The Chronicles of the Immortal God

Chapter 359: Star Emperor Manifestation Art

Chapter 359: Star Emperor Manifestation Art

The whole Mist Room was rocked by the sudden explosion by the Perpetual Ice-Fire Wheel.

“Tsk.” Phenex grumbled as he tried to dodge and withstand the impact.

Luckily for him, his Star Armor managed to absorb most of the impact.

But this made his Star Armor to be weakened.

Fang Yu’s Perpetual Ice-Fire Wheel absorbed some of the energy inside the armor, which reduced its power.

This energy was converted into an explosion of the Perpetual Ice-Fire Wheel which also hit Phenex, which further reduced the toughness of his armor.

“Hmph, what a greedy human. That’s what she gets for trying to eat more than what she can chew.” Phenex knew that with an explosion that large, even someone like Fang Yu will surely be affected. Even if she managed to find a way to mitigate the damage, Phenex was still sure that Fang Yu will have some injuries.

After all, she took that blast head-on!

“Cough cough.”

Phenex narrowed his eyes as he stared at the current Fang Yu.

One of her arms hang loosely from its shoulder socket, as if it was forcefully dislodged. Her face was slightly charred, as signs of burn injuries could be seen.

Her clothes were had more rips on it right now, showing some slight glimpse of her enchanting body.

But what made Phenex excited was not her curves, but the injuries on her skin.

It looked like Fang Yu did not fare that well from that explosion.

But even though she was clearly injured, Phenex did not make his move, as he knew from experience that Fang Yu could have just laid a trap for him.

It was extremely tempting to kill Fang Yu right now, but Phenex resisted that desire as he closed his eyes.

The space surrounding Phenex began to shake as the Star Armor slowly sunk under his skin.

Phenex’s whole body flushed red, as he seemingly absorbed the Star Armor inside his body.

“Roar!” Phenex let out a shout, as two flaming wings appeared at his back. As for his whole body, it did not look like a human at all now!

Instead, his whole body looked just like a flame that was shaped like a human body.

This was the ultimate form that Phenex can take with his Star Orb, the Star Orb Fusion State!

At this state, Phenex’s whole body will combine with the Star Orb.

Once that happens. Phenex’s whole body will have all the properties of the Star Orb, including its power and danger.

One can say that this state turned Phenex himself into a Star!

“Boom!” Phenex’s aura rose as the Star Orb Fusion State gave him one more benefit.

Aside from giving his body all the properties of the Star Orb, the fusion also lets Phenex gain the power to manipulate all types of radiation 100 meters around him.

Visible light, X-Ray, Infrared, Microwave... all this radiation can be manipulated by Phenex as long as they were within 100 meters of him!

This is the real ‘peak state’ of Phenex!

Of course when he was at his peak, this area of his control reached around thousands of kilometers in radius. But with his current injuries, it was lucky for Phenex that he can even manage to muster this power.

“Even though you are injured right now, I will not hold back on striking you!” Phenex muttered after his whole body combined with the Star Armor.

“Wait, so now that you saw that I am injured, instead of attacking me immediately, you used some of the time to become the Human Star?” Fang Yu sighed as she slowly backed away from the ‘Human Star’.

“You really are a hax.”

It was already normal for a fighter to immediately strike his opponent if that opponent was injured. But in Phenex’s case, not only did he not attack Fang Yu immediately, he even made himself reach his full power!

This guy wants an overkill!

“Well, I am not sure whether you have some traps laid for me.” Phenex said as his body started to slightly tremble.

“In order for me to resist the possible trap, I had to make sure I attack you at my full power!” Phenex then took a deep breath as he said.

“Let the light be gone!”

All the light inside the Mist Room converged towards Phenex, with even the light around Fang Yu not spared.

“S**t, I can’t see anything at all!”

Fang Yu’s sight was severely affected, as her eyes was not able to receive any light at all. All the light in the Mist Room were huddled around Phenex, with no indication of them being released at all.

“This guy really is a cheat!” Fang Yu thought as she closed her eyes, temporarily abandoning its use. She knew that this time, she had to rely on her other senses to detect Phenex.

Aside from that, Fang Yu realized that she also have to make her move right now, or Phenex might use another frustrating move!

Aside from that, Fang Yu also had one more dilemma.

“If Phenex were already this strong, then that just means that Beleth will be much more powerful! If I want to defeat Beleth later, I have to save up my energy. That means I have to beat Phenex in around 2-3 moves!”

“That damn wheel....” Fang Yu knew that if it was a normal situation, her Perpetual Ice-Fire Wheel must have been able to absorb energy easily.

