The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2213

Chapter 2213: Chapter 2206: Anger

Translator: 549690339

The people of the Holy See held a feast. Andrew and Cohen did not stand on ceremony. They ate and drank as they were given. The food was like the flowing water of the Yangtze River, but also like a whirlwind. It all went into their stomachs.

After eating and drinking, Andrew stood up and said, “Thank you for your hospitality. We still have something to do, so we’ll leave first.”

“Ah?”The two knights of the Holy See were dumbfounded. You’ve already eaten, drunk, and then you want to leave? How could that be possible! !

“Hehe, you two, we admire your abilities very much. I wonder if you can teach us a thing or two.”The leading Knight of the Holy See said. Although his words were quite polite, the meaning was very clear, we’re entertaining you to recruit capable people, but you’re here to cheat us of food and drinks!

“We are very busy!”Cole said with a smile. At the same time, this kid’s eyes were darting around, and no one knew what he was planning.

“It’s just a spar. It Won’t take up any of your time.”The leader of the Knights of the Holy See said with a smile.

“Sigh!”Andrew sighed. How could a “Player”with their strength look at such a low-level soldier? In his opinion, sparring with these two knights of the Holy See was a waste of time.

“Okay! Then let’s Play!”Kohen agreed immediately.

“What do you want to Do? Is it interesting?”Andrew asked unhappily.

“I have nothing to do. Let’s play.”Kohen shrugged and said.

“Sigh! As you wish.”Andrew sighed.

Then, the two knights of the Holy See brought Andrew and Kohen to the training field. This was the internal training field of the Holy See. It was as big as two football fields. For an ordinary powerhouse, it was enough to be used for sparring.

“How do you want to play?”Kohen asked with a smile.

“Are the two of you good at fighting or weapons?”The leader of the Knights of the Holy See asked.

“I’m fine with either!”Kohen laughed. With his strength, even if he closed his eyes, he would still be able to completely defeat the two Holy See Knights. Therefore, the competition was not important at all.

“Then let’s have a spar of martial arts.”The leader of the Holy See was still very conservative. He was afraid that a weapon without eyes would cause accidental injuries, so he chose to use martial arts.

“Alright! You Guys Go!”Kohen laughed.

“Ah?”The Two Holy See Knights were stunned. They had originally planned to have a one-on-one sparring match, but looking at the guy in front of them, he wanted them to come together!

“Don’t just stand there, you two come together!”Kohen smiled and said.

“Alright then, we won’t be polite!”The Two Holy See Knights looked at each other. Since the other party was so arrogant, they would not be polite.

“Take This!”A Holy See Knight rushed forward and punched Kohen. At the same time, another Holy See Knight slid to the side and attacked Kohen’s left rib.

“Hehe…”kohen smiled slightly. In his eyes, these two holy see knights were as fast as a snail. With a slight flash of his body, the Two Holy See Knights lost their target.

“Where are they? !”The Two Holy See Knights were stunned because Kohen had suddenly disappeared from under their eyes.

“Pa! Pa!”Kohen appeared behind the two of them. Then, he struck the back of their heads and each of them received a ladle!

“Ouch!”The Two Holy See Knights’faces turned red. Kohen did not hit them hard, but it was too humiliating. What was the difference between an adult teasing a child? Instantly, the two knights of the Holy See were embarrassed.

“Thanks for letting me win,”Kohen said with a smile.

“Sorry for making a fool of myself, seniors.”The leader of the Knights of the Holy See blushed. He finally realized the difference between him and them. These two were at least experts of the fifth rank!

However, the Knight of the Holy See clearly did not expect that even though he had identified Andrew and Kohen as experts of the fifth rank, he had still underestimated them. After all, experts of the fifth rank on Earth only had a combat power of more than 10,000, and these two “Players”were super experts with combat strength of over 30,000,000.

“Hehe, just playing around,”Cohen said with a laugh. He simply appeared to have nothing better to do and was wasting his time here.

“Alright, we should go,”Andrew urged.

“Wait, you two!”The leading Holy See Knight said.

“Is there anything else?”Andrew was a little impatient. As a “Player,”although he did not want to bully the weak and had his own bottom line, fundamentally, he still looked down on these npcs, again, these were still low-level npcs in front of him!

“Gentlemen, my companions have already gone to inform the pope. I think the pope will be very willing to meet you!”When the Holy See Knight mentioned the Pope, his face was full of respect, he even felt that it was the Pope’s honor to meet these two people in front of him.

However, obviously, Andrew and Kohen did not see it that way.

“Alright, I won’t play with You Anymore!”After Kohen had played enough, he did not have the mood to stay here anymore.

“Gentlemen! Wait! His Holiness the Pope invites the two of you to go and have a chat!”The Knight of the church who had left earlier returned.

“Hehe… if he calls us, do we have to go? Who does he think he is?”Andrew was a little angry. He felt that these low-level npcs were pushing their luck.

“How dare you! How dare you be so impudent! This is the Holy See!”The two knights of the Holy See were also angry, although they couldn’t beat Andrew and Cohen, the Holy See did have experts of the fifth rank. These two actually dared to insult the pope in the Holy See. How could they tolerate such humiliation?

“Are you done?”Andrew was completely enraged. From the start, he didn’t want to waste time with these low-level npcs, but Cohen insisted on staying here to play. There was nothing he could do, now, these low-level npcs actually dared to speak to him in such a manner. This made him furious!

“You two heretics, hurry up and repent to the Pope!”The two knights of the Holy See felt that the experts on their side had come to help, so they became even more confident.

“Get lost!”Andrew roared angrily. Just the sound waves alone had sent the two knights of the Holy See flying backwards. Then, they lay on the ground and spat out blood. The weaker one couldn’t even get up.

“Who dares to be so impudent in the Holy See!”The three experts of the fifth rank of the Holy See rushed over, but they clearly hadn’t realized what kind of enemy they were facing.

“A bunch of noisy flies!”Andrew was truly enraged. He didn’t say anything else, and directly attacked the three experts of the Holy See.

“Bang, Bang, Bang…”the three experts of the fifth rank of the Holy See didn’t even see how Andrew had attacked, and they had already been beaten until their bodies exploded and died. The difference in strength between the two sides was too great, and there was simply no room for confrontation, after Andrew’s killing intent rose, they were destined to die.

Andrew’s sudden killing intent caused the entire Holy See to fall silent. Even the pope understood that they had offended someone they shouldn’t have offended. Although those three experts of the fifth rank weren’t considered the strongest within the Holy See.., but to be instantly killed by someone was too terrifying. This sort of enemy wasn’t someone they could fight against!

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