The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2183

Chapter 2183: Chapter 2176, sniping

Translator: 549690339

“Open code communication? The other side surrendered?”Aurelia guessed the other party’s intention as soon as she heard it.

“Should we take it over?”Asked lux.

“Take it over!”Said Aurelia. At the same time, she gave another order to lux, “Charge the main cannon and enter the Overload State!”

“Yes!”Lux immediately carried out the order after receiving it. Azrael entered the overload state again.

With such frequent use of the overload state, it was not enough to rely on the anti-matter carried by the Titan itself. Fortunately, there was more than one dunov-class battlecruiser beside Azrael, after these main ships activated the quantum magnetic field, they all began to provide anti-matter energy support to Azrael, so that when it used the super weapon, it would not have to worry about the consequences.

“Shua!”A light flashed on the big screen, and the bright code communication was picked up.

“Respected commander of the imperial army, I am the captain of the Resistance’s main ship, the carrier-class carrier, the Galactica. My name is Bohm.”A middle-aged man dressed in major general Vasari’s uniform appeared on the screen.

“General Bohm, may I ask what is the matter?”Aurelia also asked despite knowing the answer. At this time, the other party picked up the communication, could it be that there was something else?

“Our commander, Lieutenant General Govila, made a serious mistake in the battle, causing the fleet to fall into a desperate situation.”Bohm’s first sentence was to push the responsibility of the fleet’s failure onto Govila, although the ambush was indeed due to Govila’s carelessness, his words of shirking responsibility also displayed the arrogance and conceit of Vasari’s military officials. Bohm’s subtext was very obvious, if it wasn’t for the good-for-nothing Godora, they wouldn’t have lost the battle.

“Yes.”Aurelia nodded. At the same time, he glanced at the projection of Lux beside him. Lux gestured to Aurelia, indicating that the main cannon’s charging progress had reached 70% .

“Now Lieutenant General Godora has left us and escaped alone. After discussing with the other captains, I have decided to surrender to you. Although we are not afraid of dying in battle, we will not use the lives of millions of soldiers to pay for Godora’s cowardice!”Although Bohm was surrendering.., he could still speak with a sense of righteousness.

“Surrender?”Aurelia pondered for a moment. At this moment, the main cannon’s charging rate had reached 85% .

“…”Bohm looked at Aurelia quietly. Although women did not have any status within the Vassali Legion, but at this moment, their fleet.., the lives of millions of people were all in the hands of this woman in front of him.

“Good! I accept your surrender!”Aurelia said. At this time, the charge of the Titan main cannon had reached 90% .

“Then I will immediately order the fleet to turn off the shield and extinguish the engine.”Bohm was very tactful. Under such circumstances, if they did not take the initiative to extinguish the engine and turn off the shield, who knew if they were faking their surrender?

“You don’t have to turn off the engines. At the same time as you turn off the shields, immediately move fifteen degrees to the left!”Aurelia ordered.

“Yes! My Lord!”Although Bohm did not understand Aurelia’s intentions, since Aurelia had given the order, how could they have the right to hesitate at this moment?

Thus, the surrendered rebel fleet immediately turned off their shields, leaving the hull completely exposed, allowing the imperial fleet to slaughter them. At the same time, they began to move to the left, they gave way to the area directly in front of Azrael.

At this time, Godora’s ship had already run far away. The distance between them and Azrael was almost three times the range of the main ship. In everyone’s perception, they had already escaped safely, therefore, Godora had already ordered the thrusters to be shut down and the warp engines to be activated.

“Sister, charge is complete!”Lux’s voice rang out.

“Lock onto the enemy ship! Fire!”Aurelia gave the order, and the ultra-heavy electromagnetic railgun of the Azrael immediately emitted a bright light. A fusion alloy bullet headed straight for Godora’s ship.

“Fire from so far away? Will it work?”Actually, when Aurelia ordered the rebel fleet to move aside.., these captains had already guessed what she was trying to do, but now that Godora had already run so far away, it was already a very safe distance. Even if they fired, they would not be able to do anything to him!


“Alert! Alert! Super reaction from the rear!”

“We have been locked on by the Super Main Cannon!”

“Alert! Alert! An attack is imminent!”

“Alert! This ship is about to suffer a destructive attack! Please proceed to the lifeboat immediately!”

For a moment, the alarm in Godora’s flagship was raised. At this time, the battleship was activating its warp engine. At this time, its thrusters were completely shut down, and it was impossible for it to make any evasive moves.

“Quickly prepare the lifeboat!”Godora shouted loudly. At the same time, he rushed out of the bridge, wanting to enter the lifeboat, but it was already too late!

“Boom!”With a loud sound, Godora’s ship was pierced through by the energy-gathering alloy bullet. Its powerful shield was almost useless, like a weak soap bubble, the moment the bullet hit, it was destroyed.

“Boom Boom Boom Boom…”the main ship that was pierced through had a tragic antimatter explosion. None of the lifeboats were able to escape. Even the lucky ones that rushed into the lifeboat did not have time to escape, they were all affected by the martyrdom and were all buried together with the main battleship!

“This…”the surrendered generals that yupm represented were all dumbfounded. What kind of main cannon was this? It could actually fire from three times the range of the main battleship. Moreover, it had such terrifying destructive power. One strike could destroy a main battleship with its full shield.

“Oh my God!”

“Luckily, we surrendered! I heard that the imperial army’s attitude towards captives is not bad. They won’t be sold into slavery, right?”

“Don’t worry. We captains are all talented wherever we go. They won’t let us work as coolies. At the very least, we’ll become instructors at the Military Academy.”

While these captains were shocked, they were also glad that they had made the wisest choice. If they had stubbornly resisted to the end or escaped with Godora, they would have become space trash by now.

“Alright, General Bohm, tell your fleet to turn off the engine. Later, there will be more Marines boarding the ship to check.”At this time, Aurelia ordered the rebel fleet to turn off the engine.

“Yes! Sir.”At this point, could Bohm and the others say anything else? Just the attack from the Azrael’s main cannon had completely suppressed them, so they all obediently carried out Aurelia’s orders.

Following that, the marines of Aurelia’s fleet began to board the landing craft and head towards the resistance warships. Other than forcibly seizing the enemy’s warships, their greatest function was actually to surrender, after all, it was impossible for the Imperial Army’s own crew and captain to receive the warships captured during battle. At this time, they could only let the Marines monitor the officers and soldiers on the enemy’s warships.

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