The Beautiful Time With You

Chapter 1024

Chapter 1024: Farewell (2)

Translator: DaoistLUbAbJ

Therefore, when he first saw the moving company, the prediction that surfaced in his mind was correct..

After she found out that her whereabouts had been discovered by him, what she had to do was to avoid him silently, just like four years ago.

Lu Benlai glanced at the room, then at the moving company standing next to him. He thought for a moment, he said to the Auntie at Leng Nuan’s house, “How about this… Don’t let them move first. Put your things back where they belong…”


The Auntie only said one word. Lu Benlai, who knew what she was going to say next, said, “Just do as I say. I’ll go talk to Nuan Nuan…”

As Lu Benlai spoke, he raised his wrist to look at the time. Coco and the snacks were in the same kindergarten. They entered at eight o’clock. It was only seven o’clock now. Leng Nuan probably hadn’t sent Coco to the kindergarten yet.., lu Benlai said to the Auntie,”… I’ll go to the kindergarten and wait for her now. Just do as I say. Don’t worry, I’ll persuade her…”

The Aunt Thought for a while and finally nodded in agreement.

“But we’re here…”the staff of the moving company couldn’t help but interject when they heard Lu Benlai and the aunt’s conversation.

“Don’t worry, I Won’t let you come here in vain. I Won’t let your work today go to waste. I’ll pay you…”Lu Benlai took out his wallet from his pocket, he took out a stack of red banknotes and handed them to the staff of the moving company. “Count them and see if they’re enough…”

The staff took the money and counted the amount he wanted. He handed the rest back to Lu Benlai. “These are enough…”

Lu Benlai took the money and took two more. He handed them to the staff. “This money is my treat. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay, it’s okay…”the staff was a little embarrassed by Lu Benlai. He waved his hand and confiscated Lu Benlai’s money. Instead, he simply said, “Since we don’t have to move, we’ll be leaving.” After seeing the aunt nod, he quickly turned around and entered the elevator to leave.

After the staff of the moving company left, Lu Benlai followed suit.

Leng Nuan’s place was not too far from the kindergarten. Lu Benlai took a look at the traffic and found that it was smooth. He did not take the subway but drove straight to the kindergarten.

When he arrived at the gate of the kindergarten, it was only 7:20.

After parking the car, he first went to the gate of the kindergarten and asked, “Has Leng Keke arrived?”After knowing that she had not arrived, he stood at the gate of the kindergarten and waited with relief.

Lu Benlai, who had stayed in the car for the whole night, had a much worse cold. After standing at the entrance of the kindergarten for a short while, he felt that his head was heavy and his feet were light.

He tried his best to hold on to his spirit and waited. The time was stretched infinitely long at this moment. Lu Benlai glanced at his watch. As time passed, he became more and more nervous.

When it was almost 7:40, more and more parents appeared at the entrance of the kindergarten to send their children off. Lu Benlai was afraid that he would miss something, so he looked around frequently.

At 7:46 pm, a taxi stopped by the roadside. After about a minute, the door was pushed open from the inside. Lu Benlai saw a pair of white high heels sticking out from the inside.

With just a quick glance, Lu Benlai’s entire body froze. He stared at the pair of high heels without blinking until she got off the car and stood firm. Only then did his gaze follow the high heels and move up bit by bit, when his gaze fell on her face, his eyes suddenly turned sour.

They had parted so suddenly that he did not even have the time to say goodbye. Now… They had finally met..

PS: one chapter missing, make up during the day. A new week has arrived. During the week’s activities, draw five koi readers (88 Yuan Cash Red Packet + signature book + Snack Gift Bag + Mac lipstick) lipstick

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