Take My Breath Away

Chapter 926 - You Don't Deserve Her

Sheffield warned, "You have run out of time, Calvert. And since you've made your bed, you will lie in it. Tomorrow's headlines will say that the handsome Prince Ji slayed his own wrist and died."

Rowena screamed and grabbed Sheffield's wrist immediately. "Please! Don't hurt my brother! Calvert, let go of her!"

Sheffield's eyes clouded with disgust as he stared at the hand on his wrist. "Take your dirty hand off of me."

Rowena blushed with embarrassment and let go of him quickly.

Calvert hesitantly let go of Evelyn. He stared coldly at Sheffield as he told her, "Evelyn, I'm not letting you go. You're going to be my woman eventually."

Sheffield blew on the scalpel and sneered, "Everyone can dream, but not all dreams come true." He put away the scalpel, held Evelyn's hand and pressed the elevator button.

"Don't be so cocky, Sheffield. I'll propose to her soon. Uncle Carlos has promised me her hand in marriage." Calvert would take everything he wanted, at any cost.

His words didn't bother Sheffield. He kissed Evelyn's long hair and mocked Calvert, "Oh please, you are just a man who is in an ambiguous relationship with his sister. Aren't you ashamed to ask Evelyn to marry you? You don't deserve her."

Rowena's expression changed. She explained in an urgent tone, "No! My brother and I are not in that kind of a—"

Sheffield snorted, "Bitch, stop pretending! I've seen more women than you can imagine. I saw through your act the moment I lay my eyes on you. Only an idiot like Calvert will believe you."

Calvert was infuriated. He raised his fist and rushed towards Sheffield. Evelyn swiftly came around and stood in front of Sheffield. "Don't you dare touch him!"

Clenching his fists, Calvert glared at Evelyn and scolded, "Why are you protecting this murderer?"

'Murderer?' Evelyn retorted angrily, "Sheffield is not a murderer! Don't you watch the news? The forensic expert has proved beyond doubt that it was someone else who had injected the patient with unapproved medicine which led to his heart failure. It had nothing to do with Sheffield! You shouldn't accuse people of crimes casually, Mr. Ji. We are adults here and we will be held liable for what we say."

Calvert became furious seeing how passionately she defended the man he hated. How he wished he could kill Sheffield at that moment.

The elevator opened. With a victory smile on his face, Sheffield walked into the elevator with Evelyn in his arms. Before Calvert and Rowena could get in, he pressed the close button and left the fuming pair behind.

After the elevator doors closed, he kissed Evelyn on the cheek and said in a hoarse voice, "Thank you, Evelyn."

'Thank you for trusting me. It's a good feeling.'

Evelyn took a deep breath and looked at him. "For what?"

This time, Sheffield only smiled in response. "Here we are. The first floor. Let's start shopping from here. And we'll continue until the plaza closes. What do you say?"

"There are seven buildings. I don't have that much energy."

"Don't worry. I will carry you." The elevator opened and he led her out.

Evelyn shook her head resignedly. "I've told you many times not to act so arrogantly in front of Calvert. Stop offending him."

Sheffield had never been afraid of Calvert. He behaved more arrogantly than the prince of the powerful Ji family. She wondered whether it was because Sheffield was fearless. 'Or just plain stupid, ' she thought, shaking her head.

If Calvert wanted to give him a hard time, he could do that as easy as plucking a delicate flower. The consequences would be too much for Sheffield to handle.

But Sheffield wasn't bothered. Nevertheless, he nodded obediently. "Yes, my queen. I won't piss him off, if that's your wish." He sighed and continued, "I'll love him, just as you love him so immensely."

She glared at him. 'He should know that I didn't mean it that way.'

With a wide grin, he winked and teased, "Wow, you don't have to be so mad at me. I don't love him. I love only you."

Evelyn slapped his arm as he jogged forward. 'Could I just kick him out of here?'

"Enough about that asshole. Let's shop, and get rid of all your troubles. You will feel happy after a wild shopping spree in Shining International Plaza," he said with a half-serious look.

Evelyn had been in a bad mood all day. He only wanted to make her happy.

She smiled and nodded, "Okay." 'He is right. Some shopping might take my mind off all these things.'

"Good girl." He kissed her gently on her forehead.

They hung out at the Plaza till evening, and bought a lot of things other than clothes. They purchased matching pajamas, slippers and toothbrushes too.

Evelyn had planned to ask Sheffield to stay overnight at her apartment. But as soon as she had put the things they had bought in place, she got a call from Carlos asking her to come back to the manor. Reluctantly, she had to ask Sheffield to drive her back to the manor.

At the manor, Carlos had hired a birthday party planner and had already decorated the living room. He asked Evelyn to come back so that he could know her opinion.

The hues were mainly white and pink, suiting a princess. It wasn't Evelyn's style at all, but as far as Carlos was concerned, she would always remain his beautiful princess.

Moreover, she didn't really care about the decoration. She was just happy to be with her family.

Later that evening, she phoned Sheffield. "Are you in bed?"

He was elated that she had called him. "No, I'm at the hospital," he replied.

"Why are you at the hospital?" Before dropping her back at the manor, he had told her that he was going back to his apartment.

He explained, "The surgeon on duty had something else to handle, so I had to come in to perform the surgery in his stead."

"Oh, okay. I wanted to ask you—"

Before she could finish, a woman's voice came from the other end of the line. "Dr. Tang, we have a new patient. Kidney failure. It doesn't look good. Dr. Zhu wants you to take a look."

"Okay, I'll be right there. Evelyn, I have to go. Talk to you later. Good night."

She nodded. "Okay. Go ahead. Good night."

She was disappointed as she hung up. She had wanted to ask if he was available the next evening. She couldn't ask him earlier, when they had been together.

'Well, I'll just have to ask him tomorrow.'

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