The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1035

Chapter 1035: The Strange car owner (1)

Translator: DaoistLUbAbJ

But if she wasn’t willing to do so, she would have to cut the Gordian knot..

Just thinking about it… Lin Jiayi felt a sharp pain in her heart. It was a very brief moment, but by the time she tried to feel it carefully, the pain had already disappeared without a trace..

She thought that it was just an illusion, so she didn’t pay too much attention to it. After calming herself down, she turned around and walked back into the inpatient building. Taking the elevator, she returned to the entrance of the ward. This time, she didn’t hesitate at all as she pushed the door open and walked in.

“I’m back…”

As soon as she spoke, Xia Shangzhou and Xia Sui immediately stopped what they were about to say.

Lin Jiayi knew what they were talking about, but she acted as if she didn’t know anything at all. As she passed her coat to Xia sui, she asked, “What were you guys talking about? Why didn’t you guys say anything the moment I walked in?”

Xia Shangzhou laid on the bed guiltily and didn’t say a word.

On the other hand, Xia sui replied calmly, “Nothing much. We were just talking about his university life…”

Lin Jiayi replied with an ‘Oh’. She picked up a small bowl and picked up some of each dish. Then, she walked up to Xia Shangzhou and scooped a mouthful of rice into his mouth with a spoon. “AH…”

Xia Shangzhou shook his head in embarrassment. “T-boss Lin, I’ll do it myself…”

Before he could finish his words, Lin Jiayi had already shoved the rice into his mouth. “I told you to eat it, so why are you talking so much nonsense? !”

After saying those words, Lin Jiayi shot a glance at Xia Shangzhou. “How dare you throw a grain of rice out of the rice that I fed you? I’ll make your chest look like your back!”

This was the first time Xia Shangzhou had shared his worries with someone. Seeing that Lin Jiayi had suddenly returned, he felt a little guilty. Seeing that she was no different from usual, he felt relieved, so he didn’t say anything else and obediently shut his mouth to eat.

Lin Jiayi had always been impatient, but she didn’t urge Xia Shangzhou to hurry up and eat. It was only after he had swallowed the food in his mouth that she let out another “AH”and scooped a mouthful of rice into his mouth, she stuffed it into Xia Shangzhou’s mouth.


Half a month had passed in the blink of an eye after Leng Nuan and Lu Benlai had parted at the entrance of the kindergarten that day, and Leng Nuan hadn’t seen Lu Benlai once.

Even though Lu Benlai had promised her that, Leng Nuan still felt a little uneasy. She was afraid that they wouldn’t be able to come to an agreement soon, so she stayed at the hotel with Coco. For the next three days, she sent Coco to the kindergarten, since she hadn’t seen Lu Benlai at the entrance, she gave up on the idea of moving and brought Coco back home.

As the days went by, Leng Nuan still went to work from nine to five every day to take care of Coco. On the other hand, Lu Benlai acted as if they had never met again, and he didn’t stir up any waves in her and Coco’s lives.

Ever since their reunion, she had been in close contact with Shi Yao, and she often brought Coco to Shi Yao’s house to play. At Shi Yao’s house, she had met Liang Jiusi and Jiang Yue, desolate year and he tiantian.., she had even met Lin Jiayi and Xia Shangzhou, who had just been discharged from the hospital… but she had never met Lu Benlai.

It was only then that Leng Nuan believed Lu Benlai’s words. Knowing that Lu Benlai wouldn’t disturb her life, she finally felt at ease.

On the twenty-seventh day after her reunion with Lu Benlai, Leng Nuan worked late that day. By the time she was done with her work, it was already nine o’clock in the evening.

In summer, it would rain cats and dogs from time to time in Beijing. Only after Leng Nuan left the office did she know that it was raining outside.

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