The Almighty Ring

Chapter 2157

Chapter 2157: Chapter 2151 was about to be completed

Translator: 549690339

“Are you trying to say something?”Jiang Fei asked.

“UH… I. . .”Unintentional did not know what else to say. He had only heard the news. As for how the Life Extension Center had produced so many children.., he also did not know what the relationship between the development team and the Life Extension Center was.

“How come I don’t know about this?”The Yuan family’s special envoy was at a loss.

“Why do you need to know?”Unintentional turned around and asked.

“Because I was born from the Life Extension Center,”the Yuan family’s special envoy replied. Because the natural fertility of the gamma space people was extremely low, 90% of the people were born from the Life Extension Center, therefore, it was not surprising that he was born there.

“I don’t know either. I heard it from my brother. His father seems to be a small official in the government.”Unintentional shrugged. He had really heard about this from hearsay, as for whether the life extension center was really related to the development team, he was not very sure.

“Alright…”Jiang Fei nodded. Although he did not manage to get any valuable information from these two guys, this information could be considered a breakthrough. At the very least, these two guys were willing to cooperate, they were willing to say something about the gamma space.

Although Jiang Fei was not sure whether what he said was true or not, he still decided to continue digging on this issue.

Therefore, Jiang Fei asked the Yuan family’s special envoy, “Since You Came from the Life Extension Center, can you describe the situation there?”

“HMM…”the Yuan family’s special envoy pondered for a moment, then, he said, “Actually, there’s nothing much to say. It’s more like an orphanage. I’ve lived there since I can remember. I was sent to school later, and then I was just like them, children with parents.”

From the Yuan family’s special envoy’s tone, Jiang Fei did not hear any complaints or feel that the world was unfair. That was because 90% of the children in the gamma space were like the Yuan family’s special envoy, children with parents like Wuxin were the minority. Therefore, they would not feel that they were different from others.

“That’s it?”Jiang Fei was a little disappointed. In his opinion, if the development team was related to this so-called life extension center, then this Life Extension Center should be weird, however, it was just like an ordinary orphanage. This was a little unreasonable.

“Could it be that someone is lying?”Jiang Fei thought to himself. Because the description of the unintentional and the Yuan family’s special envoy seemed to conflict, Jiang Fei felt that at least one of the two people was lying.

“HMM… if there’s anything strange about the life extension center, it’s that it has two forbidden areas. We are strictly forbidden to enter there. I saw a little friend quietly crawl in, and I never saw him again! “Although the teachers said that the child has been adopted, we do not dare to go to those restricted areas anymore,”the Yuan family’s special envoy added.

“Oh?”Jiang Fei raised his eyebrows. If that was the case, then it made sense. It seemed that the life extension center indeed had secrets. However, what exactly were the secrets, ordinary people like unintentional and the Yuan family’s special envoy did not have the chance to come into contact with it.

After that, Jiang Fei chatted with the two guys for a while. Although he could not learn the true nature of the gamma space from them, he had also discovered many secrets about that space.

“Sigh! It seems like understanding it still depends on myself!”Jiang Fei asked repeatedly, in the end, he could not get any information about the space from unintentional and the Yuan family’s special envoy. Therefore, he had no choice but to give up this shortcut.

After coming out of the inheritance space, Jiang Fei frowned. According to unintentional and the Yuan family’s envoy, the so-called life extension center was related to the development team, and the development team was the main culprit that turned this universe into a game, then, what role did the Life Extension Center play in this?

Jiang Fei shook his head hard. For a moment, Jiang Fei could not understand the connection. The main reason was that he knew too little information!

Based on the information that Jiang Fei had, it was not enough for him to analyze such a huge system. Therefore, Jiang Fei had no choice but to put this matter aside. The most important thing now was to understand the profoundness of the legacy space, only by improving his own strength could he be qualified to talk about other things.

Time flowed like water. The Sun and the Moon moved like a shuttle. While Jiang Fei was in closed-door cultivation, another two months had passed in the outside world. At this time, most of the components needed to build the Titan had been produced, they had also been transported to the battleship factory in space.

The original space dock could no longer be used. Although the main battleship factory’s space dock was already big enough, compared to a super battleship like the Titan, this dock was still too small.

Therefore, during these two months, Aurelia led a group of engineers and built another Titan factory next to the original main battleship factory. This factory had only one mission, that was to build a Titan for Jiang Fei.

Due to the neutron star core suppression technology, it was not available in this universe. Moreover, after Jiang Fei robbed the kratosk-class Titan, the development team must have made corresponding modifications, it was almost impossible for Jiang Fei to have a second chance to steal the neutron star core.

Therefore, this dusk-class Titan of the gods might be Jiang Fei’s only Titan. Its construction had extraordinary significance in the entire Skoda star.

“Sister Aurelia, those engineers have already begun to assemble the Titan’s outer shell. They asked me to ask, how is the power system now?”Ariel rushed into Aurelia’s office.

“I just went to the secret laboratory yesterday. The chief engineer there said that the energy transformation device has reached the final testing stage. I believe that it won’t be long before our Titan will have a heart with unlimited power!”Aurelia said.

“That’s Great!”Ariel exclaimed happily. However, she immediately became disappointed. “I wonder how hubby is doing. He actually went into seclusion for so long…”

“Yesterday, Hua Mulan came out of the time room. I heard that Ah Fei is still meditating,”said Aurelia.

“HMPH! Even sister Mulan, a cultivation maniac, knows to rest. Did hubby suffer some kind of stimulation?”Said Ariel with a pout.

“Perhaps AFEI’s cultivation has reached a critical moment,”Aurelia guessed. She herself was not focused on cultivation, and her heart was completely focused on the fleet, although the talent of the people of odora allowed her to have around ten million combat power, Aurelia really did not know much about cultivation.

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