The Bloodline System

Chapter 1526 Let's Make A Baby

Chapter 1526  Let's Make A Baby

Author's Note: Do Not Unlock


Gustav stopped walking and turned to face her while gently cupping her face in his hands. "I'm still here and I'll spend most of my time here with you."

"I'll miss you so much," Angy muttered with a low tone while kissing his handon her face.

"I'll miss you too, Angy. But everything will work out. I promise," He reassured her again.

She leaned into his touch, her voice a whisper. "I know. Just… be safe."

He leaned forward to kiss her lips softly.

"...And when I come back... Let's make a baby."

Gustav's statement after withdrawing caused a deep shades of pink to appear on both Angy cheeks.

"Whaaaaaaa~" Her eyes widened in shock.

She hadn't expected Gustav to suddenly say this.

 "Gus, what... what brought this on?" she stammered as her heart pounded.

Gustav smiled as a flirtatious glint appeared in his eye. "I'd just like to have a mini both of us before the world ends," he said playfully, his tone light yet sincere.

Angy giggled in both embarrassment and happiness. "You're unbelievable, Gustav. But seriously, why now?"

Gustav's expression softened as his eyes locking onto hers with an intensity that made her heart flutter. "Because I love you, Angy. No matter how uncertain the world may be. Having a child together... it feels like the ultimate expression of that love."

Angy's eyes shimmered as a smile spread across her face. "You really mean it, don't you?"

Gustav nodded, his smile growing. "Absolutely. Just think about it—little Angy-Gustav running around, causing chaos with all that energy and charm. They won't have to ever experience what I did. I'll make sure of it."

They both laughed, the sound mingling with the gentle rustling of the leaves. "I'd love that," Angy said softly, her eyes filled with emotion. "But let's make sure you come back safely first."

"I will," Gustav promised, pulling her into a tender embrace.

Their lips met in a kiss, filled with love and hope for what was to come in the future.

While they displayed love for each other, a storm was silently brewing...


As the days progressed, the group continued their vacation in Elysium Prime City, enjoying every moment of their time together. They engaged in various activities that strengthened their bond.

One sunny afternoon, they found themselves at the city's renowned amusement park. The air was filled with the sounds of laughter and the exhilarating rush of roller coasters. E.E. and Falco were first in line for the highest, fastest ride. These rides were tailor made especially for Mixedbloods since normal fast rides could barely make them feel any rush.

The fastest rides could rotate at very high speeds which made it more enjoyable for Mixedbloods but who knew if it would be good enough for Gustav and the others.

"Come on, Gustav!" E.E. called out, waving enthusiastically. "You can't miss this!"

Gustav laughed, shaking his head. "Its too slow."

Angy, standing beside him, nudged him playfully. "You're not scared, are you?"

"I need something much faster. It is practically standing still,"  Gustav shook his head.

He headed towards the operators and asked if the ferris wheel could go any faster.

"Are you mad s..." One of the operators first yelled before raising his head to meet Gustav's face.

He immediately froze in recognition.

'Isn't that... Gustav Crimson?' He stared at the 6'4 dirty blonded haired and extremely charming figure before him.

"Erm... Sir... Any faster would he endangering lives," The operator voiced respectfully.

"Do it..." Gustav handed the operator a transaction cube. "But make sure everyone else steers clear."

Since Gustav had cleared his name, he had also regained possession of his bank accounts. Which meant he currently had hundreds of millions and was rich enough to buy out the amusement park for the rest of the day.

Soon the ferris wheel was cranked up to the highest speed and was rotating at a speed that made it look like a giant fan.

"Whoever stays on that the longest, gets to choose our next activity," Gustav pointed at the ferris wheel which was spinning at an insane rate.

People had already cleared off the area at this moment but were extremely shocked to see how fast it was moving. No one was aware that this was possible and that was to be expected since it was incredibly dangerous.

"Ohoh prepare to lose," Falco stated.

"Nah when I win y'all better be ready to try space racing," E.E chimed in from the side.