But the cunning Phenex must have realized that the Perpetual Ice-Fire Wheel was absorbing the energy of his Star Armor earlier. Phenex then could have then force-fed the Perpetual Ice-Fire Wheel with large amounts of energy to make it collapse.

Phenex’s decision was right, as Fang Yu suffered a backlash from the explosion.

Fang Yu used her divine sense to observe Phenex. In her divine sense, she saw Phenex waving his hands as he said,

“Come, my sword.”

The light around Phenex changed shape, turning into a light sword. With his manipulation, all the light was trapped in that form.

“Change frequency.”


The light sword began to vibrate extremely fast at the atomic level. This atomic vibration increased the frequency of the light, which also changed its category.

The increase in frequency increased the energy of the atoms of the light sword. This changed the light wave to a gamma ray!

Gamma ray was the radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum with the highest amount of energy! Any living beings hit by this will have their very cells destroyed with agonizing effects.

Now, what Phenex held was not a light sword, but a Gamma Ray Sword.

“Boom!” Phenex disappeared once more as he used his Star Orb Fusion State and his Gamma Ray Sword to end Fang Yu.

“What a fighter.....” Fang Yu could only feel admiration for Phenex at the way he suppressed Fang Yu at every turn. Only a seasoned fighter could do this!

But even she felt like that, there is no way that Fang Yu would allow herself to lose!

“3 moves huh. Why don’t I just combine those three moves as one. That could be a better way to defeat Phenex.”

Fang Yu then closed her eyes as she started channeling her power.

“First Move.”

Starlight fell upon Fang Yu as she activated the First Cosmic Ability from her Celestial Phoenix Form, Call of the Starlight!

Once she did this, she activated the symbols Θ(death), ☉(fire), and ?(destruction) before combining these symbols.

With her breakthrough and the upgrade on her Essence Cores, combining three symbols became much easier for her now.

“Destructive DeathFlame Body!” Fang Yu’s body changed appearance as she activated this Three-Symbol ability of hers once more.

Compared to before, Fang Yu’s current Destructive DeathFlame was obviously more powerful!

With the Destructive DeathFlame Body combined with her Red Martial Aura, Fang Yu just reached a higher level in strength!

This process just happened within a second. Once that was done, Fang Yu leaned forward as she kept her eyes closed.

“Second Move!”

Fang Yu’s aura flared as she activated her Dual Step Arts.

“First Step, Convection Twister!” Two tornadoes made up of Pure Yin Cosmic Ice and Pure Yang Flame appeared. They look intimidating as they surrounded Fang Yu, seemingly shielding her.

“Second Step, Baby and Old Woman!” Two figures appeared in front of Fang Yu, which both looked contrastly different.

One was a baby full of vitality and life, while the second one was an old woman hunched forward, who was about to die any second now.

These two figures represent Fang Lin’s insight about the duality concept of Life and Death!

“Kgh...” With her breakthrough, Fang Yu can use a total of 4 Dual Steps already. But because she has to save her power, she decided to save the last 2 Dual Steps for his match against Beleth later.

The mist around Fang Yu roiled as she began to build up more and more power. Fang Yu noted that she will use three moves to defeat Phenex, and now she was two-thirds done.

She felt giddy as even she could the danger emanating from her.

Even Phenex who was hovering around Fang Yu felt danger as he saw what Fang Yu was doing.

“I can’t let her continue anymore!” Phenex gritted his teeth as he decided to end Fang Yu swiftly in just once attack.

“Star Emperor Manifestation!” Phenex’s whole Star Orb Fusion Body let out a sinister glow as it suddenly thinned. The bright glow that it had comparable to a star also visibly dimmed, making Phenex looked sickly.

But in exchange for that, the power released by his body increased exponentially. Even his Gamma Ray Sword was affected, as it began to even vibrate faster at the atomic level, further increasing its energy.

Star Emperor Manifestation Art is the Art used by Phenex to increase the might of his attacks.

With this art, Phenex has to sacrifice almost all of the energy stored inside his Star Orb to grant his body a one-time boost in power.

This art can only strengthen one attack, and its effects will disappear after that.

Also, he can only do this art if he dons the orb as the Star Armor. Meanwhile, the energy lost in this art will have to be recovered by exposing the bracelet to s star.

Phenex did not hesitate to use this Art as he felt that if he let Fang Yu continue what she was doing, his almost assured victory could be placed in jeopardy!

His Gamma Ray Sword whistled through the air as Phenex thrusted his Gamma Ray Sword at the back of Fang Yu’s head.

Some of the hair at the back of Fang Yu’s head curled up from the sheer heat and power of his Gamma Ray Sword.

But right before the Gamma Ray Sword could penetrate her head, Fang Yu’s melodious voice sounded out, declaring her conviction.

“Third Move!”

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