The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2203

Chapter 2203: Chapter 2196 Dungeon Quest

Translator: 549690339

“How about it? Do you have any suggestions?”Asked Vinylon.

“Cut the crap. Didn’t you come looking for me because you wanted me to be the final BOSS?”Jiang Fei rolled his eyes. He knew that Vinylon would come looking for him like a night owl who would come to his house for no reason. However, it was related to earth.., it was related to his family and friends. How could Jiang Fei just sit back and do nothing?

To put it bluntly, the relationship between Jiang Fei and Vellan was one of mutual help and mutual use. Jiang Fei wanted to know the development team’s movements through Vellan. He hoped that Vellan could help him deal with some of the details so that he would not be targeted by the development team.

Vellan hoped that Jiang Fei would come and disrupt the development team so that he could delay the game time. He wanted Jiang Fei to have the time to find an opportunity to free himself and the entire universe so that he could be free.

Now, Vinylon was clearly scheming against Jiang Fei. Jiang Fei also knew Vinylon’s purpose. However, he had no choice. For the sake of his family and friends, and to protect Earth, he had to be the BOSS, in order to continue fighting with the development team, he had to continue working with vinylon even if he knew that Vinylon was scheming against him.

“Hehe, I’m just making a suggestion. If you don’t agree, I won’t force you…”vinylon was still the same. Jiang Fei was both angry and helpless.

“Alright, cut the crap. I’ll take care of this BOSS. Tell me the details of the dungeon,”Jiang Fei said unhappily.

“Alright!”Vinylon had expected Jiang Fei to go back and take care of this BOSS, so he had already prepared the information.

Jiang Fei took a palm computer from Vinylon’s hand and began to look through the relevant information.

It turned out that this dungeon was a personal adventure type. The development team had specially prepared it for “Super VIP players”. There were five stages in total. The rewards for each stage were very generous. The bosses for the first four stages had already been selected, vinylon came to Jiang Fei to ask him to be the final BOSS.

“Can we wipe them out?”Jiang Fei asked after reading through the information.

“Of course!”Vinylon smiled and replied.

“Oh?”Jiang Fei did not expect vinylon to agree so readily.

“Anyway, after you kill them, they will be reborn at the dungeon entrance. So, it doesn’t matter how many times you kill them,”Vinylon explained.

“What do you mean? Don’t tell me that they can farm endlessly?”Jiang Fei frowned.

“Yes. Of course, they will not give up after one kill. They will definitely try a few more times,”Vinylon said.

“Then what do you mean? Don’t tell me that the final result is for them to kill me and then clear the dungeon?”Jiang Fei rolled his eyes. If it was really like playing a game, the “Players”would not stop until they cleared the dungeon.

“Act like it. Kill them a few times and then sell your weakness to surrender. Anyway, once you surrender, you’ll be invincible. Just make up a few lines and you’ll be done,”said vinylon with a shrug.

“What do you mean?”Jiang Fei was dumbfounded. This was too sloppy!

“You have to understand. These guys are all ‘Super VIP’. They are rich. They have spent money. Therefore, this dungeon is just to give them some rewards. Who cares about the process?”Vinylon rolled his eyes as well.

“F * ck, all the games that cheat money are the same!”Jiang Fei cursed silently. He had been like this when he was playing the game. VIP players were not the same as normal players, or perhaps, normal players were also one of the entertainment items for VIP players!

“How is it? This quest is free.”Vinylon smiled and said.

“But if it’s so simple, why are you looking for me? Why Don’t you just find a random person or simply create an NPC?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Sigh! Isn’t this for your own good? If those ‘VIP players’were to enter the dungeon directly after arriving on Earth, of course, I could look for anyone. But what if they don’t enter the dungeon and go somewhere else to play first? Earth is your territory. If I don’t inform you, how can we work together in the future?”Said vinylon as he shrugged.

“So, they will still harm earth?”Jiang Fei frowned.

“I’m just saying that it’s possible,”said vinylon.

“Then what should I do? Kill them?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Theoretically, it’s possible!”Vinylon said with a strange smile on his face.

“What do you mean?”Jiang Fei was stunned.

“When you are outside the dungeon, I will give you a ‘player’identity! You can totally kill them in the name of PK. Moreover, you can pick up their equipment!”Said Vinylon.

“There’s such a good thing?”Jiang Fei was stunned.

“Of course,”vinylon replied.

“Alright, when does the dungeon start?”Jiang Fei asked.

“About seven days later,”vinylon replied.

“Seven days? Then I won’t be able to return to Earth in time!”Jiang Fei said.

“It doesn’t matter! Take This!”Vinylon said as he handed Jiang Fei a wristwatch.

“What is this?”Jiang Fei asked.

“The red button lit up, which means that a ‘player’has entered the dungeon. Once you press it, it will appear at the position of the final BOSS. The blue button is the teleport button to Earth. However, the position is random. The yellow button is the return button. After you complete the quest and let the ‘players’clear the dungeon, you can press that button to return to Skoda Star,”explained Veron.

“How long do I have to stay on Earth?”Jiang Fei asked. Based on what Vinylon said, he could not just let the “Players”pass the test.

“At least let them try seven or eight times,”vinylon said.

“That’s good.”Jiang Fei nodded.

“Alright, I have already told you the quest. The rest is up to you!”Vinylon said and left, leaving behind the radar officer who had a blank look on his face.

“Sigh, it’s time to go home and take a look!”Said Jiang Fei as he touched the watch on his wrist. He had been away from home for a few years. Although there was a time flow deficit in the House of time and the five directions, after deducting this.., it had been three to four years since he last met his parents.

After returning to the bridge, Jiang Fei said to Aurelia, “Get everyone here. I have something to say.”

“Okay!”Aurelia agreed and quickly gathered the girls to the bridge.

“Ah Fei, What’s Wrong?”Nina asked.

“Yes, husband. What happened? Do you need to call all of us over?”Bella asked curiously.

“I have to go back to Earth for a while. I might be away for a month or two,”Jiang Fei said.

“Why? Did something happen on Earth?”Bella asked.

“It’s like this…”Jiang Fei then told everyone what Veron had said.

“Do you want us to go with you?”Hua Mulan asked.

“No need. This thing can only teleport me. You Won’t be able to get there in time,”Jiang Fei said as he pointed at the wristwatch on his wrist.

“Oh!”The girls could not help but feel a little disappointed.

“Alright, don’t be disappointed. Next, you have to help Aurelia fight together!”Jiang Fei said to the girls.

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