"None of you are beating me," Angy said confidently.

"All words if you can't back it up with action," Matilda placed her hands on her waist with an assured smile.

Gustav laughed lightly while shaking his head; "Well then, let's go!"

They all leapt forward in the next instant to land on one of the seats of the intensely spinning ferris well.

Their laughter seemed to echo endlessly as they enjoyed the blurring surroundings around them. The atmosphere was light and carefree compared to the weighty issues still brewing in the world outside.

Meanwhile, global protests continued, albeit slightly diminished. The arrest of corrupt scientists, MBO officers, and government dignitaries had calmed some of the unrest, but the people were far from satisfied.

They demanded assurances that such injustices would never happen again, their voices rising in unity for lasting change.

In response, world leaders convened, desperate to find a solution that would restore public trust. After much deliberation, they made a historic proposition: to invite Gustav Crimson to take a position as one of the world leaders.

The announcement sent shockwaves across the globe. News channels buzzed with the unprecedented offer, debates erupted, and the world watched with bated breath to see how Gustav would respond.

On the final day of their vacation, Gustav, Angy, and their friends sat together on the beach, watching the sun set over the horizon. The sky was painted in hues of orange and pink.

They really had a blast in Elysium Prime City but as the saying goes, 'all good things must come to an end'.

E.E. was the first to break the silence, nudging Gustav. "Hey, man, have you noticed that the world leaders have been trying to contact you? They've been pretty persistent."

Gustav sighed, leaning back on his hands and gazing out at the horizon. "Yeah, I've seen the messages. Honestly, I don't care."

At that moment, Gustav's communicator beeped, signaling an incoming call. He glanced at the display and saw Commander Xanatus's name. With a sigh, he picked it up, knowing that he couldn't ignore this particular call.

A holographic projection of Commander Xanatus appeared before them, his stern yet familiar face smiling warmly. "Gustav, it's good to see you," Xanatus began.

Gustav smiled back. "Xanatus, it's been a while. How are things?"

The commander chuckled. "Busy, as usual. But let's not talk about me. How's your vacation going?"

"It's been great. Much needed after everything that's happened," Gustav replied, his friends nodding in agreement.

E.E. grinned and joined the conversation. "Hey, Commander Xanatus! How's it going? You keeping the MBO in line?"

Xanatus laughed. "Doing my best, E.E. How's the beach treating you all?"

Falco chimed in. "It's amazing here. We've had a blast."

After a few more moments of catching up, Xanatus's expression turned serious. "Gustav, I need to inform you about something important. The world leaders have made a proposition. They want you to become one of them."

Everyone fell silent, stunned by the revelation. Angy's eyes widened, and she looked at Gustav with an expression of astonishment. "Gustav, that's... huge."

Ria nodded in agreement. "I didn't see that coming, Rival."

Falco raised an eyebrow. "What's the catch?"

Xanatus sighed. "There's no catch, per se. The leaders believe that having someone like Gustav in their ranks could bring about significant change. His actions have inspired people worldwide."

Gustav shook his head with a resolute expression. "I'm not interested in playing politics, Xanatus. I don't want to be a part of their games."

Matilda leaned forward with a thoughtful gaze; "Think about the benefits, Gustav. You could keep the government in check and ensure that what happened to you never happens to anyone else."

Vera finally spoke after much silence; "You don't have to do it. I think they're up to something."

Empress Dahria chimed in with a soft spoken tone. "Leadership is a heavy burden, but it's also a chance to shape the future. Consider it carefully."

Gustav turned back to Xanatus after hearing the other speak. "That's desperate, even for them."

Xanatus's hologram sighed deeply. "There have been unrest and non-stop protests all across the world. People are demanding change, and the leaders are struggling to maintain order. They believe that once you become a part of them, this will stop. Also, since you're believed to be the world strongest... Become a world leader should give the planet a sort of unspoken blanket of protection."

Angy squeezed Gustav's hand. "Maybe this is the next step."

"I really don't have time for it. I have other things to do rather than have the world leaders at their pants."

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