour, but she seemed to overestimate her capabilities.

“Ugh whatever.” Beleth sighed as he looked at Genie pointedly. “Once that rebel girl wakes up, we will start the fight. But because of the horrible time delay that she incurred, there should be some penalties imposed to her later.”

“Penalties?” Genie’s eyes narrowed as she did not like the sound of it. “What penalties are you thinking about?”

Beleth shook his head as he said,

“You will know about it later.”


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