The Bloodline System

Chapter 1489 Warp Demolator Fragment

Chapter 1489  Warp Demolator Fragment

Author's Note: Unedited Chapter


Gustav closed his eyes, feeling the exhaustion in his bones.

'I know, but I can't shake this feeling of unease. It's like something is brewing.'

("What makes you feel that way?") the system inquired.

Gustav took a deep breath, trying to pinpoint the source of his anxiety.

'I don't know. Maybe it's because nothing ever goes as planned. Every time I achieve something significant, it feels like a storm is waiting just around the corner.'

("That is understandable goofball... given your experiences. But you've always risen to the challenge, haven't you?")

Gustav nodded slightly. 'Yes, but this feels different. There's a weight to it.'

("It might be because you have a year left to complete your five-year quest," the system suggested.)

Gustav sighed deeply. 'I hope that's all it is and nothing more. I can't shake this feeling.'

As he pondered, Stark approached, "Hey, man," Stark began, settling down beside him. "How are you holding up with the whole Angy situation?"

Gustav's gaze darkened, and he took a deep breath. "I don't know man... she's trapped in a dimension that threatens our plane and it's governed by Falco's father."

Stark's eyes widened. "Falco's father?"

Gustav nodded gently. "Yes. Falco's father is the lord of that dimension. Angy is still trapped there even though we freed Falco and it's been a nightmare trying to figure out how to get her back."

Stark shook his head in disbelief. "I can't even imagine. How did you free Falco?"

Gustav recounted the events with a somber tone. "We visited Xelios Tower to gather information on how to get there so we can rescue both of them but then things went in an entirely different route than we planned..."

Stark listened intently, his expression shifting from curiosity to shock and sympathy.

He hadn't heard about the MBO run ins with the half dark and white being since they kept it under the wraps but he was incredibly shocked that she could go toe to toe with the strongest Mixedblood.

"And do you have plans to rescue her yet?"

Gustav clenched his fists, frustration evident in his voice. "As much as I want to... It's not something I can just snap my fingers and be done with it. I have to put a lot of thought into everything I do but I will definitely get her back one day."

Stark placed a reassuring hand on Gustav's shoulder. "You know I'll help in any way I can. Just say the word."

Gustav managed a small, grateful smile. "Thanks, Stark. I appreciate it."

They sat in silence for a while, the weight of their conversation hanging in the air. Finally, Stark broke the silence. "So, tell me more about what's been happening. What else have you faced since we last saw each other?"

Gustav leaned back, staring at the sky again. "Where do I even begin?"

The night wore on as Gustav recounted more tales of his battles, his struggles, and the moments of victory that kept him going.

Stark listened, absorbing every word, his admiration for Gustav growing with each story.

They talked until the first light of dawn began to break over the horizon, the sky shifting from deep blues to vibrant pinks and oranges.

They were both powerful Mixedbloods so they could stay days without a wink of sleep.

Gustav and Stark had a quick breakfast, exchanging a few words before Celethial arrived to escort Gustav to another part of the structure for meditation.

As they walked, Celethial guided Gustav through a series of winding paths. The air grew cooler, and the environment changed to one of quiet tranquiliy.

They arrived at a secluded area nestled within a grove of trees.

The ground was covered in soft, moss-like grass, and a gentle stream flowed nearby, its water shimmering with a blue glow. The atmosphere was peaceful, almost sacred, providing an ideal environment for deep meditation.

Miss Aimee's projection materialized before Gustav. "Good morning, kiddo," she greeted him.

"Morning, Miss Aimee," Gustav replied, settling down cross-legged on the mossy ground.

"What exactly is the end goal here? I know achieving the three-in-one golden body is important, but the warp demolator has vanished. There's no chance of me getting to the Stagnant Siterus Void now."

Miss Aimee smiled softly. "There is a chance, Gustav. That is why you needed to achieve the three-in-one golden body. It's not over yet."

Gustav's brow furrowed in curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"Follow me," Miss Aimee instructed, her projection moving toward a hidden path partially obscured by the dense foliage. Gustav rose and followed her with an expression of curiosity.

