The Almighty Ring

Chapter 1559 - the Law of loss  

Chapter 1559: Chapter 1559: the Law of loss

“One more step… one more step…”Jiang Fei’s words filled Aldo’s mind!

At that moment, Aldo was already the prime minister under one man. What did one more step mean?

However, it was impossible for him to become the emperor with just words. Although the old emperor was old, he had never heard of passing the throne to his brother-in-law!

Therefore, if Aldo wanted to become an emperor, there was only one way to go. He had to violently overthrow the current emperor and then ascend the throne himself!

To usurp the throne, no matter which dynasty it was in, was a capital crime. It was possible that his entire family would be executed, exterminated, and even buried!

However! The golden throne of the Emperor was tempting him right in front of Aldo’s eyes. This temptation was irresistible!

“Cheers!”In the end, Aldo gritted his teeth. He was now facing a certain death. If his sister fell out of favor, a person like him who relied on his nepotism to rise to power would almost certainly be removed from power, his previous arrogant behavior had offended many people. Once he was removed from power, he would probably be doomed.

Since he was going to die anyway, why not take a risk?

Therefore, under Jiang Fei’s persuasion, Aldo decided to take the risk!

“Then, what do I need to do? Please teach me, Sir!”Aldo walked to Jiang Fei and bowed deeply.

“This is very simple!”Jiang Fei smiled slightly, then, he said to Aldo, “You will enter the palace tomorrow and tell the emperor that the slaves he rewarded to others deliberately delayed their journey, causing them to not be able to reach Mala in three days. When that time comes, the emperor will definitely lose face because even the slaves do not follow his orders!”

“But those slaves were delayed because of the heavy rain in the south!”Aldo said with a puzzled face.

“Why do you care so much? The Old Emperor spends all his time in the harem. What does he know? Just do as I say!”Jiang Fei smiled and said.

“Then the emperor will definitely be angry!”Although Aldo was not very capable, he knew the old emperor’s temper very well.

“That would be the best. Remember, you only have one goal. Get the Emperor to give the order: if you miss the deadline, you will be executed!”Jiang Fei continued to instigate.

“What do you mean?”Aldo, who was born poor, had never read any books, so he did not understand what Jiang Fei meant.

“The meaning is very simple. As long as the slaves do not reach the deadline, they will be executed!”Jiang Fei smiled coldly. This move of his was like drawing a tiger from a cat. Back then, Jiang Fei’s results were average, however, he also knew the cause of the Farmers’War at the end of the Qin dynasty!

As long as the old emperor gave such an order, the heavy rain would destroy the road. The slaves would definitely not be able to reach Mara on time. Since they would all be killed if they missed the deadline, then as long as someone instigated them, the slaves would definitely rebel!

“What’s the use of executing the slaves?”At this point, Aldo still did not understand Jiang Fei’s intention.

“Sigh! How could you be so stupid? If these slaves were to rebel and a million people directly revolted outside Mala city, do you think Mala City would be able to stop them?”Jiang Fei sneered, although the Norton Empire also had a large number of elite troops, with the production level of this era, it was impossible for them to gather their troops near the capital because the logistics could not be satisfied.

A mud city like Marla city would not be able to hold out until reinforcements arrived. Therefore, it was almost certain that the city would fall.

“You can do that? !”After listening to Jiang Fei’s explanation, Aldo came to a realization.

“When we break through the palace and kill the old emperor, those slaves will definitely not dare to become the emperor themselves. When that time comes, I will take the lead in electing you as the Prime Minister. Naturally, you will ascend the throne as the Emperor!”Jiang Fei had painted a big picture for Aldo.

“That’s Great!”At that moment, Aldo was already blinded by desire.

“So, the order to kill all the slaves must be given by the old emperor. You must announce it repeatedly when you give the order. Otherwise, if those angry slaves want to kill you, I won’t be able to stop them!”Jiang Fei did not forget to remind him.

“Yes, yes! Of course! Of course!”Since it was related to his own life, Aldo naturally remembered it.

After everything was settled, Jiang Fei and the rest went to rest, leaving Aldo alone. He was so excited that he could not sleep for the entire night.

Of course, Jiang Fei only told Aldo a part of his plan. In his plan, Aldo had no chance of becoming the emperor. Even if he did, it would only be a flash in the pan.

Jiang Fei’s goal was to destroy the “Player”quest. Therefore, the more lively the planet was, the lower the probability of the “Player”getting the population. When the slaves broke through Mala.., jiang Fei would immediately announce a declaration of emancipation that he copied from Uncle Lincoln!

No one would be willing to become a slave. Although they were currently slaves, they would definitely want to break free. Since the same slave could break through the capital of Mala.., why couldn’t they?

In addition, Jiang Fei had made a declaration of emancipation in Mala. The slaves in other places would definitely follow suit. They would definitely rise up and revolt. When that happened, the entire Norton Planet would be in chaos.

In an era of war, what was the most important asset? Population! Because only people could fight, especially in this era of cold weapons. People meant the foundation of War!

When that time came, no leader of any faction would hand over a million people to others. Those players’quests on Norton Planet would basically be useless!

Ever since Jiang Fei had fused with the blackened soul, he had become much more decisive in killing. If it was the past him, he would definitely consider how many innocent people would die if he did this because it would cause the entire planet to fall into chaos, it would definitely cause the deaths of a large number of civilians.

However, Jiang Fei no longer cared about these details. What he wanted to do was to save the entire universe. Not to mention millions of people, even if it was a planet with hundreds of millions of people, he could sacrifice it just like that!

The night passed very quickly. The next morning, Aldo entered the palace. Ever since he had made his fortune, he had never woken up so early.

From this, it could be seen that the temptation of desire could even change a person’s nature!

In the afternoon, Aldo returned to his residence. From his smug expression, needless to say, he had succeeded!

As expected, Aldo received the order from the old emperor to “Kill all those who fail to meet their expectations”, and the process was quite easy!

First of all, although the old emperor was a wise ruler when he was young, his mind had long been muddle-headed due to the passing of time and his lingering in the harem. When he heard that the slaves actually dared to disobey his orders.., he was so angry that he broke many things. At this moment, with a slight suggestion from Aldo, he immediately approved the decree!

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