The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1026

Chapter 1026: Long time no see (2)

Translator: DaoistLUbAbJ

Leng Nuan didn’t say anything.

Lu Benlai knew that Leng Nuan probably didn’t want to talk to him. To be exact, she probably didn’t want to have anything to do with him at all. If he hadn’t coincidentally met Coco back then.., and coincidentally sent Coco Home… There probably wouldn’t be a time for him to meet her now.

Lu Benlai didn’t wait for Leng Nuan to speak before he spoke again, “There are people coming and going here, and it’s not that convenient. If you don’t mind, why don’t you go to My Car?”

As Lu Benlai finished speaking, someone walked past him and her with their child.

The atmosphere between them was not right at first glance, so the people who passed by frequently looked at them.

Leng Nuan, who caught this phenomenon, nodded gently and agreed.

Lu Benlai pointed to the place where his car was parked and said, “The car is there.”

Leng Nuan did not say anything. She carried her bag and followed Lu Benlai to the roadside in her high heels.

Walking to the front of the car, Lu Benlai reached out his hand to help Leng Nuan Open the door of the passenger seat. However, Leng Nuan reached out her hand, pulled the back door open, and got into the car.

Lu Benlai held the car door that he had opened and stood there for a moment. He bent down and sat in the car himself.

After closing the car door, Lu Benlai turned to look at Leng Nuan. “Nuan Nuan, what have you been through all these years…”

Before he could finish his sentence, Leng Nuan, who was sitting in the back seat, spoke in a calm voice. She looked just like when he first met her in school, she was filled with rejection and alienation. “I have to go to work at nine o’clock. It’s almost eight o’clock now. It’s a half-hour drive from here to my company. So, Mr. Lu, you only have twenty minutes at most to talk to me.”

Lu Benlai obviously knew what Leng Nuan meant by this. She wanted him to stop talking nonsense and get to the point.

In the past, they had gone through great difficulty from ignoring him to talking about everything. But now, they were back to square one.

Lu Benlai swallowed a mouthful of saliva. “Coco is my child… right?”

“Yes…”Leng Nuan was straightforward and did not hide it.”… But, don’t worry, she won’t affect your future wife and children.”

“Nuan Nuan, you know, that’s not what I meant. I asked you that…”

“Mr. Lu, no matter what you mean, I’m not interested in knowing. I’m telling you this to express what I mean.”

The car suddenly quieted down.

He had been looking forward to meeting her every day, but after they really met, he realized that everything was far worse than he had imagined… she had not returned to the original point when they first met.., she now had a much stronger sense of rejection towards him than at that time.

Lu Benlai did not know what to say for a moment.

Leng Nuan waited for a while with a calm expression. Seeing that Lu Benlai did not speak, she thought for a while, she said what she wanted to say, “Mr. Lu, I’m different from before. I’m not the same person as before. I can move whenever I want, and I can change cities whenever I want. I have a child now, and I have to consider everything for Coco. I’ve spent a lot of effort to send her to this school. I Can’t change schools, and I can’t change jobs for the time being because I have to live and support Coco… I’m not telling you how hard I’ve had it, but I’m telling you…”

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