The hidden path led to a concealed door embedded within a rocky outcrop. Miss Aimee's projection passed through it effortlessly, and Gustav pushed it open, stepping into a dimly lit chamber.

As his eyes adjusted to the low light, he saw what appeared to be a containment field in the center of the room. Within it was a swirling, greyish sandy substance that seemed to pulse with a strange energy.

Gustav's eyes widened in shock. "Is that... warp demolator?"

Miss Aimee nodded. "Yes, a fragment of it. I contained it here for you. This is your key to reaching the Stagnant Siterus Void."

"The strange entity I met in the past," Miss Aimee added, "told me that you would need this so I created it."

Gustav's disbelief was visible. "You created this for me?"

Miss Aimee nodded. "Yes, it was a challenging task, but the entity's instructions were clear. I knew I had to prepare you for this moment."

Gustav's mind raced. Everything was beginning to make sense. "So, that's why the NID directed me here."

"Precisely," Miss Aimee said. "But you still need to train your three-in-one golden body to maintain its form longer. Only then will you be ready to use the warp demolator."

Gustav approached the containment field, examining the warp demolator fragment.

The energy it radiated was proof that it was definitely the warp demolator. Unlike the usual size that would be swallowing planets up, this was just around the size of a building.

Gustav nodded, understanding the gravity of the task before him. "So, I need to master maintaining the three-in-one golden body for longer."

"Precisely," Miss Aimee confirmed. "Take your time, Gustav."

Gustav took a deep breath and sat down before the containment field, closing his eyes to begin his meditation.

The serene environment, coupled with the gentle sound of the nearby stream, helped him focus. He began the process of aligning his soul, mental form, and body, striving to achieve the perfect balance required for the three-in-one golden body.

Hours passed as Gustav meditated, his body occasionally glowing with a faint golden hue. Each time he neared the transformation, he felt the intense connection to realms beyond human understanding, but maintaining it for more than three minutes proved challenging.

Nevertheless, he persevered, driven by the need to reach the Stagnant Siterus Void and uncover the answers he sought.

As dusk settled over Agon, Gustav felt a surge of energy within him. The golden glow enveloped his body, and this time, he held onto it for a few moments longer than before.

Miss Aimee's projection appeared once more, her expression proud. "You're making significant progress, Gustav. Keep going."

Gustav opened his eyes, the golden glow fading as he exhaled deeply. "Thank you, Miss Aimee. I'll keep at it until I've mastered it."

The projection smiled warmly. "I know you will. Rest now and regain your strength. Tomorrow is another day."

Gustav nodded, feeling a sense of accomplishment despite the challenges ahead.

The night passed uneventfully, and as dawn broke, Gustav rose with renewed determination.

He continued his meditation, each session bringing him closer to maintaining the golden form for longer periods. The serene environment and Miss Aimee's guidance were invaluable.

By midday, Gustav had managed to sustain the three-in-one golden body for several minutes, feeling the immense power coursing through him.




Falco, Endric, and Aildris worked diligently on Gustav's spacecraft.

They were on a planet known as Verdantia, an emerald gem nestled in the far reaches of galaxies.

Verdantia was a breathtaking world, teeming with life. Towering trees with leaves like shimmering jade, vines that glowed with an inner light, and flowers with petals that pulsed softly in the evening air. The inhabitants, the Verdantians, were a peaceful and wise race of plant people, their bodies adorned with vibrant foliage and bark-like skin.

"Hand me the plasma wrench," Aildris said to Falco with his hand outstretched. He looked up at the majestic canopies above, their soft light casting a greenish hue over everything. "This place is incredible, isn't it?"

Falco, with his hands deep inside an engine compartment, nodded. "It sure is. Almost makes you forget why we're here." He glanced over at Endric, who was securing some wiring near the ship's hull. "How's it coming along, Endric?"

Endric frowned, concentrating on his task. "Slow but steady. We need the ship in top condition if we're going to make it to wherever Ria is being held."

Aildris sat back on his haunches, taking a moment to appreciate the lush surroundings. "I've been thinking about that. Ria could be back on Earth, or worse, he could be with the Alliance."

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