The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1711 - origins  

Chapter 1711: Chapter 1711 origins

“Kid, you’re not from Stellar Star, are you?”The middle-aged man did not answer Jiang Fei’s question.

“Yes, I’m from the town star.”This time, Jiang Fei did not mention that he was from the planet Mars. In the face of such a powerful beast, he planned to continue to raise the flag of the town Star’s Yuan family so that he would have more protection.

“Town star? Kid, What’s Your Name?”The middle-aged man asked.

“My surname is Yuan, and my name is Yuan Shao.”Jiang Fei still used his fake name.

“You’re from the Yuan Family? But aren’t the Yuan family all proficient in fire-type martial arts?”The middle-aged man clearly knew about the four big families.

“Yes!”Jiang Fei nodded. Then, the origin energy in his body quickly transformed into fire-type.

“Dual cultivation of wood and fire? Good Talent!”The middle-aged man’s eyes immediately lit up, when Jiang Fei was refining pills, he had clearly seen that Jiang Fei’s wood-type spiritual energy was very pure. Now that he had displayed such pure fire-type spiritual energy, he was truly a rare genius.

“Senior, you flatter me!”Jiang Fei said very humbly.

“Then, what is your purpose in coming to stellar star?”The middle-aged man asked again.

“I came to stellar star on one hand to gain experience, and on the other hand to learn wood-type martial arts. It’s almost time for me to go home. Otherwise, my family would be worried!”Jiang Fei answered the middle-aged man’s question, at the same time, he warned the middle-aged man not to have any designs on him. He had a powerful backer behind him.

“HMM! With your ability, I believe that you will definitely be placed in an important position when you return to the Yuan family!”The middle-aged man nodded.

“I hope so…”Jiang Fei pretended to be polite to the middle-aged man. At the same time, he was anxious. Until now, he did not know what the middle-aged man was planning to do. Moreover, based on the strength of the middle-aged man.., he did not dare to show any signs of anxiety.

“By the way, have you been to the Greenwood Forest a few days ago?”The middle-aged man suddenly asked. However, this sentence scared Jiang Fei. Not only had he been to the Greenwood Forest, but he had also killed many ferocious beasts, who knew if this super ferocious beast was here to settle the score with him?

“I have been there.”Although Jiang Fei was worried, he did not dare to lie.

“Okay.”The middle-aged man nodded and stopped talking.

“Senior, what is it that you want?”Jiang Fei asked tentatively.

“Sigh! Actually, nothing much. I just want to see her…”the middle-aged man sighed.

“Her?”Jiang Fei looked back and forth in confusion. There was no other girl besides Bella.

“I forgot to introduce myself. I’m Huo Jinghua. I used to live in the Greenwood Forest as well,”said the middle-aged man.

“Huo Jinghua? Your surname is Huo! ?”A thought suddenly flashed through Jiang Fei’s mind. Then, he lowered his head and looked at the jade-green bracelet on his right hand.

Of course, the bracelet on Jiang Fei’s wrist was not an emerald bracelet. Instead, it was the illusionary snake Lord Huo Qingcheng who had been beaten back to her original form!

“You… She…”Jiang Fei looked at the middle-aged man in front of him. He did not know what to say.

“That’s right. She’s my daughter,”Huo Jinghua nodded and said.

“I’m sorry, senior. She’s like this because of me…”Jiang Fei said apologetically. He did not say that because of Huo Jinghua’s strength. Instead, he really felt that he owed Huo Qingcheng something, if this girl was not trying to warn him, she would not have been injured so badly by the bloodthirsty demonic vine.

“Can I take a look at her?”Huo Jinghua ignored Jiang Fei’s apology. Instead, her eyes were fixed on the jade ring on Jiang Fei’s wrist.

“Okay!”Jiang Fei gently took off the jade ring. Then, he carefully placed both of his hands in front of Huo Jinghua.

“Sigh!”Huo Jinghua sighed and gently took the jade ring.

“Swish!”Just as Huo Jinghua took the jade ring, his hands glowed with a green light. The green light enveloped the jade ring and was continuously absorbed by the jade ring.

Jiang Fei could clearly feel that Huo Jinghua was injecting the life energy in his body into Huo Qingcheng’s body. It seemed that he really loved his daughter very much.

After about half an hour, the green light in Huo Jinghua’s hand disappeared. At this time, he looked like he had aged more than ten years. There was even white hair on his temples, the Age of a ferocious beast was measured in hundreds or even thousands of years. Huo Jinghua could clearly see that he was old. From this, it could be seen how much he had sacrificed for his daughter.

“Treat her well!”Huo Jinghua returned the jade ring to Jiang Fei.

“Senior, don’t you want to take Qingcheng Away?”Jiang Fei asked curiously. He thought that Huo Jinghua would take Huo Qingcheng away.

“I originally wanted to take her away, but since she has chosen you, then you should treat her well!”Huo Jinghua sighed. He did not expect his daughter to actually sign a contract with this human.

“But…”Jiang Fei was about to say something else, but Huo Jinghua interrupted him.

“Alright, you don’t have to say anymore. I respect Qingcheng’s choice. However, if you dare to let her down, I will not let you off!”Huo Jinghua said with a serious face.

“Yes!”Jiang Fei saw that Huo Jinghua was about to fly into a rage, so he did not dare to say anything more.

“Sigh! If I had known that Wan Li would actually dare to hurt my daughter, I would not have kept him alive!”Huo Jinghua snorted coldly.

“You Know Wan Li Too?”Jiang Fei asked.

“HMPH! That kid could be said to have been raised by me alone. When I left, I even asked him to take care of Qingcheng. I did not expect him to be such an ungrateful person!”Once Wan Li was mentioned, Huo Jinghua was furious.

“I have already killed him. Senior, Please Don’t be angry anymore,”Jiang Fei advised.

“HMM! Consider this kid lucky. If he had not died at your hands, I would have made his life a living hell!”Huo Jinghua said fiercely.

“Oh right, senior, why did you leave the Greenwood Forest in the first place?”Jiang Fei asked.

“Sigh! This is the rule of the fierce beast world. Once you successfully transcend the tribulation and enter the true immortal level, you must leave your home and head to the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain in the town star!”Huo Jinghua said helplessly.

“Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain?”Jiang Fei was very confused.

“Haven’t you heard of it? How does the Yuan family educate the next generation?”Huo Jinghua frowned as she looked at Jiang Fei and asked.

“I was just a bastard in the Yuan family. My abilities were all created when I was outside. I obtained them by chance.”As Huo Jinghua had been to planet calming down, Jiang Fei’s previous lies were not complete, he had to make up more lies to cover up his lies.

“You are also a poor child. However, your luck is very good. It was not easy for you to achieve what you have today!”Huo Jinghua sighed.

“Yes, my luck is indeed pretty good.”Jiang Fei was not modest at all. If his luck was not good, he would still be on earth fighting for the college entrance exam.

“Where are you going next?”Huo Jinghua asked.

“I’m planning to return to planet calming.”Jiang Fei said. Although he had not been to two of the four outer planets, he had been delayed for so long in stellar star. The ten directions crystal on Tai Bai had probably been stolen long ago, therefore, there was no point in going anymore. It was better to head straight to planet calming.

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